Blade Spirits too weak

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Blade Spirits too weak

Post by Mikel123 »

I cast a blade spirit on an Ogre Lord today and it was essentially unable to damage it (I think it got it down to 96%). Presumably, the Ogre Lord had a high enough AR that it blocked the entirety of the blade spirit's damage. Additionally, the BS couldn't poison it because it "has no effect". I know the Blade Spirits, as well as the AR of the ogre lords, are static. I.E. they don't spawn in a range. So my results will be the same as anyone else's; it's not just bad luck in getting a relatively strong ogre lord and a weak blade spirit.

I'm pretty certain that you could use blade spirits on Ogre Lords back in the day. One way or another, whether through physical damage or by simply poisoning them, the blade spirit should be able to do some damage, right?

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Re: Blade Spirits too weak

Post by nightshark »

could definitely use them to kill OL's back in the day. i remember farming them during post factions (they gave silver), it took 4 or 5 bladespirits to kill each one, i'm pretty sure bladespirits were actually weakened at that stage.
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Re: Blade Spirits too weak

Post by Yew »

There's problems with both blade spirits and energy vortexes here.

BS attack speed is extremely slow.

Here BS and EV have to be directly next to a mob to aggro it, and while they should definately prefer attacking players, the proximity ratio is off.

The only mobile I remember that was immune to any level of poisons was poison elementals.

Off topic but similar in regards to creatures poisoning... I don't recall some of the creatues that poison now doing so when T2A was released (ophidian knights/avengers, terathan avengers). I used to tank these with a parry dexer and while their damage was high, they didn't poison (with the exception of the tera avenger casting poison).

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Re: Blade Spirits too weak

Post by nightshark »

Here's a post from Apr 1999 saying that "ophidian avengers/knights now poison" ... 07d2d6f61d

And an excerpt from someone's UO journal in Feb 99 showing a terathan avenger poisoning. ... 2f38779181 ... 3af0d141e8
"Try melee fighting an Ophidian or Terathan Avenger. That is no fun at all unless you like the taste of 5th level poison"
-Dec 99

I also found mentions of Ophidian Knights "easily dropping in 30 secs", that is way off the mark here, those things practically have god mode turned on.
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Re: Blade Spirits too weak

Post by Yew »

Thanks for the confirmation on those nightshark. I went on hiatus sometime after T2A was released so I wasn't sure when that change was implemented.

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