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A call to arms! **1/10/11 to 2/27/11**

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:36 am
by Atraxi
A call to arms!!

Hello, citizens of Britannia. This is Atraxi, Counsel for the Company of the Vigilant.

Brigands have started appearing in the forests around the C^V town of New Windmere, just NW of Vesper. Local vigilantes have helped aid us so far in our efforts to control these criminals, however our attempts are futile, as more and more seem to come.

We don't yet know where they come from, but we are looking into that.

We call all capable warriors, both near and far, to come join in the fight against this threat. Every time we kill a group, more arrive! Is there no end in sight?! Come as soon as you receive this message to help us defeat this horde!!




All hands on deck!!!

Yesterday, a group of the criminals stole a pair of the C^V guild ships and have been spotted terrorizing the locals in the waters around Vesper. The last sighting of them was at the coordinates: 55 38'N, 123 53'E

I ask that any capable sailors to please set sail for those coordinates and help us defend the seas!!


Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:09 am
by Atraxi
For those of you wanting loot, there appears to be a treasure chest on each of the stolen boats.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:27 am
by Atraxi
The criminals are still terrorizing the land and sea! Please help us keep them from spreading by helping us fight!!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:53 pm
by Eddard
Side stepping a wide and wild swing from his opponent, Eddard countered by hooking his assailants leg with the hook in his halberds blade, he then quickly pulled. The man went down on his back hard, his sword flying from his hand. Holding his halberd high above his head Eddard brought it down swiftly planting the blade between the soon to be dead mans eyes. Pulling his blade free he turned to meet another man rushing at him sword high above his head. Tossing the heavy and awkward halberd aside, Eddard unsheathed his longsword with blinding speed ducking under the mans swipe his longsword trailing behind him as he rushed past the man.

The man fell to his knee's his guts pouring out of the opening in his stomach Eddard's longsword had given him. This went on for a few minutes until all all the criminals in the area had been dispatched. He could hear and see no more of the murderous citizens and set about looting the ample amount of gold they had all been carrying. "Easy money." he mumbled to himself. Re-mounting his horse Eddard galloped off towards Vesper just as more of them began to emerge from the woods. He slowed his horse as an arrow wizzed past his open visor.

"They really don't give up do they?" Eddard grumbled under his breath. Pulling on the reigns he turned his horse completely around. Reaching up he closed the visor of his helm and pulled his sword free again. It was going to be a long day of killing.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:27 pm
by DarkWing
These Pirates are a Pain . they never stop coming at you ...
i do believe they may even be tought than the POD Pirates.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:41 pm
by Silent Killer
Ther were no match for my multitude of characters. Mage, dexxer and lockpicker made them eat wood.

I conquered the ships and looted the chests 4 times.. Alas, I ran out of reagents and was forced to leave.

My boat remains for a later assault

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:35 pm
by Cattie B
The NPCs at New Windmere are growing out of control, they wander all the way to the Graveyard. Theres no camp in sight... Seems like we have new neighbors...

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:23 pm
by Alebrije
Today I was around New Windmere only to see that a big group of Brigands had taken over the surrounding area! I promptly called on my trusty steed to clean our Town of this filth:


In the end we prevailed on this valiant defense of our beloved New Windmere!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:59 pm
by Atraxi
The criminals who stole our boat were restless. They were not familiar with the waterways of Britannia, so they could not venture far without sailing blind. Luckily, they happened upon a freighter headed to make a delivery. They followed the ship to the island of Ocllo, where the crew was attempting to deliver Ale to the local tavern.

They left no survivors.

Along with the ale, the pirates stole a map of the seas. Now that they are no longer blind, where will they end up? Tis a dark day for the waters of Britannia.


Stay tuned for more news.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:20 pm
by Cattie B
They Killed Kenny!! THOSE BASTERDS!!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:51 am
by Atraxi
Attention, fellow citizens of Britannia. I have located the treacherous thieves that have been terrorizing the seas. The following was written on scrolls which were found amongst debris that washed ashore as I was fishing near my house. I believe I am posting them in the correct order.
After ambushing the freighter near the island of Ocllo, we have acquired a map of this land. We don't yet know the best place to stage our attack, but while we learn about this world, we have decided to cause trouble wherever we can.

We have our next target, however. There is a lake with a small island right in the middle of it. We will have to transport our boat across land a short ways, but we think this would be an effective move. There appears to be some sort of well-used public building there. If we do this correctly, we should be able to anchor ourselves just offshore and ambush anyone visiting this establishment.

This world will soon be ours!!
Arrr. We are fools! The trip to this "Justice Island" was long and harsh. We became parched in the hot sun. We began drinking the ale which we had pilfered off of the freighter as it was either that, or salt water.

Alas, we became quite intoxicated. T'would have been better to have a tillerman who had drunk less.

It does not appear that we will make it to our destination, as we have become shipwrecked on a very small island. I, myself, was manning the crows nest, and did not see the island. Captain is very displeased. Not only is our boat unfit for the sea, but, what's worse is, we lost our loot. The impact caused our chest with the loot from our victims to fall overboard. I fear it is lost at sea.

I write this from the brig as I await my punishment. I am sure that it may be the locker for me. I do hope this letter is found soon, as I would rather spend life in prison, than eternity with Davy Jones.

I do not remember our exact coordinates, however, I know we are near 110°N 12°E.
I ask that any brave sailors, please find these pirates and DEFEND OUR SEAS!



Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:08 am
by Panthor the Hated
This is srs business

(event looks awesome)

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:49 pm
by Atraxi

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:28 am
by Huzke
Good times last night with the C^V crew thwarting pirates and brigands, thanks for having a lowly Bard along! Alas, later on when I was alone fighting the brigands they recruited the help of a mounted murderer and overwhelmed me. Tonight I work on training so that tomorrow I can give them a much better fight!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:30 am
by SteelReserve
Krum Was Jumped By Many Brigands! Him Worried at First but Then Krum Smash, now everything Okay.