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In search of the ancient City of the Undead

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:53 am
by Acotyllo
I, Acotyllo Lich of the Undead Warlords stand in a new land. A broken land with jagged stones reaching into the sky, deep ravines, unspoiled rivers, treacherous mountains ranges and a sea born out of the depths of the world is before me. Only recently has this land been discovered as for me I have newly discovered this land under some investigating I’m conducting of the rumored ancient city of the undead.

My research has indicated that the undead once ruled this land and were expanding their domain in search of fresh blood. At the Ghost Ship event while the mortals were busy with fodder, a secret shipment was delivered successfully at the predetermined time and place. One of the recovered treasures was the revelation that the undead had ruled most of the world and its capital city was the ancient city of Undead somewhere in these new lands. It also revealed an ancient passage literally right under feet, Vesper cemetery.

I was crestfallen when a clearing open up in front of me only reveal a small town infested by mortals. One thing changed my mood was at the entrance to the town there were ancient obelisks with the runes of the undead. I laugh with glee; these mortals have built their town underneath a whole army of the undead. They are doomed!!

So I walk into town, amused oh how these puny mortals seem to have built several structures made up of the local flora. Easily knocked down or burned by a light force of skeletons. I see a local behind the one large huts and asked her if she knows anything about the city of the undead.

All she cared about was being escorted to the city of Trinsic. By chance I knew where that city was and this small excursion could foster an opportunity to find out if she knew more of the city of undead. She rambled on about a child needing medicine but I paid little attention.

I tried making small talk, but she seemed quiet and distracted.

I try insulting her..nothing.

Until I mention unlimited power.

Now she wanted to talk and beg me to show her the way.

Unfortunately her soul was unfit for the Guardians use, so I left her to rot.

So I continue my quest for the lost city of the undead.

Re: In search of the ncient City of the Undead

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:44 pm
by Esaule
At Acotyllo's command King Haggard the evil Wight laid waste to the mages in the Fire Dungeon. It appears they are in search of ancient texts describing the location of the entrance to the sealed passages to the undead crypts.
