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vesper strip dueling arena #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:47 pm
by monaxe
we are trying to get a dueling arena just off of vesper strip. The shard needs a dueling arena closer to town for anyone to use. All of the other dueling arenas, new players dont know of because they dont use irc. This one would be very close to vesper bank and could find it very easy.

this idea is not to get a personal duel arena for WCK but to create a public duel arena in an epic spot. Basically we want to drop my tower and put up the public duel arena instead of it and have it available for everyone to use and gather outside of town. this spot is really great and people would really enjoy this setting compared to some of the other arenas out there (t-b, ace). we think that having the arena in such an easy to find spot would be epic and make it successful. this place could easily become active with pvp and crafting for public use and not just for one guild.

check out the picture and than come check out this spot on shard it is perfect for an arena.

fador posted the first msg here, now I edited it a little bit and want people who voted "no" to reconsider or at least change your vote to "maybe" until we throw our first event in the spot this coming week.

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:51 pm
by Downs
Who's WCK?
monaxe wrote:we need a place to practice our pvp, and to teach new players tricks on pvp. Plz alow WCK a dueling areana thank you.
This thread isnt going to go well for you...

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:55 pm
by ZombieFever
Also the spelling....

I'm going to have to vote no.

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:01 pm
by Pro
mYm arena isnt far from the strip and we're hopefully getting a sign post + i've been doing a shit load of events lately to get people in and around the area

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:02 pm
by Guerrilla
when u really think about it, 2 grief based guilds (ACE) and (MyM) got duel pits, why not this one, at least they arent assholes, i vote yes

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:03 pm
by Pro
how are we "grief" based?

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:07 pm
by Karik Verlee
Pro wrote:how are we "grief" based?

I've been pk'd by mYm a few times and they're usually pretty nice about it. Well as nice as you can be and killing someone. They don't kill my mount, they dont dry loot, they dont res kill, they don't call me a noob f*g and mock me. I showed up at the mYm hedge maze event just to watch and I got pzoned pretty quick. Came back my corpse was missing my regs and gold, but still had my runes on it.

mYm is good in my book.

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:08 pm
by Sym

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:27 pm
by fox_phyre
so you guys are asking for what is typically a town add on for a guild that both lacks a town and has only 11 members. seems WaCK

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:48 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Why the heck not, I vote yes. I think everyone should get addons so the server can be more accurate to the era. I personally owned at least 5 dueling arenas when I played on OSI.

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:25 pm
by benny-
what ever happened to guilds just practicing in front of their houses or people dueling in random locations...why do we need walled in areas, teleporters and ugly addons to make things fair and safe when dueling? If you want something more secure or private for your guild, get a tower..I don't see a need to plop down more addons, esp so near Vesper.

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:37 pm
by Sandro

Who is WCK? What are they doing for the server..?

How could you possibly believe you are entitled to custom statics when your guild is like 3 days old?

This is laughable.

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:35 pm
by KydVicious
MatronDeWinter wrote:Why the heck not, I vote yes. I think everyone should get addons so the server can be more accurate to the era. I personally owned at least 5 dueling arenas when I played on OSI.
lol.......smartass :D

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:46 pm
by Psilo
benny- wrote:what ever happened to guilds just practicing in front of their houses or people dueling in random locations...why do we need walled in areas, teleporters and ugly addons to make things fair and safe when dueling? If you want something more secure or private for your guild, get a tower..I don't see a need to plop down more addons, esp so near Vesper.
I agree, me and my friends/guild mates practice at wrong entrance or a forest with a clearing.

Re: vesper strip dueling areana #2

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:57 pm
by monaxe

We are trying to get a public arena that is located in great spot. I know most people don't know WCK guild because we just got the guild off the ground. Either way the players in the guild are chill and established, we are not trying to get this duel spot going for the guild or for a guild town we want to use our spot to establish a public arena that is located in a perfect spot behind the vesper strip. We want this to be the spot where people can train pvp as well as have guild battles ( 4v4,5v5, etc...) and pvp tournys. I have seen some really cool arenas around but their locations are sometimes tucked away from new players who don't use irc or fourms to find. What makes this a great is that it is easy enough to run back to town to the bank or to buy some regs and than come back to pvp. everyone has their own playing styles and I think it would be awesome to and the local merchants and craters can come and use the smithy forge and anvil and sell their goods, and even thieves running around would be part of this area. we want this to be a really active zone outside of town that is based for pvp but welcomes merchants to sell either crafted for magic goods, this spot will be out of town so a thief can have victims to pickpocket without worrying about guards.

Also we are always currently pvping around in this area and want people to come out and check it out and pvp with us. Dueling outside in the forest is great and that is what we are trying to have on a non exclusive level where all guilds and new players gather to get some pvp done during their play time.

Thanks everyone