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Really nice meditation(45+) and flamestrike bank macro

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:20 am
by zaferoff
In this macro you can macro flamestrike at the bank with no regs as long as theyre in your bank and you have the regs set as your restock agent 1. Set the amount of spidersilk and sulfurous ash as 1. Now post this macro in a notepad document and save it under your razor\macros folder as xxxxxxxxx.macro. put in the name of the macro you want for the x's. save the file. If it doesnt show up in your macros under razor put in quoteations around the name like "xxxxxx.macro" WITH THE QUOTEATIONS! again putting the macro name in for x's. NOTE if your logged in and post this macro in notepad you must logout and login again for it to show in your razor macros. After this is all done go to a bank and open up your bank box. If your Flamestrike regs are in a pouch in your bank box open it up too (You may not have to do this but I do it just incase). Leave all of this open, bank box, and reg pouch. Now in the macro where it says exec. restock agent 1, then wait for target, then absolute target, right click absolute target and target yourself. And where it says cast flamestrike or something similair to it, and wait for target, right click wait for target and right click edit timeout. Change the timeout to 5 and hit o. Now play the macro and all should work. This will still work for low meditation but at around 45+ your meditation and magery gains are super fast. I do this around 75 magery btw. Heres the code to post in Notepad.

Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-1

Have fun :P sorry for the long tutorial but incase you didnt know how to post the codes I went ahead and told you how to for future reference.

Re: Really nice meditation(45+) and flamestrike bank macro

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:34 pm
by LightG1138
you just mean this way you don't have to carry them and run out right? not that you can cast and not use regs right?

Re: Really nice meditation(45+) and flamestrike bank macro

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:03 pm
by Joueur Moyen
LightG1138 wrote:you just mean this way you don't have to carry them and run out right? not that you can cast and not use regs right?
Yeah, it restocks just the regs you need to cast the spell and leaves the rest in the bank. You'll use the same number of regs but thieves probably won't bother trying to steal one of something to get guard whacked.

But the way to gain resist has changed recently, and so casting flamestrike on your character in town probably won't do much good for resist gains.

Re: Really nice meditation(45+) and flamestrike bank macro

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:41 pm
by nightshark
But the way to gain resist has changed recently, and so casting flamestrike on your character in town probably won't do much good for resist gains.
It hasn't done so for a long time, but not everyone has a house to macro in. My first char I had 6x with 50 resist before I got a house ;/

Re: Really nice meditation(45+) and flamestrike bank macro

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:02 am
by zaferoff
yeah but did you guys use this or just read the post?

Re: Really nice meditation(45+) and flamestrike bank macro

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:20 am
by Elnono
Yhea thats a good macro. I'm using a similar one =P

Just make sure the value that check for mana level is optimal for meditation skill-ups.
The 'sweet spot' where you can gain skill seems to be between mana levels from (90 - meditation skill) to (120 - meditation skill).

Re: Really nice meditation(45+) and flamestrike bank macro

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:33 pm
by zaferoff
yeah. I use the same macro for other spells, all you have to do is change mana if value and your restock agent and the recast the spell you want to use. You can use it for pretty much any spell.