Event Times

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Event Times

Post by BMOORE1974 »

I think having the times switch around so that the same events arnt always around the same time would allow a more diversity in the winners. i'm talking a big switch in times, not a hour or two. there is some players here that only play at times that theres no events or if they do make time to get on and play during a event time they get smashed (now if its because they suck or they dont get the exp. from being able to join enough events) we dont know i guess its alittle of both but i think if you mixed the times and events there would be a wider spread of the trophys.

another sugg i would like to see happend would be some sort of champ spawn i know we brought this up before but i never seen an answer on if it was something you would do or not, of course power scrolls wouldnt come in but after completeing a champ spawn the name on ur paper doll should change to show your accomplishment. i cant think how that would take away from our world of true UO. a champ spawn would be challenging as theres not much too difficult for the players who have been around for some time.... to be frankly honest with you, they NEED something to do other than get there kicks off on praying on newbies out of bordom.

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Re: Event Times

Post by Derrick »

I'll try and rework the schedule for some more diversity.
We do currently run the different events at different times throughout the week, but they do tend to fall in the same time slot.

As far as the special PvM type spawns, it's something we're working on, but it will be kept as true to era as we can make it.


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Re: Event Times

Post by Faust »

I'll respond to the topic related to the champ spawns in your post. I've responded to a few other players in regard to this and other semi-related topics. I have created a blue print involving a PVM event that is essentially a major event divided into sub-events that is somewhat related to this. I am eventually wanting to code this, however there just has been an overwhelming amount of projects that sprung up all at once for Derrick and me. We've just been so busy lately with all the coding that we haven't really got around to discussing my idea. Here is the dicussion regarding this in another thread.


The great thing about my idea is that it will bring some life to dungeons for PVM and PVP both. The roleplaying guilds will have a field day with this system that I've designed.

Edit: On a side note regarding Derrick's response to add to my response. I've designed this as an event to stay true to the era, so that this is an event and not a permanent structure outside of the event timeline. It is designed based on the history of Ultima.

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Re: Event Times

Post by Ronk »

Just to throw it out there....

Couldn't you have some sort of poll/voting thing. Basically, a person can log in and if they were wishing for a certain event at a certain time they can vote at that time. So if im itching for a 1v1 tourney but there is none, I can go log my name at 3am.

In addition, anyone who participates in existing tourneys auto logs thier vote for that time.

Overall, I would think you'd get a nice layout of how many people want certain events at certain times. Could provide a good reference/starting point.
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Re: Event Times

Post by venox »

good idea!

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