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UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:46 pm
by BlackFoot
This thread is for the discussion of candidates for the following UOSA PvP League awards.

Any forum member can offer their opinions and nominate candidates for each award. The list of participants is below. You can nominate a player based on any interaction you have had with them in game.

More information on the UOSA PvP League can be found here

Also there is a contest to name the pvp league championship trophy - fun prize
Trophy Naming Contest Here

There is no limit to how many awards a participant can win.
These can be discussions about which attributes should be required to win each award, who fits the standards of each award and why a candidate should or should not win the award.

This is not a forum for trash talking each other. Please keep posts constructive, even if you think a player should not a prize, make your argument respectfully.

This thread will be heavily moderated. Your comments here may reflect your own ability to win an award as they will eventually be voted on by your fellow participants.

In the end there will be a list of candidates selected for each award. The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony.

The following Awards will be voted on by the participants and awarded to the most deserving candidates.
More award categories may follow pending donation. All awards will be unveiled at the UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Ceremony following the conclusion of the playoffs.

The current award catagories are

Nevermore Award for Outstanding Achievement in Devastating Combos
'To the player who displays the most creativity and perseverance in attempting to create and execute new, effective spell and mellee attacks to win matches in style'

The Halogen Foundation Award
'To the UOSA PvPer "who applies the core values of PvP—commitment, perseverance and teamwork—to enrich the lives of people in his community'

The Tabius Leadership Award
'to the player who exemplifies great leadership qualities to players, on and off the PvP field'

The Coffee Memorial Trophy
'Awarded to the player who best exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship, and dedication to PvP'

The Safir Memorial Trophy
'Awarded to the player adjudged to have exhibited the best type of sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct combined with a high standard of playing ability'

The Guardianknight Award
'Awarded to the most improved player in the field of PvP, while showing perseverance through loss and adversity maintaining a high standard of sportsmanship and spirit in order to improve without quit'

The Bigoud Retirement Prize
Award to the player who best displays cleverness in pvping, innovative moves, refreshing the pvp game and the tactics that people use to fight.

Your list of participants is below.

Corr/little dirty
Dexter Morgan
Mr Don
Sir Ishamael

You dont need to be a participant to discuss each players qualifications but you will need to be a participant to vote on the final candidates.

We are also looking for a name for the Championship Trophy.
It is a permanent trophy viewable in Britain and has each champions name engraved in it for each season.

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:25 am
by BlackFoot
Nevermore Award for Outstanding Achievement in Devastating Combos
I am going ot nominate Corr/little dirty, hes one of the only player that consistently kills me with spell damage instead of hally hits

The Coffee Memorial Trophy
- I am going to nominate sandro for this one
been steadily pvping here for like three years in gentlemanly redpots only leetpvp
ive never seen him hump a corpse once, even as wylan

The Guardianknight Award
I will nominate Blaze and goldendog for this - they both are getting a lot better from jsut a couple weeks ago
and havnt given up despite constantly being creamed :D

The Tabius Leadership Award
I nominate Tj for this award, for attempting to teach me to leet pvp all day

Ill nominate Ardos for the Halogen award, hes one of the only people to ever even attempt to run pvp events thats in this league, as well as other non pvp related events.

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:45 pm
by iamreallysquall
blackfoot should win all the awards except for Nevermore Award for Outstanding Achievement in Devastating Combos
would have to go to Corr/little dirty

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:06 pm
by Luca|Blight
I would like to nominate Blackfoot for all trophies available. He is an upstanding citizen who works hard to make these fruitful events for the players (including himself) of UOSA. Cheers!

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:09 pm
by BlackFoot
BlackFoot wrote: This is not a forum for trash talking each other. Please keep posts constructive, even if you think a player should not win a prize, make your argument respectfully.

This thread will be heavily moderated.

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:21 am
by goldendog
I'll vote for Corr for the nevermore award also.

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:43 pm
by corr]
The Bigoud Retirement Prize
I'll nominate Bickfod Smeckler for actually using a character other than a 7x tank mage with success

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:47 pm
by Panthor the Hated
corr] wrote:The Bigoud Retirement Prize
I'll nominate Bickfod Smeckler for actually using a character other than a 7x tank mage with success

and pirul for halogen award

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:57 am
by Beatingu
I nominate Sandro for all the awards.

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:11 pm
by Freeza
I nominate Fwerp for all awards.

He is truly a l33t pvper and he won a game of scrabble using the word scorp.

Thank you for your time.

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:26 pm
by Lazydaze
i have to throw a nod to Ishamael for the The Guardianknight Award....made good progress and can now hold his own against the leet pvpers.

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:01 pm
by liqui
Mr. Don = GuardianKnight Award

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:21 pm
by Julia

Hello all!
My vote goes for Mr. Don!
For the guardianknight award for most improved.

He is always helping in the guild pvp. He helped me several times against PK's and im not afraid of Pk's when he is around :)
He is already a guild guardian, so this award is perfect for him.

see you!

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:10 pm
by TwoTon
Mr Don Nominated for all

Re: UoH UOSA PvP League Awards Forum

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:28 pm
by fox_phyre
Championship Trophy Name: r- Memorial Trophy