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Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:38 pm
by Roser

Welcome, this is a capture the flag style game with a slight variation. The object of the game is to capture the most (or all) enemy capital within a certain time frame. The game is designed to accommodate a minimum of 5v5 and max of 10v10. Currently matches will be 30 minutes long, with an option to extend during the Diplomatic Stage.

The scene is Chaos shrine...

I have two towers set up here, the Blood Capital and the Mana Capital, as well as a small "Diplomacy Hut" in the center.

This is a hyper dimensional super awesome picture with updated battle scene's

Note the Ankh in the center. This is where players will resurrect. Resurrection is not limited to the Ankh and can be done anywhere. One of the main rules in this game is "No Reskilling", but with that comes an obligation for the recently resurrected player to travel to their supply area. If you are caught wandering or looting corpses you may be slain without penalty.

The Capital...


The capital is in the form of small ore stack's and is located at the very top of each tower inside the metal chest. Capture your enemies Capital and place it in your own Capital chest. The team with the most (or all) capital in their chest at the end of the game wins!



Your supplies are your life in this game. Each team captain will select basic supplies at the beginning of each game. They will be stored here in these chests. Each tower has a base set of supplies on top of whatever the captain chooses: 500 Each reg, 500 Bandages,30 Pouches, Fish steaks, Sandals, Headband's/Skullcap's, and Torches. (Yeah Torches!) Supply area's have been made very difficult to loot (time consuming) but there are no restriction's on looting.

Note: The Base set of supplies in the towers are suited for 8-12 players. If the game should exceed this amount of player's 100-200 of each reg will be added to each side (7v7 and up).

The Guilds... (for non-guild play only)


Mana Capital (MN) and Blood Capital (BL) are guild's to be used for non guild war "Public Play". They are pre-warred so participants do not take counts. Two guild master character's (Ruslana Mana, a Freemason Blood) will recruit teams after they have been picked/chosen and are inside their base.

Public play participant's are required to temporarily leave their current guild (if they are in one) to join one of the two Capital Guilds.

Guild play will require a temporary warring of the guild's to prevent murder count's. Both Guild master's must be involved or administer their guild in the event.

The Diplomacy Hut...


Pre-Battle: Term's
Here Team leader's/Guild master's will be discussing pre-battle supplies and event options with Peace. Peace run's the diplomacy hut.

* Basic Supplies - Tell Peace what type of Weapon's, Armour, Ammo, and Pet Food your team will be needing
* Diplomacy Points - Choose what "Special Item's" you will activate for your team to consume.
* Game Time - Team lead's/Guild masters will decide how long the game will go on for (20-40min)
* Amount of Capital - Team lead's/Guild masters will decide how much Capital each team starts with (300-500)

It is very important Captain's/GM's get their basic supply demands correct, you do not want dexer's running around without armor, tamers without food, and a macer using a halberd.

In addition to Basic Item's, team leader's will be given 5 distributable "Diplomacy Point's" to spend on Special Items such as keg's, magic item's, scroll's etc...

Diplomacy Point's...


Choose wisely.


* You must enter as a ghost (all item's are provided).
* No Recall or Gate Travel spells permitted.
* No Mounts, however it is legal to summon them.
* Res killing is not permitted You must allow recently resurrected (Grey Robe) players to safely travel back to their supply area.
* If an enemy Grey robe is wandering and obviously not heading back to their supply area, you may slay them.
* You must dye your res robes/clothing your team color, dye tubs are locked down in the supply area.
* Dyed Robes/clothing must be worn at all times, except when recently resurrected.
* You may be freely attacked once your robe/cloths is dyed.
* Team lead's may not double purchase special item's with "Diplomacy Point's".
* Participants are required to be guided and "at war" with each other.
* Stay within the boundaries (see scene picture).
* NEW - Logging out/in quickly for a "quick exit" from the towers is now illegal.

Anyone caught breaking the rules will be served a minimum 3 minute penalty.
This will seriously hinder your team, please be careful.
There is a penalty box in each tower on the ground floor.
If an entire team is wiped during a penalty kill, the penalty may be ended prematurely.

