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Effective Communication and Organization During Combat

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:15 am
by morganm
UOAM has been working out great! Several times this weekend I lost the group while chasing down someone but with a quick glance at UOAM I could see where others were, ran that way, and was able to catch up. It's so important that we stick together when in groups because what PKs do is run off and just keep running until we break up and finally one DG ends up with the PK which usually ends in their demise. We have to play to our strengths and we are strong as a team.

Another important part of staying together and being organized should be Vent. This can greatly improve our effectiveness if done properly. When we are out as a group we should be on Vent. Someone needs to be on point and everyone else should keep the chatter to a minimum. Person on point should call out targets to focus on, which direction we are heading, and generally keeping us informed of what is going on.

Let's face it... guild chat isn't good enough for organized combat. Most peoples text color blends in to the scenery and is tough to read. In the heat of battle Razor messages are flooding in, UO system messages are spamming the screen, and you're to busy fighting to scroll back through the journal to see what someone said. Guild chat is great for casual conversations and I love how we've used it to make secure, guild wide, announcements... but field combat is totally different.

We need to stick together, stay organized, and effectively communicate. Part of your routine of logging into UO should be getting on UOAM; we should always be on it. Even if you are just PvM'n or whatever you should be on UOAM at a minimum. Who knows when you'll be jumped by PKs or need help? It's way easier for someone to help you if they can quickly identify where you are at.

If you're planning on joining, or forming, a patrol then get on Vent. Work out who's going to be on point and keep the chatter to a minimum.

DG UOAM: viewtopic.php?f=112&t=27069
DG Vent: viewtopic.php?f=112&t=27103

Re: Effective Communication and Organization During Combat

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:23 pm
by Spitfire
This is my favorite post in our forum thus far, I completely agree. The communication tools will do wonders for our killing vs dying ratio lol.

Re: Effective Communication and Organization During Combat

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:05 pm
by Alexandria Rose
What do I need for vent? Headset with mic? Excuse my ignorance.
I agree with better communications. You know Pks are on it. Cuz how else do they time 3 ebolt on 1 target at the same time.
And uoam is real cool but Slows my system down horribly. I'll still use it tho cuz it is freaking cool.

Re: Effective Communication and Organization During Combat

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:58 pm
by Spitfire
Yeah I use a headset with mic. I just learned tonight not to put the mic too close to your mouth, or you won't come through clearly lol.