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PvP Macer Template Help

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:08 am
by shire99
So I'm building a macer Pvper and I had a few questions as to where I should allocate the last few points...

I'm definitely going to have GM Macing Tact Anat Heal and Resist.

I will have at least 30 magery to recall from scrolls... I believe 50.1 is the lowest magery to never fizzle a recall off a scroll, correct?

I want to Have the ability to track and reveal anyone that may hide from me. That being said, this raises a few more questions:
1) Is GM Tracking overkill? What is overkill? What amount do you all like to use?
2) I will get Detect hidden if I have to, but I planned to always use GE pots, and I figured if I can track them to the exact tile I could save some skill points by revealing them by a GE pot.
3) Does Tracking reveal to the exact tile?
4) If I must get detect hidden, again, what is a good amount? Is there any overkill? What do you all like to use?

I would also like to fit in Hiding if there is any room.

I plan to be 100 100 25.

Thanks for reading

Re: PvP Macer Template Help

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:25 am
by Lazarus
Magery doesnt have to be that high to never fizzle off a scroll. I remember having like 36 magery and never fizzling but I know I posted in a thread about recall scrolls and magery levels before I will look for it for you.

As far as revealing and tracking and hiding, if you take your magery up to the 80s or 90s, maybe even GM you'll be able to reveal and invis yourself and recall so you'll kill 2-3 birds with one stone. I dont use tracking so I dont know how it works but I'd do 50 track and maybe 50 med along with the GM magery.

Re: PvP Macer Template Help

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:02 am
by JimmyTheDriver
Hey man - I just made a similar template... few thoughts.

1) GM will allow you the greatest tracking range. Lets say 50 allows you to track people on your screen, GM feels like 6-8 screens away. It is pretty sweet to track an AFK hiding red from that far :). I say GM tracking all the way.

2) If you plan to carry explosion pots, don't waste a single point on detecting hidden. Tracking will get you to the exact square the individual is standing on. "Shire99 is right here." Then just stand next to them and throw a pot on that spot.

3) Yep - exact spot.

4) In my mind - the perfect amount is 0. But... you do have some points to use. I GMed the typical with a 7th skill of tracking, then 90 magery, and 10 hiding. You have more points to use at only 30 magery though. Not sure where to use them, but detecting hiding is probably not the answer. I hear archery makes for an interesting 7th skill. Maybe consider GM archery, and like 70 tracking/30 magery.

GM Mace
GM Tactics
GM Resist
GM Healing
GM Anatomy
GM Archery
70 Tracking
30 Magery

Could be fun :) I think my character is headed in this direction.


Re: PvP Macer Template Help

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:15 pm
by Mikel123
Detect Hidden is really nerfed here. Even at GM, detecting a GM hider when you target the exact square they're on is only 50/50 per attempt. I wouldn't put any points into it.

Given you have 149.9 skill points remaining, I'd go 100.0 Tracking, 49.9 Hiding.

Tracking will say "Right Here" when you're within 1 tile. So you can pop a purple explosion potion on yourself (just Escape the target cursor) and you'll always hit them too and reveal them. And 100.0 Tracking is awesomeness.

49.9 Hiding for ambushes, escaping group ganks, etc.

If you're not into hiding, I'd say 49.9 Wrestling, which I think will give you about a 25% chance of avoiding a swing while unarmed against a GM fighter.

49.9 Tracking is certainly serviceable, but I just can't think of anything else I'd want to GM. Maybe swords or fencing, for poisoned weapons?