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The Murderer Vena

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:13 pm
by Whisper979
Good Citizens,
Alas, after finally convincing my two brothers to immigrate to Britannia we were met with tragedy. I met them upon their arrival at the inn in Vesper and quickly equipped them both for battle in the wilderness. We ventured to the Vesper cemetery and I began to instruct them in the ways of combat. We had scarcely been there 4 or 5 minutes when the vile Vena showed up and began assaulting us. I, being prepared for emergencies such as this, could have used some of my magic and to recall away, but I instead decided to sacrifice myself in order to give precious time to my brothers to make their escape. I died quickly (much quicker than I hoped) and one of my brothers soon followed me to the grave. Fortunately, one brother did survive. I was able to find a healer and come back to the land of the living. By the time I directed my deceased brother to the light, all of our goods and equipment was gone, as was Vena. I tried my best to remain in good spirits in front of my brothers. I explained to them that there is some risk in adventuring in these lands. I think that they understood and see the benefits vs risks of residing in these lands. But, we shall see if they decide to return. For my part, I understand Vena's attack upon myself. There was, at least, some money to be made from my equipment. However, I am deeply distressed by Vena's attack upon my obviously new brothers. I have little in the way of riches but, if anyone will bring me the head of Vena I will gladly pay 2000 gold pieces to the first person who approaches me with it. This, at least, would bring some since of justice to a senseless murder of a young person from who I am trying to recruit and aid me in this dangerous land.
I thank thee,

Re: The Murderer Vena

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:07 am
by crow1268777
Murderers are running rampant in these lands. I was set upon in Moonglow cemetary by deebo and Ja Rule. Not only did they take it upon themselves to relieve me of my equipment but a forest ostard as well. I worked hard for that ostard by going with two tamers to the city of Papua to guard and protect them as payment for my beautiful mount. My equipment all consisted of gifts from kind souls in this land. Now I'm reduced to running naked in the streets for the loss of mine equipment!