Monday Night Event- Brit. Graveyard teems with souls

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Monday Night Event- Brit. Graveyard teems with souls

Post by Greenmoon »

The clan got bored with Urk tolls so decided to make things more exciting at the ol' Brit. Graveyard...glorious chaos ensued!
Vraagkush_5-10_21.32.bmp (245.29 KiB) Viewed 790 times
Vraagkush_5-10_21.32-1.bmp (243.37 KiB) Viewed 790 times
Vraagkush_5-10_21.32-2.bmp (251.08 KiB) Viewed 790 times
The Umies didn't care for us despoiling their undead and soon we were out numbered by their mojokas!
Vraagkush_5-10_21.38.bmp (236.3 KiB) Viewed 790 times
All-in-all an exciting and blood-splattered evening!
I'm still learning how to take screenshots on the fly, I'll try to capture the carnage better for future endeavours.

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