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targeting woes

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:13 pm
by Cado
I'm just having issues with targeting. It seems very cumbersome to drag icons off of mobs...this is no big deal when aggro is under control and there is no clutter getting in the way of clicking on mobs to drag off icons. But when things get dicey and there's lots of things cluttering the area, it gets tough to click the mob and drag it's icon away and it makes it tough to get a handle on things. This is especially a problem with multiple mobs or when taking a beating while trying to manage aggro.

PvP is much worse. When i ride into an area and realize that there are a couple of pk'ers...they always get off a paralyze before I can do anything. How is it they can target me so quickly, neutralize and kill me before I can even get them targeted? In the most recent scenario, they weren't hunting me or vice versa...I just ran into where they were..and that was that.

I just want to be able to respond a bit better when things heat up in combat either pvm or pvp. My mouse wheel is set with "target last" and "target self" but when they are new targets I'm guessing that's not going to help. I'm just kinda stuck trying to click on them and drag their icon while they are busy beating the pulp out of me.

I'm very used to "tab" targeting w/o clicking on screen for targets. Is that an option?

Any help or encouragement would be appreciated!

Re: targeting woes

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:48 pm
by benny-
There are two different methods for targeting really.

One is to pull stat bars. This can be difficult at first, esp. against players which are often moving quickly, however with practice, this method can be pretty effective. In order to pull it off, you should use Ctrl+Shift and drag off of the bar above the mobs rather than the mob itself. Try doing this with everything, new monsters when you first run on screen, etc. Just do it over an over until you really feel comfortable doing it on the fly.

Pros to pulling can pull anything's bar and do not require multiple targeting macros, nor do you get in the position where you have to scroll through your targetting as you randomly taregt the wrong mob, you just pull and have the right one, and that is it.

Cons...when pulling a stat bar you still need a method for setting them as a last target so that you can later target easily by flicking your last target. This can often be done when you drop their magic reflect via magic arrow, otherwise you'll need a "set lasttarget" hotkey. Also, you really cant use this method while moving, so it does slow you down a slight bit. Though once you get good at it, you can do it without slowing down much. However you should still use some targeting method so that if you get stuck in a situation where you can't afford to stop, even for a moment, you can still get the target up. I simply use "target next humanoid" which is broad but will work in a variety of situations. Generally, when I'm running after or away from a player, I have plenty of time to hit this a few times to scroll through possible targets.

The other method is to avoid statbars altogether and use a variety of targeting keys such as target next humanoid (very broad), target next murderer (will target a random red), target next criminal, etc. To where when you need to target a player or monster you hit the right hotkey.

The cons, you need a variety of keys so that you can target specific types and avoid scrolling through possible targets. Thus if a red is on screen you'll want to have a "target next murderer" or "target closest murderer" so that you're not targeting blues or greys on screen before you finally land on the red. You'll need at least a few of these to have a specific key for each possible target and you'll want to familiarize yourself with these so that you can do it quickly, without thinking. If you go this route I'd suggest putting these on your mouse (I believe you said you had additional keys on your mouse) and talking with someone who knows what they're doing so you'll know which ones will be the most effective. I personally pull statbars. :wink: