Order of the Asp

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Salladhar Saan
Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:16 pm

Order of the Asp

Post by Salladhar Saan »

The Order of the Asp is a religious cult that believes a snake god, simply named 'Asp', is the creator of all life. Members of the order devote their lives to serve the Asp by purifying the realm of all cursed and evil beings. According to 'ancient texts', when Sosaria was nothing but a rock floating in space, Asp materialized near what is now known as the Compassion shrine in the middle of the desert northwest of Britain. She immediately began creating life, using the sand from the desert and the venom from her own mouth sacs. The first beings she created were in her own image (silver serpents) and the next were her attempt at creating the ultimate, self-sufficient life form, now known as human beings. The Guardian, displeased at Asp's intrusion upon his realm, cursed these first humans turning them into grotesque, green-skinned, pig-snouted beings with less capacity for intelligence. Only one out of every ten humans that the Asp created were immune to the curse. The Guardian banished Asp from Sosaria soon after, though the first humans lived on.

It is a member of The Order's life work to rid Sosaria of all those who taint the legacy of the first humans.

(So basically I want to kill me some orcs.)

The Order of the Asp accepts all people of all shapes and sizes, and skills. Whether you are a tank mage or a blacksmith as long as you are devoted to the order, you are welcome to our ranks. That being said I had a few templates in mind if you decide to start with a new character. Poisoning should play a big part in your melee fighter. I envisioned a guild full of religious zealot assassins when brainstorming for the guild. Of course, if you want to be a macer, that's fine too, but all melee fighters at least need healing/anatomy. I also had a scout character in mind. Something like: hiding/stealth/detect hidden/weapon skill/tactics/poisoning/anatomy. Thieves are also welcome. After all, orcs can't heal if they don't have any bandages. Blacksmiths and alchemists are also more than welcome, considering the amount of poison pots and armor we'll be going through.

Here are the rules:
1. Don't be a jerk.
2. No l33tspeak.
3. No res-killing.
4. Try to stay in character.

If you want to join, pm me, or look for Oberyn Martell in game. I'm usually by WBB, EBB, or Vesper.

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