characters per account

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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one character per account

one char per account
more than one char per account
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characters per account

Post by Gert »

i have a suggestion : what about making one character slot per account ? this thing would bring some positive and negative things in the game . i want to analyze them :
positive things : 1- the espionage between guilds would become more realistic , honest and exciting . if a player can have more than one character per account one day he /she could log in with char x in guild y , the other day with char z in guild w ; guilds w and y are enemies so this player does a dishonest espionage ; it would become also more exciting because the player can be unmasked .
2- the economy of the game would get improved ; if a player has more than one char slot , he /she can create a pvp char and a crafter so the player crafts himself the things he needs and the economy feels the effects of this thing becoming poor , instead when a player has only one char slot he creates his char , choosing between a pvp char , a pvp - crafter and a crafter , and in game crafters would get much more importance and consequently the economy of the game would become more realistic and improved ; besides a player who chooses to create an only - crafter char wouldn't get penalties by choosing this way of playing and the game experience would become more rich .
3- if a player has only one char , it would become more easy to recognize and to find him because he has only one name in the game .
4- if a player wants to create a new char he can always delete the other and create a new in its place ; besides the game would get more realistic because every player would have one identity .
but there are also negative things :
1- if there are many people with one computer they could open new accounts but i think that maybe some players can use this like a pretext to have more char .
2- if a player is hated by someone or has been taken as a target of the wickedness of someone he can save himself only by creating a new char ( and deleting the excisting char ) or by the interference of a game master or by changing his identity .
why don't we discuss about this feature ? i would want to know the opinion of you all including those of the game masters . and what about making a poll for the introduction of this feature ? i think that if everyone thinks not for himself but for the welfare of this server this feature will be introduced without problems due to its introduction . thank you
Last edited by Gert on Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:35 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: characters per account

Post by Prurk »

well thought out argument. No doubt about that

but I already have 15 characters. what now?

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Re: characters per account

Post by johttenn »

You must choose wisely...

I played siege, and one char per account really did help the shard and player interaction...

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Re: characters per account

Post by Chriswithatemper »

..... um... NO.

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Re: characters per account

Post by ~|~Damaja »

just what I have worried about since I started playing here is what the state of the shard would be in say a year. With 15 character slots and skill gains abit faster then they were in 1999 I can see some issues arising. Ones that weren't necessarily a problem during t2a for a number of reasons. Economy wise and the fact that everyone would probably have their own smith, alchy, etc. The main things that drive economy. Its just that you can have someone macroing resource gathering on a different account while another account macros the act of gaining your trade skill. Combined with razors agent abilities it really takes the integrity out of the whole trades aspect of uo and makes it extremely faster and more efficient then osi UO. Funds, time and the fact that almost everyone only had 1 account made you choose... mine for ingots or play and kill monsters? maybe after Im done pvping for awhile ill mine then raise my smithy after I get enough ingots.... you could do all three of those at the same time if you wanted as it is setup today.

I could easy have my own alchy, smith all of them if I wanted by now but refuse to just to help the diversity and growth of economy within the shard.

What about another idea of just limiting 1 account actively open on an ip at a time? Just a thought that popped out as I was writing this post.

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Re: characters per account

Post by Gert »

hey guys , why don't we ask admins to open a poll to see how many people support this feature and than apply this feature if the majority accepts ?

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Re: characters per account

Post by Twiz »

John Doe and both of his roommates play UO. John's main char has 150,000 murder counts.
Limiting 1 char/account means John would be pretty much forced to have a char on another account to do business with since most people will not do business with a red char. Besides, who's going to risk stat loss just because they needed to find a vendor with a forge and anvil deed for his house? Because his roommates both play, they've now hit the account creation limit for that IP and he cannot have a blue char.
Limiting 1 account/IP at a time means he never gets to play because his worthless fucking roommate, who doesn't have a job or go to school, never leaves the game and is on before John even gets home from work. You try asking his roommate to get off even though he's been playing for the last 12 hours straight macroing lumberjacking so he has wood for his carpenter that he still hasn't even created. Lord knows he has enough wood and God forbid he do some work around the house for once.

I wouldn't mind seeing a limit of 3. This would keep a single account from having 1 of everything. I understand that this doesn't address the fact that ppl would still be macroing one account while playing another.
I would also think that if you already had 5 chars on an account, you would be grandfathered. However, if you deleted a char, you couldn't create one if you were at or past your limit still.

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Re: characters per account

Post by venox »

ive invested time creating lots of diff characters, and i enjoy been able to play and explore different roles in uo. i vote no.

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Re: characters per account

Post by alatar »

this is something that would of been needed to be taken into consideration at the servers creation, not half-way through its prime growth..
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Re: characters per account

Post by Luminarie »

I agree with Alatar.

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Re: characters per account

Post by BlackFoot »

in t2a i had 5 chars on each acount, and could buy mroe than one account or use my friends account, which im sure a lot of us did, thsi is supposed to be t2a
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Re: characters per account

Post by ~|~Damaja »

I still think limiting 1 account active at a time per IP could really work. Just make acceptions for the 3% of the players that have roomates to send in a request or soemthing... I know thats tricky but that is always the excuse whenever this comes up

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Re: characters per account

Post by Purge »

Uhm, Nooo....

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Re: characters per account

Post by Gert »

i see that some are for this thing , other are against . let me say only 2 things that i consider very important :
1- to have one character per account is not a limitation but a freedom : the freedom to play in a world that seems more realistic , more beautiful and more amusing ; if you have more than one char you are superman : you can create a crafter , a pvp-er , you are all these things but you play in a world that is not realistic and you are limited to play in this kind of world . you can experience new way of playing also if you have one char : delete the char and create one other , there is no problem .
2- this is the more important thing , this is why one char per account is better : because the community would become the best ; it's obvious that if you have more than one char is a better thing for you , but if you have one char is a better thing for the community , that is all us . if you don't think only for yourself but for all the community , you'll understand that the community will be better , because all will enjoy more playing ultima online . it's better because we will create a harmonizing and agreed community , it's better for the relationships between players , because a crafter will have more friends and a pvp-er will meet crafters and have business with them creating friendship , it's better because we all will play in a world were we will need the play and the presence of each other , it's better because if you have more chars per account is better only for you instead if you have one char per account it's better for you and for the other people because you will enjoy more the game and so will do each other . we , as a community , can do this choice for the amusement , for the welfare and for the harmony of us all . thank you

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Re: characters per account

Post by Prurk »

Something like this needs a unanimous shard wide "yes" or to be implemented from the shards inception as part of the rule-set. People have too many characters and would be furious if they had to choose 3 of them. Limiting the shard to one account per IP, or one active account anyways, seems like the next best thing to what you are trying to do.

I am for the idea of more meaningful player interaction. There are several orcs who play well known humans already here. Which is fine, but it certainly gives us an inaccurate gauge as to how many real orcs we have. Let me elaborate. I was already established here on my humans before making an orc. I would never bring my human to an event happening at the Orc Fort, but there are urk members who do. Then they log in later and ask "what happened? what did I miss?". Very frustrating indeed. Another plus to limited character/account usage is no more F'ing ghost spies.

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