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Evaluating Int

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:50 pm
by CrazyJoe
I couldn't get an old trick to work (low magery, use flamestrike scroll or EQ scroll at sea and GM with no resoures spent) so I assume there's no real quick way.

Can you GM it just using the skill over and over on the same target ? If so, easy enough to run all night on an alt or banker... or is there a faster way ?

I actually tried with Razor to make it auto-target next closest and eval int on the target and just sit hidden in a flock of animals or NPCs Delucia Paladins for example) but simply could not get it to work. That will be pointless if you can GM on the same target though...

Re: Evaluating Int

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:55 pm
by uofuntime
You can GM on the same target. Just run the macro for a few nights.

Re: Evaluating Int

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:56 pm
by Karik Verlee
I think you're over thinking it. What I did for me 2 mages was find an npc anywhere and just eval them. No other actions, just be sure to leave everything you have in the bank. Thieves will hit you up.

Re: Evaluating Int

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:09 pm
by nightshark
The method you're talking about only worked after UO:R when eval gains became connected with use of the magery skill - along with anat/wep skills, taming/lore, passive meditation... etc.

The only way to gain eval prior to that (and thus, the way it works here) is to actually use the skill. There is no shortcut, just repeated use.