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Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath House

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:06 pm
by Skullgrim
Mr lotto is hosting another Waldo Event on Friday October 22nd starting at 8:00pm eastern time.

Prizes: 1 Grand prize wining team will win a large dragon ship key. The boat will have all kind of goodies on it including but not limited too, 300k in gold, gems, and magic items. I will also be accepting any donations towards the grand total, if anyone would like to add please post in this topic and we can arrange a meeting to transfer good to the vessel.

How to enter:
1. Post to this topic your three man team. All red, all blue, or mixture is accepted.
2. Entry fee is 9k per team and can be paied any time through the week if you see Mr Lotto on irc chat, between midnight - 1am eastern time at Trinsic south/west bank, or between 6:20pm-7:45pm day of event at Trinsic south/west bank.
1. Event meeting location will be Bucs Den Bath House and will be announced prior to event. Event will start at 8pm eastern sharp!
2. Event books, code specific to each player will be passed out at event start. These are important do not lose our share your code with people not on your team or delete them from the book.
3. After all books have been distributed Mr. Lotto will ask for everyones attention and give his first of six clues to find UO Waldo. Clue will be in the fourm or a short story, riddle, general location, or statement. Teams may leave at any time to find Waldo once clue is being read. Mr Lotto will read clue twice so pay close attention, take a screen shot if you think you can't remember and look for key words or phrases.
4. Find Waldo, Waldo will be a ghost because well he is only good at hiding and he will be in some pretty unfriendly locations. When you find him write in your book where he is and what is directly in front of him.
(example 1) Covetous, Stone Wall
(example 2 if it is not a name specific location like the woods) Waldo is facing north, Oak tree is directly in front of him.
5. Bring your books back to Mr Lotto for answer checking, first come first serve. All team members must be present for checking and book codes must match originals.
6. If your answer is correct you move on to the next round, if it is incorrect Mr Lotto will tell you what's wrong and you have to correct your answer.
7. Based on the amout of teams that enter late teams will be eliminated and we will move on to the next round.
1. This game will be challenging and will require knowledge of UO locations
throughout the map along with some geography.
2. Player killing incentive-Anyone in the event excluding teammates and outside the event may redeem any event players book and head for a 3k portion of there event fee which will be rewarded after the event.
3. If you use your book and it has already been redeemed with your head you will be disqualified for cheating. Please do not share your code book outside your team so this doesn't happen......or your head.
4. If a team loses all there code books through the head redemption process they will be eliminated.
5. Absolutly no fighting at the event meeting location, all activity outside the building is tolorated.
6. In the event someone takes it upon themselves to kill the event coordinator Mr Lotto the event will be canceled. Please be respectable towards this fun event that is allowing everyone to enjoy the freedom of the game outside this safe zone to both red and blue players.

Last but not least, have fun!

Ill keep updating with news and additional prizes that may come along. Please post any questions you may have to this post and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Re: Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath H

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:24 pm
by SJane3384
I'm in! Just need a team!

Re: Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath H

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:46 pm
by Skullgrim
You do not have to post your team if you do not want to. Your team information can be supplied at the trinsic south/west bank before the event when entrance fee is paid. There is absolutly no obligation to have pre registration done.


Re: Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath H

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:23 pm
by Panthor the Hated
Panthor the Ultimate Waldo Finding Champion 2010 is in!

Re: Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath H

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:31 pm
by Skullgrim
Winning team prize

Re: Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath H

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:10 pm
by Skullgrim
Well not everything went so well for the event again sadly. Most people couldn't figure out the riddles and didn't know a lot about uo geography. Or were too intoxicated to think. (panthor) The three people that stayed worked on some of the final clues together and traveled to the url forty for there final task. The urks fought well but wee no match for the large amounts of magic heading there way. The final three were taken to the treasure boat and shared there spoils! True to my word I handed out the prize and maybe next time people will show. Thanks to nevermore for putting up with my post rambling. And to everyone else that participated even if it was for only a short time. The urk gild for which I am also a proud member of for there participation and making the game a great place to kick back and just have fun.

Re: Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath H

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:26 am
by Miss_Fraggles
It was lots of fun :)

I have a couple of suggestions for improvement

1) rebranding the event as a kind of 'treasure hunt with real clues' would perhaps attract more people than 'wheres waldo' which people may not understand as a fun event
2) dont give up on the participants finding the answer to the clues too quickly, i ran some events when i was the GM on another shard and some participants in treasure hunts would take a considerable amount of time, but as long as there was treasure at the end they were willing to keep searching (sometimes for hours) a complex hunt makes its more interesting, i dont mind a complex puzzle to work out.

all in all i really appreciated your hard work and hope you keep doing it!

Re: Where is Ghost UO Waldo Oct 22n 8pm Est @ Buc Den Bath H

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:39 am
by Panthor the Hated
Hey! You try having 2 wine coolers without getting drunk....