PVM Idea

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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PVM Idea

Post by rombeus »

I know that there is currently a PVP/event statue reward system in place. My idea would be to have statues drop on mobs or have them in chest drops.

Now before all you hardcore PVP people bitch about how this is a horrible idea hear me out. This would put more people out in the dungeons and out fighting mobs in the world. This would then allow you to be able to go out and hunt them.

As a PVM person first I think that it would be rewarding and fun to be able to get these as drops. I have no problem if it’s a very low rate drop but I think that it would offer a very interesting aspect to the shard and would bring more new people and keep veteran players here.

On a side note what era did paragon chests start to drop?

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by rombeus »

Another idea would be to have the items drop off of random mobs as well. I know that this shard is hard set on keeping it era specific but why cant we add a few features that don’t effect game play and pvp or pvm. We have events where that were not in this era so why not a pve statue system as well.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Faust »

I've designed multiple pvm events that are relative but rather complex for the weekends that I was thinking trophies could possibly drop from since PVM'ers have no other way of obtaining them unless they PVP. If Derrick likes the idea that I drew up we will have to decide where to go from that point on. Probably introducing it on the forums to get a public opinion. We shall see once he reviews the pretty large file with the design on it that I sent him. Keep in mind if this ends up going forward it will take a little while to code and do extensive testing to make sure there are no bugs involved with it.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by rombeus »

Love the idea I hope all works out because I really think that it would help out the server alot.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Grubb »

I don't really do PvP so a PvM option would be kinda cool

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by rocksinhead »

I don't pvp a bit but I don't think I like the idea of trophies dropping from regular monsters in the field. You don't have to pvp all that hard to win trophies in CTFs and we have events like bagball that takes no fighting at all and town invasions where they do drop from monsters. Also if you want to grind out trophies from fighting monsters you already kind of can in the way of getting gold and then buying those trophies. I think it'd still be faster to get the 3-4k gold for a trophy than it would be to actually find one as loot. And if you're proposing them to drop often enough to NOT have it faster to buy them then ew ew ew we dont need them to drop that fast at all.
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Re: PVM Idea

Post by rombeus »

What about a separate system from the trophies, maybe a ticket system where mobs have a SMALL change to drop them. These ticket rewards could be the same as the trophies rewards or could be a separate set of items. The items could include such things are era appropriate house deco, gold, rares, name change, sex change, hair dye, the list goes on but this way they are separate but equal in a sense.

Again the drop rate should be based off difficulty of the mob and the rewards should be very challenging to get. If the ticket system was in place they the tickets would not be blessed and could be stolen.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by rombeus »

Just out of curiousity I would like to hear from a staff member to see if this is even something that they would conisder or if it has zero chance to be put in.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Faust »

Only Derrick can make that decision.

The multiple PVM events that I have designed will work somewhat like that. The types of items that I would like to be involved with it would be items that would not enhance pvp at all and be "past" Ultima items. I was also thinking about including Trophies in it. However, getting trophies would still be much easier in the pvp events in my opinion, but at least it's out there for PVM'ers to get. There is currently no form of currency involved with my design as of now. It will take multiple people and team work during them to complete it. If Derrick agrees to go forward with my idea I think a lot of people will like it. I can even see pvp'ers possibly enjoying it. However, these events are not like the PVP events. They are much larger and there is a lot more involved with it. The great thing about it is that anyone will be able to do it. It is not limited to a certain playstyle or player type. It will definitely give PVM guilds a major contribution into the community.

When I hear something from Derrick about this topic I will be the first to notify you all on this matter unless he does otherwise.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by rombeus »

Faust I see we are on the same page as far as pvm/pve events go. Another idea would be to have some sort of monster head bod system. Where you have to kill the mobs which have a small % drop rate to get there head. You would have to get x amount of each heads of each mob. Then each Bod would drop a variety of items such as 75% of the time all you get is gold but 25% you could get an item/rare. The harder the bod the better the reward. This would be alot of fun to do as well as it can be done on the players time and not wasting staff's time and still be very rewarding.

This would bring ALOT of people to the shard who love to pvm and collect rares etc.....

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Faust »

The problem with adding "brand new" material is to stay current with the main goal of the shard. This obvioulsy is to stay true to the t2a guidelines. I am a vigous supporter of sticking to the t2a structure.

However, events are completely different in this case. This is the main reason I am sticking to an event for all new content such as this. There were many GM and Seer events that occurred during all forms of UO's past. They may not have been as elaborate as we can make them now days due to the technology and limitations of the past but they did exist. Since my design is solely based on an event structure and lore it most certainly should fall into this permissable category. I am very confident that most if not all of the playerbase will like my design. It is based completely off of the history of Ultima Online.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Redbeard72 »

Well really its not that hard to get trophies, either buying them or participate in the events, ask anyone i suck at pvp, but i do the ctf and DD cause if you are on the winning team u get a trophy. any changes made will take people away from the events which i would hate to see.. :D
Derrick wrote:

The second scenario is not extremely likely, but it is more likely now than it was previously.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Faust »

My design will only occur during the weekends. I also don't see a HUGE amount of pvp'ers flocking to it. After all it will be a PVM event. It is also nothing like the PVP events besides being a structured system in a given time period, which is what an event is. It will be more in line towards actual game play than the typical event style that people are used to on here in the PVP events. This means there could be pking, stealing, looting, and so forth. There will be risks involved with my design that could attract murderers and criminals, so even PVM'ers will need to be alert in this case at all times.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Redbeard72 »

well that sounds great! looking forward to enjoying your hard work when its done. ;]

Best shard ever. TY !
Derrick wrote:

The second scenario is not extremely likely, but it is more likely now than it was previously.

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Re: PVM Idea

Post by Jaster »

I was referred to this thread by Faust (thanks), even though I think it is slightly different in topic.

Trophys are a nice implementation, but IMO, point values and items that can be bought with points do not seem very eye grabbing. 4.5k per trophy is what I see in IRC ... 100 points for a rare item or piece of deamon bone armor that is going to be locked down on the floor of my house and rarely be seen by someone... why not just sell them and get 450k? ...

yet the deamon bone armor wont sell for even 50k? I think point values need to be relooked at and perhaps the items that can be received should be looked at ... many are not "eye grabbing" IMO of course.

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