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Hi all! Questions for a trasfert

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:09 am
by Lain Von Luen
Hi guys!

I'm Alessandra, alias Lain Von Luen ^^
I'm a player of UO by 6 year on an italian shard (yes, i'm italian.. and then, sorry for my bad english xD).
In that shard i have a guild more important, but because the shard is declining, i'm looking for a new shard for me and my guild.

I'm searching for a staff contact to ask about a transfert. Can you help me?

Tnx, see you soon.

Re: Hi all! Questions for a trasfert

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:19 pm
by marmalade
what is a transfert?

Re: Hi all! Questions for a trasfert

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:19 pm
by Populus
Are you talking about transfering your characters from that shard to here?

Re: Hi all! Questions for a trasfert

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:16 pm
by Feldeath
The staff will not transfer your characters here however there are people here who would help you get settled in. I would have no problem providing a home to use while you get going. Skill gain is pretty fast and you would have viable characters in no time.

Let me know if you need anything.

Re: Hi all! Questions for a trasfert

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:48 am
by Lain Von Luen
No, I wanted something different. I did not mean the transfer pgs.

Trasfering = have certain privileges (as some skill, money, objects, house for guild) because is a group of people who change shard your preference to other.

In other shard (many) there's some conditions for entitlement the trasfert.. a make an example:

- For a trasfert there must be a minimum of 5 player, all in the same guild
- We do a background, and elect a guildmaster
- We give a stone guild and a house (for the guildmaster) as head office
- For only 1 pg for account we have 3 capped skill and 500k
- To each account we give an object (as cloack, book of spell, sometime particular as welcome)
- Before to give this, there will be checks

I found this conditions in many shard, and I thought I'd ask you.
Here you can not have something similar?

ps: someone told me that here there are many people away and playing in a few, isn't? How many active people playing everyday?

Tnx for the answers ^^

Re: Hi all! Questions for a trasfert

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:59 am
No, we don't have that here. Staff doesn't provide any extra starting gear to attract people to the server because it's a recreation of OSI's 2nd age. Packages with goodies doesnt fit into that thought. Therefore you have to start from scratch.

However, there are many established players and guilds that will help new players start up.

I've also been told player base has decreased lately but this is still one of the more active servers with many people online at any given time. It's definately worth it to give this server a try :)