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Temp Fix: UO Not Responding When Switching Screens

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:31 am
by Yew
I've found a fix that works instantly to correct the "Not Responding" issue when switching between client windows or Razor.

Unfortunately, it only unfreezes the window for the moment, further switching will have a chance to go unresponsive again.

I know the common solution previously was to disable the "Smart CPU Reduction" in Razor, unfortunately that doesn't seem to work anymore, for me at least.

To do it, simply change your color settings from 16bit to 32bit (haven't tested 64bit) or vice versa. This can be done by right-clicking your Windows Desktop. On Vista, the setting is under "Personalize," not sure what the setting would be under other versions of Windows, all the same, you should be able to access it via right-clicking the Desktop.

If you have this problem on other operating systems, see if a similar change will work for you, although I believe this particular issue is specific to Windows OSs.

This problem is not specific to UO or Razor. I have a similar problem with Yahoo Messenger when using a webcam (flickering mini-video with larger frozen image in background), fixed using the same method.

I believe Windows has recently been making updates affecting color schemes causing compatability issues.

Re: Temp Fix: UO Not Responding When Switching Screens

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:09 pm
by Fass
I had the problem of UO freezing sometimes when I changed windows (I play in windowed mode) but it would most likely "defrost" in a few seconds. I fixed it by changing Razor to Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode (select Properties over the icon) and it never happened again since.