Team balancing is in effect and will now take place while team leaders choose their team. This mean's I will attempt to evenly match teams by dividing the known "leet pvper's". Team leader's will have influence in this matter, although Peace will have the final decision. Extra player's may also be added to teams before the game has started.

Tamer restrictions are now in place. One tamer per team and one pet per tamer. Nightmares are not allowed (they classify as mount's). If there are any red flagged (murderer) participant's in the game Dragon's will be disabled, however White Wyrm's are still acceptable. If there are to be tamer's in the game, there must be one on each team or none at all. Mind your pet's health, this is your only allowable pet for the entire game.


If you die, stock up before you dye your robe. This will give you a fighting chance if your entire team is wiped.
Teleport from the top of roof's for a quick getaway.
Don't overburden yourself with too much capital (ore is heavy)
Hoard Supplies. Supplies are limited and looting corpses will be very beneficial.
Summon horse's if your team leader has purchased extra reg's.
Recruit a thief/stealther to your team, they can be very effective in this game.

Prize Pool...

Each player on the winning team will receive a special prize at the end of each game. In the past I have given out my own silver (one per player), and will continue to do so along with other prize options. Winning players will choose one of the prizes from the current prize pool as seen below.

Current Prize Pool:
* 1 Silver
* 8k Gold
* 1 high end Vanquishing weapon (Choose between Archery, Swords, Fencing, Macing)
* 800 Ingots (All types excluding Valorite and Verite)

Prizes are in limited supply.

This game is currently being run randomly when I have time. I'd like to thank everyone for participating. Keep it coming and tell your friends!

Here is a link to an RPV of Game #9, this game was not the biggest but very exiting 6v6 action!

Special thanks to Arsen for the great Poster, Loki for the ore, and Dren for customizing specially tailored CTC Gear :P

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:44 pm
by Roser
Join the IRC channel #CTC to join games. Please do not idle in this channel if it is "open" and you do not intend to play. Idling while the channel is "Closed" is totally fine.
The topic of the channel will be either "Open" or "Closed" depending on if I am available to host game's or not.

There is a Substitution list available to join for those who want to be on call for guild or public play. A sub is activated if either team is short a player. Please note that if guild play requires a sub, Guild masters must recruit the sub for the duration of the event. PM me if you want on the Sub list.

Public Sign up's Game #9 Results are in! Blood Capital Victory!

Blood Capital Game #9 Victors
Team Lead - Jada Silvermoon
* Chaosflame
* Paradox
* Mesut Ozsil
* Simon Belmont
* Nicci

Mana Capital
Team Lead - Mrs.Bojangles
* HeadlessHorseman
* The Breadman
* Mathius Cole
* Riddick
* Norris Von Braun

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:59 pm
by Brules
Wow.....hats off for putting this together. I hope you get a good turn out.

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:16 pm
by BobDobbs
Pretty neat stuff. Looks like a lot of effort went into planning it. Kudos.

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:33 pm
by Downs
that looks pretty badass!

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:51 pm
by Misti Autumns

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:55 pm
by Arsen
this will be the best event ever, ladys and ladyboys.
no mercy, hard nerdrage guaranteed....

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:58 pm
by Vishakt
Nice work Rose! Sounds awesome! If this sticks around us orcs might like a turn...

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:03 pm
by Roser
I bet we could set up a PoD v URK :P

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:14 am
by Plague
Looks bad ass to me man good job

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:09 am
by Mad Max
Hell yeah

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:13 am
by Roser
Updated a few small things, added a couple new items to spend Diplomacy Point's on.

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:23 am
by son
Felix in

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:34 pm
by Roser
Updated a few rules, added info about the penalty box.

Getting ready for the first game tonight. This event will not be announced in game. All setting up is done though the IRC channel at this point.

Re: Capture the Capital (CTC)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:02 pm
by Roser
We are open for public play/mix and match teams tonight. Anyone is welcome.

Join the irc channel #CTC or hang out at Chaos Shrine.