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To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:50 pm
by Meradin
So I have put alittle thought into this, and I think it's at least worth a discussion, I'm sure the topic has been kicked, beat, and left bloody on the floor, but I'm new so humor me.

I come across a interesting concept, Era Accuracy. Game Mechanics wise, the game is accurate as anyone could ask for, besides a few minor complaints, which i cant separate if i am thinking of things before or after T2A so i don't even bother mentioning them. The thing that is inaccurate is the Society, the firm grip in which most of the world rest in, I understand to the masses and new feeling, of heart pounding excitement is impossible to recreate. Understand tho, that this environment, which i flourish in, never existed on any OSI shard. The game moved on, Change came because people needed something new, aswell as a constant attempt to balance PvP, trying to appease the whiners.

Where Origin went wrong, is changing the fundamentals of the game that made it great, the RISK! the FEAR! the ANGER! Being attached to the 10k you had in your pack, because it took WORK to get it. Seeing how as this world in which we play, never existed, never had the chance to grow to the point in which some players have here in the 3 years or however long the shards been up. I see no reason, why some of the changes that came could not be implemented. Repair deeds, Blessed runebooks, new crafting menus, and a long list of things, that could breath new life into UOSA, without changing the fundamentals.

Now i have yet to be killed here on this shard in the 9 days I've been active, but i know what hally mages are, i know how cheap, and twinked they are. I by standards refuse to play a class in which i must exploit a bug to use. I saw a very funny post, "Would you quit UOSA if Hally mages were nerfed?" It is such a funny question, Why put any more favoritism to the hally mage twinky loving gimps, then you do to the I'm sure THOUSANDS, of people who have quit because they cant compete with the insta hit, let alone even begin to understand the game mechanics that make it work! OMG WE DON'T WANNA LOOSE THOSE LEET PVPERS!!!! if they are so leet, then they will figure some other way to be a gimp, I.e exp pots, wands, yadayadayada.

Trust me...I spent 8 years wandering the empty lands of Felucia of OSI after everyone left...a few times i shed tears for the emptyness of Felucia...Wandering hours, knowing every dungeon run by the back of my hand, no longer being able to recall into dungeons, it took time to find the few blues who dared come to Felucia, only to kill them and get only the gold they had on them, then res them just so you had someone to talk to for a moment.... trust me i know what it feels like to cringe from change to remember what they took from all of us, but some things...can bare the weight of change.

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:24 pm
by BlackLeaf
indeed,instead of adding blessed runebooks and the like,and moving towards uor,i would like more a change towards early t2a.

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:00 pm
by iamreallysquall
moving forward into uor is against the goal of the server, now moving backwards with our target date would be more fun :P

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:34 pm
by Meradin
I agree squall, more risk would be better :-).

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:56 am
by Wonko the Sane
If things never change, it will be hard to maintain a player base. Once everyone has done all that there is to do, they'll play less frequently or not at all.

For now, it seems to be no problem, but will everyone's interest still be strong in two more years? Four more years?

For the server to exist as anything other than a museum of the T2A Era I predict that something will eventually have to change.

For example, new dungeons, factions, new houses etc. These could be done while maintaining the T2A ruleset, thus adding to the game but not affecting gameplay.

My two cents. In any case, I'm pretty sure I'll still be around in two years' time.

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:50 am
by BlackLeaf
If things never change, it will be hard to maintain a player base. Once everyone has done all that there is to do, they'll play less frequently or not at all.

For now, it seems to be no problem, but will everyone's interest still be strong in two more years? Four more years?

For the server to exist as anything other than a museum of the T2A Era I predict that something will eventually have to change.
in that event,siege would give everyone a fresh start,a single character to choose (hence one can no more do everything),and a long way to fully develop him.

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:04 am
by Wonko the Sane
At the expense of abandoning everything else though... I think it's more reasonable to accept change on this shard than to start a new one altogether (though siege would be fun).

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:04 am
by fox_phyre
I refuse to humor you. This shard replicates T2A, not whatever players want it to. Live with it, advocate for accurate changes, and/or shut up about stuff that tries to change it from its intended goal.

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:25 am
by Tiwstacain
There is only one think i would like changed on this entire server, and it has to do with hally swing times. Nuff Said.


Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:22 am
by Wonko the Sane
Decent menus would be nice but blessed runebooks are not necessary. They're cheap enough to make a new one if you lose one, and losing stuff should matter to you, or else what's the point?

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:16 pm
by Charla
Meradin, welcome to the shard. Hope you are enjoying this realm.

Derrick had already addressed the rune book blessing. Think that is still in forums.

I was around to watch UO evolve from mostly teens playing to the time more mature folks joined.

I would not want to go backwards with changes. Even thou they are not blessed, I do love rune books.

Anyone else remember the time before them? Had to have a special bag in bank, just holding your runes. You

had to be careful not to accidentaly drop a new rune into the wrong place, if you didn't place it in the proper bag, could take a

long time going through stuff to find it. Meanwhile bank theives dressed in their rags were having a field day with your

inventory. LOL

I think Derrick and the staff do a great job keeping Second Age close to the way T2A was.

Hope you have a long and fun life on the shard.


Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:58 am
by Halbu
but i know what hally mages are, i know how cheap, and twinked they are. I by standards refuse to play a class in which i must exploit a bug to use. I saw a very funny post, "Would you quit UOSA if Hally mages were nerfed?" It is such a funny question, Why put any more favoritism to the hally mage twinky loving gimps, then you do to the I'm sure THOUSANDS, of people who have quit because they cant compete with the insta hit, let alone even begin to understand the game mechanics that make it work!

The current way hally mages work isn't 100% accuracte and is trying to be fixed. That was what the thread was about, it isn't a "nerf" to hally mages, it's a fix to make them more era accurate.

Re: To change? Or not to change? that is the question.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:00 pm
by Meradin
Charla wrote:Meradin, welcome to the shard. Hope you are enjoying this realm.

Derrick had already addressed the rune book blessing. Think that is still in forums.

I was around to watch UO evolve from mostly teens playing to the time more mature folks joined.

I would not want to go backwards with changes. Even thou they are not blessed, I do love rune books.

Anyone else remember the time before them? Had to have a special bag in bank, just holding your runes. You

had to be careful not to accidentaly drop a new rune into the wrong place, if you didn't place it in the proper bag, could take a

long time going through stuff to find it. Meanwhile bank theives dressed in their rags were having a field day with your

inventory. LOL

I think Derrick and the staff do a great job keeping Second Age close to the way T2A was.

Hope you have a long and fun life on the shard.

Thank you, I realize now what i posted was very..for lack of a better word vague. After alot of playing i cant think of one thing i want changed :/ wierd huh. i love it how it is. and yes all the post was about was hally mages, then i realized they are allways trying to make the shard better. i felt silly for the post. :?