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chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: First Edition!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:41 pm
by chumbucket
No, I'm not back. But I am lingering around waiting to sell my house with nothing else to do at the moment, so I thought I'd relate to you a story from my first day on this shard. A friend of mine from another shard invited me to play here, thinking it might be to my liking. (Thanks, by the way, for that!) I was a little skeptical, but willing to give it a look based on his recommendation. At the time, I was convinced that I wanted to play on a different shard that has a basically T2A setup, but with a number of custom modifications. I played at both for a short time, before being so impressed by staff here that I decided to abandon the other shard entirely. The details of my first day were undoubtedly a little different than I recall, but since I wasn't OMG PWNING people who will complain on the forums about how they really OMG PWND me that won't matter. This should give you the flavor of what happened.

I created a character in Britain by the name of CRAZY CAT LADY, a female character with grey hair and an all pink outfit. (I would later turn this character into a pk that killed maybe two newbies in her entire lifetime.) Off I went to the bank to scope things out. There were a few people standing around. My friend met me at the bank. A number of folks were afk macroing in the front. And some fellow with a rather respectable sounding name and an elaborate, color coordinated outfit was making use of the bank. Upon speaking to him, it immediately became apparent that he was a roleplayer. This could be a chance for some fun. Near both of us stood a macroer who had decided to add a bit to his macroing script that would have him say 'ZzzzZZZzzzz' every few seconds, as though he were sleeping.

CRAZY CAT LADY: Sir! Do you not think that gentleman odd?

Roleplayer: Uh, no.

CRAZY CAT LADY: Ah, but, sir, he appears to be asleep.

Roleplayer: Yes. I guess so.

CRAZY CAT LADY: But he is standing! Standing and sleeping! I have never seen anything like it!

Roleplayer: I guess it is odd.

CRAZY CAT LADY: And not only does he sleep and stand at the same time, but he does it in the middle of the day on the busiest road in the busiest town in the world. It is astonishing!

Roleplayer: Um, yes.

CRAZY CAT LADY: I have a lot of cats. There's Snowball. And Brownie. And Mittens. And ...

My list of cats goes on for some time, and the poor chap leaves. I didn't steal anything or kill anyone, but I still like to think I totally pwned that newb roleplayer at his own game.