Holding Swing?

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Holding Swing?

Post by Ronk »

Question 1:
I am trying to make sure I understand this system right, if anyone wants to verify and/or clear it up.

Hold Swing until player is in range means that once you are ready to swing, you won't swing until you have a valid target.

Where as NOT holding a swing means that as soon as you are ready to swing your swing is 'wasted' if a target isn't in range, and you must start your timers over.

Is this correct?


Question 2:

In addition, each person has a Swing State and a Swing Counter.
Every tick, the swing counter goes up. The swing state is dependent on weapon speed and other factors. The Swing State is 0, 1, or 2...with 2 being a new swing.

Basically you start as no swing. After you reach a given number of ticks (dependent on speed), then once you stand still for a tick you move up to the next weapon state. Once your weapon state reaches an attackability then your weapon is ready to swing and can attack.

Is this accurate or did i misunderstand?
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