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Resist Session (5/21 10pm Est.)

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:22 pm
by benny-
I've noticed lately that many of our members have low resist....with this being one of the harder and more costly skills to macro, I'd been thinking of ways to get everyone's resist up.

PoV used to hold regular resist sessions (in fact that's how I gm'd on both of my mains), this was something I was very grateful for and I've always thought this was a great idea, so I'd like to continue the tradition with a few of our own to help those in the guild with unfinished characters.

Cattie has graciously offered us use of her keep for the sessions.

Right now, we're aiming for this friday (5/21), sometime in the evening. I would like everyone in the guild to attend if possible (you will only need to show up and start your won't require much more time than logging in for a few mins).

Everyone, please post below to let me know if you can make it and what time would be best to start.

So how does it work?

A large area in a secure location is used to place a number of mages in one spot with a larger number of targets in another (in this case it will simply be across the room). The mages will be running a macro to cast meteor swarm at the group of targets. When cast, meteor swarm hits all targets within it's area of effect, dividing the damage amongst the number of targets in that area. So while all of the targets are being hit by a 7th circle spell (which is optimal for gains) the damage is being spread out amongst a large number of targets. During a good session, each meteor swarm will hit you for 0-1 dmg. :wink:

What do you need to do?

We may need a few more casters, but likely we'll just need a number of targets to gain the resist (again so that the dmg is better dispersed). Bring as many characters as you can.

Each character will need a method of healing to run on a macro. Bandages are the usual preference however, during a good session I've had no trouble bringing in a hundred or so greater heal regs and setting a macro to heal when below 70 hits. So long as we get enough people, either method will do fine.

Also, while this method is great for gains (I'd expect everyone to get to the 90's from one session), 7th circle spells will not yield great gains at low levels of skill. Getting your char to 55.0 first will get you the most out of the session. You can get to 55.0 quickly by using Fire Field (about 20 mins if you have a quick method of healing, such as Greater Heal.)

What can you do to help?

A few casters with high magery would be great, however donations are really what's needed. I expect people to provide their own method of healing but donations of bandages and food are always welcome just in case. The main thing needed is Meteor Swarm reagents. I prefer people to bring reagents to the session rather than gold as it saves me a lot of work, heh. If you can donate, as much of the following will be really helpful...

Blood Moss

Mandrake Root

Spiders' Silk

Sulfurous Ash

The more we have the more we'll gain at the session (we'll need thousands to give you an idea). Quick tip, if you plan on buying bulk regs, be sure to join the mage's guild (by talking with the npc mage guildmaster at a shoppe) before buying...all reagents purchased afterward will be at a discounted price.

I'll post the donations as we get em in so we can all track our progress. Post below if and when you can make it and how many chars you can provide. Thanks guys!

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:43 pm
by Cado
Sounds great! Friday evening should be fine for me. Just need to know a specific time.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 8:20 pm
by Astinus
I'm going on vacation Thursday, but I will probably be able to get on my laptop and log on for long enough to get in position. This chance would increase somewhat if it was earlier in the evening before I've gone out for the night, but considering I can't absolutely guarantee my presence anyway I'm not asking you schedule around me.

I can also donate regs. Not a ton, but I can make some rounds at mage shops over the next couple of days.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 4:19 am
by Girl
Being blasted by meteors repeatedly sounds like a ball. I will make it if at all possible.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:45 am
by Pirul
I should be able to make it, specially if it starts between 10:30 and 11:00 EST. I should also be donating about 2k of each MS reg, and, scheduling permitting, should also be able to participate in any session focused hunts.

I'll be bringing one caster and one target/healer.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:12 pm
by Cattie B
The House is set up, and with Benny's help we figured out the spacing.
I have a TON of fish, so none is needed.
Wish I knew how to post a pic, but I'm not that comp savy.. :(
The room is split :
Mages will have a chest for regs and will stand behind those
(black cloth to mark the mages position)
Ive boxed in the front of the "targets area" with blue cloth to mark their position.
Ive made a line from wooded boards , behind this line is your safe area.
The healers position is marked w/ purple cloth :)

Thanks for everyones participation! Cant wait! :)

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 5:45 pm
by Pirul
Can a target also be a healer? I'd assume yes, just wanted to be certain.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 6:17 pm
by benny-
Yep, you can either heal yourself or have another character serving as a healer (either in or out of the ms' aoe.)

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 2:25 am
by benny-
Since Cattie recently donated a black tub to the guild for our guild colors, I used the funds originally meant for a black tub for our first resist session (I thought it fitting as this would be one of the few ways the money could go to the benefit of the entire guild). 18.7k

Also after a good (if not crazy) guild hunt, we raised 32.2k. Thanks to everyone in the guild as well as Orphik and Maleus for helping out.

Session Reagents

Blood Moss: 7,000

Mandrake Root: 7,000

Spider's Silk: 7,000

Sulfurous Ash: 7,000

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:41 pm
by Pirul

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:24 am
by Cattie B
Astinus was kind enough to go out and tame us some (17) sheep, I will do my best to keep a char logged in and keep them sheered (when im home) so we should be good on bandages.
Thank you Astinus :)
Also got a 2k each reg needed for MS from Pirul tonight!
Thank you Pirul :)

Thanks to everyone for all the chippin in :)

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:34 am
by Pirul
NP. Another 2k each coming in tomorrow, btw.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:44 pm
by benny-
After a hunt with Pirul and Cattie, we earned enough for another 1k of each reg.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:15 pm
by Astinus
Has a time for Friday been decided yet? I'm not going to be able to get online much/at all after tonight until the session. If a time isn't determined tonight I've asked Magda/Girl to keep me updated via text, so hopefully I should still find out in enough time.

Re: Resist Session

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:30 am
by Pirul
Have an additional 2k regs waiting at GH for pickup before session starts on friday. We should be fine for regs and bandies apparently. :P