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UOSA: Walk Across Britannia time poll/consideration!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:47 pm
by Blaise
I propose an event, of sorts, that will require the participation of as many guilds as possible, as well as independent players.
What I envision is a walk (mounted or not) across Britannia, beginning in the heart of Ascalon and continuing through all major towns, including Guild towns (PM/Post for inclusion), if they so desire.

This will be no easy trial, and by making this public, we must all understand the dangers therein.
If you must bring a tamer, please limit the amount of dragons on hand unless we encounter such resistance to justify a larger herd.

We will need all the help we can get, from all corners of Britannia, to make this a success and most importantly a good time had by all.

In order to survive, the group must stick together and not be separated by clever murderers seeking to pick us off one by one.
We will need teams of able-bodied fighters patrolling the outskirts of the group for defense of those uninterested or inexperienced with hard combat.

I welcome suggestions of pit-stop games and mini-events to coincide with this and perhaps even coordinate some placement of loot houses along the intended path.
Once the full path is known, I will build runebooks of checkpoints along the path that I will distribute to the owners of whatever rune library wishes to place it in stock.
These checkpoints can be referenced by the players to help players late to the event, or sidetracked, get caught up. Of course, this also provides our enemies with the potential to plan an ambush, so of course, we must be ready for that. Ghosting the locations is frowned upon, but almost inevitable.

I have placed a poll on this to get an idea of what time frame will provide the best window of activity for the event to take place.
The date is up in the air as this will take some time to plan and coordinate. If your guild is interested in getting involved or assisting, feel free to make that clear here or send me a PM.

I look forward to a grand adventure across the lands that so many forget in their time Recalling and Gating around.
May we find the field awash with the blood of evildoers and a wake of deceased murderers on our path!
Sturm, Royal Council, Kingdom of Ascalon

Re: UOSA: Walk Across Britannia time poll/consideration!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:55 pm
by Ronk
Sounds like fun...and a perfect opportunity for some orcish toll blockades ;-)

Re: UOSA: Walk Across Britannia time poll/consideration!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:11 pm
by Pirul
Awesome idea, sent a PM.

Re: UOSA: Walk Across Britannia time poll/consideration!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:48 pm
by random guy
Ronk wrote:Sounds like fun...and a perfect opportunity for some orcish toll blockades ;-)
*hears the orcish drums of war beating* :mrgreen:

Re: UOSA: Walk Across Britannia time poll/consideration!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:19 pm
by mrbojangles
Good idea, you can count me in.

Re: UOSA: Walk Across Britannia time poll/consideration!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:45 pm
by Blaise
Awesome. Please spread the word about this to anyone you can and let's try and get more votes on the times.

Also, anyone is free to change their vote at any time, if things change. :)