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IRC Attitudes

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:22 pm
by Draconis
If someone is asking for legit help or advice in IRC, whats the purpose of even responding if all you are going to do is make smart ass remarks? Does it make you feel better about yourself? My guess is that it's probably teenagers, which I highly doubt, or old fat bitter divorced people who have troubles in real life making friends or interacting with people. I'm not saying everyone in IRC is like that, but I have yet to get a decent response from anyone.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:27 pm
by Klapios
Draconis wrote: My guess is that it's probably teenagers, which I highly doubt, or old fat bitter divorced people who have troubles in real life making friends or interacting with people.
Is there a term for making comments like this on the internet? Cause there should be.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:01 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
Draconis wrote:If someone is asking for legit help or advice in IRC, whats the purpose of even responding if all you are going to do is make smart ass remarks? Does it make you feel better about yourself? My guess is that it's probably teenagers, which I highly doubt, or old fat bitter divorced people who have troubles in real life making friends or interacting with people. I'm not saying everyone in IRC is like that, but I have yet to get a decent response from anyone.

Many people have wondered that I do not IRC. I have never IRCed, and your post describes the exact expected behaviour justifying my posture.

In RL, a lot of my acquaintances wonder that I don't facepalm, or be a twit; I direct all of these folks to view a certain South Park episode (my own attitude predates the episode, of course).

In any environment that allows people to freely communicate, do not expect any cogency or intelligence, simply noise; this is why most or all of the guilds that use IRC for communication host their own channel.


Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:25 pm
by son
There are plenty of people that will help you in irc.

The internet has trolls, not news.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:38 pm
by Ripplinger
It's the age of the internet where the little kiddies (and sadly some adults as well) feel they can act like asses all they want.

That attitude, coupled with the destruction of the English language along with it until my eyes start to bleed, is why I'll never join IRC for any game either.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:42 pm
by SJane3384
I'm sorry you've had a bad couple of experiences, but there really are a lot of people willing to help in IRC. Darkwing, Blackfoot, myself, Halogen, and even sarcastic turds like Panthor have thrown out some decent answers. Whenever I'm in IRC (late night, early morning as the exceptions), I see at least 1-2 noobs in there asking questions and getting legit answers. What kind of questions are you asking? If they're ridiculous things that are quickly answered by the Wiki or a forum search, then I guess I can understand their point of view (though I just generally direct people to said places).

Random aside:
Sorry about misspelling your name, DW. Fixed.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:25 am
by Tyran
I have to say, when I ask a question on IRC I typically get a quick, correct response. I've not asked a ton of questions since getting back though, but the ones I have I've been pleased with the results.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:30 am
by Freeza
SJane3384 wrote:I'm sorry you've had a bad couple of experiences, but there really are a lot of people willing to help in IRC. Darkwing, Blackfoot, myself, Halogen, and even sarcastic turds like Panthor have thrown out some decent answers. Whenever I'm in IRC (late night, early morning as the exceptions), I see at least 1-2 noobs in there asking questions and getting legit answers. What kind of questions are you asking? If they're ridiculous things that are quickly answered by the Wiki or a forum search, then I guess I can understand their point of view (though I just generally direct people to said places).

Random aside:
Sorry about misspelling your name, DW. Fixed.
When you state Darkwing is willing to help, do you mean by him spamming !rules?
That has yet to help me ;)

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:29 pm
by voodoo
The whole community has an all-around terrible attitude, though we will deny it adamantly if confronted about it.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:46 pm
by BobDobbs
voodoo wrote:The whole community has an all-around terrible attitude, though we will deny it adamantly if confronted about it.
Dripping with pretension.

That said, I think the UOSA community has as diverse a range of personalities as any online community.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:01 pm
by voodoo
BobDobbs wrote:
voodoo wrote:The whole community has an all-around terrible attitude, though we will deny it adamantly if confronted about it.
Dripping with pretension.
I never said I was above holding a terrible attitude. When in Rome, do as the Romans, my momma always used to say!

Edit: Of course, there are nice people in the community too, but a lot of people here honestly come off as dicks (especially when you're new).

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:07 pm
by Smelly Ira
Haven't been active for a while, but I remember the ratio as something like six obnoxious smartass responses for every one legitimate answer.

That said, I always got the answer I was looking for in #secondage, it was just a question of whether it was worth wading through the rest of the idiocy to find it.

Think about it this way: there are some people whose general commentary, writing skill, and attitude is such that whether they are answering you, or bickering with someone else, the things they say will always be neanderthal garbage.

So you should just ask your questions, wade through the crap, and try to ignore it. There are plenty of people on the shard who are helpful and will answer questions, they are just less visible because the asshats are so much louder.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:09 pm
by SJane3384
I think it's about 50/50. Sure, we've got our sarcastic assholes, and hardcore scammers, but we've also got tons of people who dedicate a lot of their free time to specifically helping new players. There's what? 3-4 guilds/towns for new players now? There's also #new in IRC. I just think it's unfair to make the uniform statement that ALL people in IRC are jerks. And I'm pretty offended, becaus I generally try to be very helpful.

And Freeza, maybe stop blatently disreguarding the rules?

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:14 pm
by BobDobbs
I have rarely, if ever, seen a legitimate question go unanswered in #secondage.

I disagree completely with the entire premise of this thread.

Re: IRC Attitudes

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:09 pm
by BossChick
BobDobbs wrote:
voodoo wrote:The whole community has an all-around terrible attitude, though we will deny it adamantly if confronted about it.
Dripping with pretension.

That said, I think the UOSA community has as diverse a range of personalities as any online community.
pot calling kettle black. you literally made me into the troll i am. lol