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Guild application!

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:06 pm
by Klaine

Been playing UO since before it came out! I started just at the end of the beta and played off and on through UO:R, then a tiny bit on OSI a few years ago (I couldn't even tell you what expansion it was.) I've been on T2A for a while and I'm just returning from a pretty long break. I was part of PoV but they've all but faded away.

I've got 2 chars that I regularly play. I'd like to join with either, or both depending on what you guys need.

Xavier- dexxer
Sword- 100
Tact- 100
Anat- 100
Healing- 97.3
Parry- 92.6
Resist- 94.9
Poisoning- 60.5
I hold up in pvp fairly well if I'm prepaired (pots, trapped pouchs, etc.)

Xanther- mage
Magery- 100
Eval- 100
Med- 97.5
Resist- 51.1
Swords- 63.4
Tact- 48.9
Hiding- 71.2
Tracking- 52.6
Char started out as a ferry for the dexxer and just kinda took off, haven't decided between hiding and tracking or some combo of the 2.

I generally play in the evening, central time.

IRC: Xavier

Re: Guild application!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:33 pm
by Alexandria Rose
welcome back to uosa

Re: Guild application!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:09 pm
by Klaine
Thanks! Seems like I can't ever get away from this game!

Re: Guild application!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:28 am
by Light Shade
Ah, PoV...yeah, remember them. Saw Maleus on Last night. Anywho, welcome back. I saw ya the other day in-game. Look forward to runnin' with ya in-game.
