Just Curious

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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Just Curious

Post by dustylane »

I'm just curious if the goal here is to now switch things into such era accuracy that no one even enjoys playings anymore. Whoever wants to argue "WHO'S TO DECIDE WHATS GOOD FOR THE SERVER?" and "oooh I love this change" I think numbers should speak for themselves? Houses are collapsing left and right and more than half the people that were regulars are gone.

I have some suggestions and I know that Im going to be scorned and told I'm arguing this in the wrong spot with links to each individual discussion, but I think the changes of the past month should be addressed as a whole as they are all the reasons for this.

(1) Ditch the monster acquiring through walls. yeah it was made better with the acquiring rather than the attacking but it's still just completely unnecessary to have 10 mobs surrounding your house. I have zero recollection of it EVER being like this in T2A. I would not sit in my house and have mobs surrounding me. Part of the fun of the game was that the monster AI was pretty bad. This is a fact. Leave it alone.

(2) I never remember EVs being mentally challenged. Using an EV is no longer useful but just frustrating. Are they running some kind of check for the area and go after an PC on the screen first? Just go back to old EVs. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them.

(3) The mount fatigue system has admittedly gotten better, but I still believe, as well as many of those that quit already, that it was a completely unneeded hassle to implement it at all. If the point was to even out PVP so you dont have crazy mage distance runners, how about bumping the cast time on HEAL even by .25 seconds. I never ever remember mini heals having as much power as they do. Mages rarely used them in the old days. Now you can just spam them uninterrupted for days and still stay basically in full stride.

(4) Is there a goal to eliminate thieves from the server all together? They seemed to get nerfed daily. Whoever the snake tongue is that is whispering these changes to Derrick obviously hates thieves and hates dexxers. Why is thieving now an aggressive act that causes an attacker to stay blue to the thief if noticed? So if the thief were to kill this person that attacked them, since they remain blue to them, I would assume that gives a murder count and get you kicked out of the thieves guild? So now thieves are not allowed to even defend themselves for the most part. Oh yeah, lets also make NPCs have superman vision and notice crimes through walls. That would make the most sense. Oh wait, we already have that.

and finally in my opinion one of the worst changes on this server
(5) The 1 second delay timer. What the hell is this junk? I literally can not move slow enough to even meet the needs of this. Half the time the items just queue out on me and I have to relog. Looting a corpse is a nightmare and good luck getting more than 1 item if you have vultures around even if you are first on it. Organizing items in a house? Forget it. I have to set a razor macro with the correct delay to even move multiple items around efficiently. This can not be era accurate. I never was this frustrated when trying to move items, open containers, and everything else that it applies to. Oh wait it applies to everything. I can't be the only person frustrated by this.

Im fairly sure this post will be cited with many many links that show some of these things to be "era accurate" but if this happens, the point is missed completely. Era accurate or not, people are not having fun. Dont fix things that aren't broken. People obviously enjoyed the way things were and not the way things are going.

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Re: Just Curious

Post by Derrick »

All these questions and more have threads on them and I encourage your participation in those threads.

The first part of your question should answer the rest though,
I'm just curious if the goal here is to now switch things into ... era accuracy...?
Yes that is our only goal, as stated in our mission statement on our web site. If we can do anything to help make the server more fun outside of this goal we will do so, but we won't sacrifice the primary goal of accurate mechanics for the sake of retaining players, it really wouldn't work that way anyway.
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