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Post by habure »

1-I searched forum and i couldnt find the exact calculation of paryying.And the effects?(resisting speels pyscial attacks vs..)
i found this link but it is broken
http://www.uosecondage.com/http404?aspx ... parry.html
2-Macefighting has stamina and armor break advantage,what is the advantages of fencing and sw?
if it is that they are only poisonable,first ar/stamina break effect is much more effective than poison(with this reson http://web.archive.org/web/199910090018 ... bat.htm#6b check tables 1,7,9,11) second;katana is the fastest weapon at the game (even faster than dagger) so what is the advantage of fencing?Poisonable short/long spear?According to this tables http://www.uosecondage.com/stratics/arms.html and with fatigue effect,i think war mace is much more effective than poison spears.So is there a different effective of fencing and sw?
3-What is the hit limit of poisoned weapon?i mean a poisoned weapon (with 100 poison skill) can cause how many poison effect hits?
exp:i have 51 poison and my poisoned kryss only have one poisoned hit.After that hit other hits have no poison effect.

P.S:first sry for my bad english.it is not my mother language.second dont understand me wrong i am not asking these questions for asking to change weapon balance.I want to learn all effiencies of weapon classes so i will choose my weapon after these infos.

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Re: Sw/Fencing/Parrying/poisoning..?

Post by uofuntime »

1. With GM parrying you have a 50% chance to block a successful hit. But before that, game checks your weapon skill vs the attackers weapon skill. So if both of you are GM, that's 50% chance to get hit, and parrying gives another 50% chance to block it. So that's about 25% chance to get hit if you're gm parry/weapon-skill vs someone with gm weapon-skill.

Parrying does not help with resisting spells.

Further info can be found here:

2. Advantages to swords and fencing is that you can poison the weapons. Also, some weapons from fencing/swords group have higher DPS or faster speed than some mace weapons. And bonus stamina drain does not necessarily make macing the best weapon choice. People carry a lot of refresh pots, mages do not rely on stamina, and spells and hits from fencing/swords weapon also take stamina away.

Katana is not the fastest weapon in game according to this:
Kyrss, short spear, and dagger is faster than katana. Qstaff is same speed as katana.

3. Poisoned weapons depend on what level poison is used. The weaker the poison, the more "hits" and chance to poison you have.

Level 1 poisoned weapons give 18 hits w/ chance to poison. Deadly poison (lvl 4) gives 12 hits that have chance to poison. The chance to poison is poisoner's skill / 4. So at GM, each hit has 25% chance to poison. So I think with lvl 4 poison, if you don't poison someone in 12 hits, the poison is gone. Not exactly sure, hope someone can verify this.

the uosa wiki can help you if you have any more questions:

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