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Aetius from work!

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:10 pm
by mazda
Hello guys

I play Aetius and Gerald Ford and comming soon the Wonderous Artemis Black, reknowned searcher of treasure and hero of wenches :) Basically a roleplaying teller of tall tales and hunter of treasure. But he has to wait for time lol.

Ok so here is my thing. I love the guild, its organised everybody is friendly basically everything is awesome. However I feel bad about having a house loaned or offered that I cannot afford. I mean I was making good gold before I got the house! Since Aetius cant leave ascalon without getting pkd, Gerald cant Blacksmith without getting killed so basically in an unlucky spot. So I have 12k out of three days of work which is crazy. I mean I am not intentionally not getting money together and i am almost going to start a bard as hunting for anything that has more then 300gp loot is dying.

Not complaing or whining but I feel bad about the situation so hopefully people arent freaking out about my lack of contribution. I work tons which is no excuse but i will get some gold gathered my next day off!! Selling ingots isnt happening so am working towards gm smith should have it in a day or two as im at 78 or so. Set up vendor for boards, leather, arrows, and feathers and ingots and weps. So will be ok soon. I need to get focused and get it done so I can get aetius rounded out and pvp practiced to be able to really look forward to one on one confrontations with reds!

Well this is a strange ramble but I am work typing fast before my salesmanager sees me or a customer shows up. Hopefully it makes sense.

In a nutshell I need more time but understand if somebody else wants house as i can live out of a bank until I get cash. Just dont want hand outs and dont want to inconvienance anybody. Cause this is an awesome community. Major chaos, Stagg, Zorn, Liquid something and phantom are the people I have seen regularly and theyre guild chat cracks me up especially from tom? Anyway see you all alter tonight if I can get on not sure whats planned from wife. I see aetius on my uo is dead again, i was macroing eval at the castle on second floor hidden in a little corner but apparently I have been found!! I am telling you I have a beacon that just screams " Hey Brad is gone come kill his ass " :)

Thanks and let me know
Brad/Aetiius, Gerald Ford!