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[Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:39 pm
by benny-
Derrick thought it'd be a good idea to put this to a poll after a brief discussion on this shard's murder system...

Bear in mind, both methods existed during the t2a era so both could be considered "accurate".

For those of you unfamiliar with the system, a long term murder count is applied every time you kill an innocent player (and he counts you), so long as this number is above 5, you stay red. The shortterm murder count (which remains at 8 hrs) is what determines if you will receive statloss in the event of death and how much.
An increased longterm murder system would not affect any penalties such as statloss, but only make it to where pking is more likely to lead to (and maintain) red status.

Thanks for voting! =)

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:25 pm
by BloodyBandage
Not that the poll doesn't deserve to exist but you don't think 8 hours is enough incentive to make people not want to PK? Blue pking existed back in the day as well. I remember checking "I must consider my sins" to see if I could gank someone without going red if they were pissing me off. I remember longterm counts as well. Either way, I think Derrick has ensured the survival/integrity of Blues:Reds ratio by even having stat loss, whether at 8 hours or 40 hours per count.

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:49 pm
by brandonsantacruz
If they go with long term counts, they would have to drop stat loss. Stat loss + perma red means that unless you are playing with a guild of pks, don't do it.

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:52 pm
by Lothain
So Benny, if I understand you correctly, long term murder counts would make it possible to be red and not receive stat loss upon death? e.g.:

Immapkyou kills 9 innocents at once, receives 9 long term counts, and thus has 360 hours before these "counts" have worn off.

However, if he waits 40 (5 murders above max 4 for blue status, times 8), he will be red with 320 hours still red but will not have stat loss upon res?

That seems like it can't be what you mean; perhaps when you say
An increased longterm murder system would not affect any penalties such as statloss, but only make it to where pking is more likely to lead to (and maintain) red status.
You mean that under the longterm murder system there would be no stat loss?

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:25 pm
by platy
i'm all for long terms, i knew a couple perma reds on OSI and they loved it.. although many won't like no stat for a dead red, if they only have long terms it'll be a lot longer til they are blue (or res)

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:25 pm
by benny-
Lothain wrote:So Benny, if I understand you correctly, long term murder counts would make it possible to be red and not receive stat loss upon death? e.g.:

Immapkyou kills 9 innocents at once, receives 9 long term counts, and thus has 360 hours before these "counts" have worn off.

However, if he waits 40 (5 murders above max 4 for blue status, times 8), he will be red with 320 hours still red but will not have stat loss upon res?

That seems like it can't be what you mean; perhaps when you say
An increased longterm murder system would not affect any penalties such as statloss, but only make it to where pking is more likely to lead to (and maintain) red status.

You mean that under the longterm murder system there would be no stat loss?

No, I dont mean that the statloss system would be removed if a longterm system were to be put into place. What I mean is longterm counts do not affect statloss.

Heres how a long/short term system works...

Longterm kills determine if you go red. Short terms determine if you will receive statloss.

IE: Under such a system, the villainous Tonka Truck murders 5 innocents in a short amount of time (under 8 hrs), he now has 5 longterm counts and 5 shorterm counts and as such, has gone red. After 8 hrs, he will lose one shortterm kill, thus reducing his penalties of statloss. However, because there are now longterm murder counts (for this example well use the original timers) of 40 hrs, he is still red.
Now after 40 hours of his last kill (so long as he doesnt pk anymore innocents), Tonka Truck will lose 1 longtermkill and all of his shortterm kills (40 hrs/8 hours per shortterm). Tonka Truck now has 0 shortterms and 4 longterms. If Tonka Truck kills another innocent at this time, he will be red again (now having 5 longterms once more) and have 1 shortterm kill.

Same Example Under the Current System: Tonka Truck again has murdered 5 poor souls, he now has 5 counts and as such has gone red. After 8 hrs, he would lose one count, thus reducing his penalties for statloss, but also making him blue again. After 40 hrs he has no murder counts whatsoever and can kill 5 more innocents before going red (whereas the longterm system would've make him red after only one more kill).

It sounds complicated, I know, but once you understand the system and can see it IG its quite simple to understand. Also, I believe your example described the same setup as mine....with such a system, you can be red without necessarily suffering statloss.

Heres a link to Stratics incase my describing of it made no sense =P

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:29 pm
by TwoTon
benny- wrote:
Lothain wrote:So Benny, if I understand you correctly, long term murder counts would make it possible to be red and not receive stat loss upon death? e.g.:

Immapkyou kills 9 innocents at once, receives 9 long term counts, and thus has 360 hours before these "counts" have worn off.

However, if he waits 40 (5 murders above max 4 for blue status, times 8), he will be red with 320 hours still red but will not have stat loss upon res?

That seems like it can't be what you mean; perhaps when you say
An increased longterm murder system would not affect any penalties such as statloss, but only make it to where pking is more likely to lead to (and maintain) red status.

You mean that under the longterm murder system there would be no stat loss?

No, I dont mean that the statloss system would be removed if a longterm system were to be put into place. What I mean is longterm counts do not affect statloss.

Heres how a long/short term system works...

Longterm kills determine if you go red. Short terms determine if you will receive statloss.

IE: Under such a system, the villainous Tonka Truck murders 5 innocents in a short amount of time (under 8 hrs), he now has 5 longterm counts and 5 shorterm counts and as such, has gone red. After 8 hrs, he will lose one shortterm kill, thus reducing his penalties of statloss. However, because there are now longterm murder counts (for this example well use the original timers) of 40 hrs, he is still red.
Now after 40 hours of his last kill (so long as he doesnt pk anymore innocents), Tonka Truck will lose 1 longtermkill and all of his shortterm kills (40 hrs/8 hours per shortterm). Tonka Truck now has 0 shortterms and 4 longterms. If Tonka Truck kills another innocent at this time, he will be red again (now having 5 longterms once more) and have 1 shortterm kill.

Same Example Under the Current System: Tonka Truck again has murdered 5 poor souls, he now has 5 counts and as such has gone red. After 8 hrs, he would lose one count, thus reducing his penalties for statloss, but also making him blue again. After 40 hrs he has no murder counts whatsoever and can kill 5 more innocents before going red (whereas the longterm system would've make him red after only one more kill).

It sounds complicated, I know, but once you understand the system and can see it IG its quite simple to understand. Also, I believe your example described the same setup as mine....with such a system, you can be red without necessarily suffering statloss.

Heres a link to Stratics incase my describing of it made no sense =P
yo that idea is off the chain, no more blue pks !!

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:35 pm
by ironfistmax
Yes this will but an end to "blue pks." I see it as a good idea.

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:21 am
by Thor
I think that it's even better to switch to this model, becuase unatended macroing is legal here. With the short term it is too easy to shake the red status.

And also, with this model, there is no change to the actual stat loss system, but it will give players more warning when a noted murderer is approaching.

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:48 am
by Lothain
I understand now, and think it's a very good idea.

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:08 pm
by Gilgamesh
I don't even see being red as a deterrent, it's just part of the game atmosphere from this era. Players that regularly kill other players (who are blue) should be red, it's just how it is. Where's the thrill in seeing a blue name coming at you from off screen?

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:47 pm
by kill drizitz
this is t2a accurate, and it kicks ass. i think a change like this would finally put bucs den back on the map. im all for it

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:47 pm
by qtip
This is a good idea. A real pk is red.

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:55 pm
by Derrick
qtip wrote:This is a good idea. A real pk is red.
We seem to have a pretty unanimous feeling on this from predators and prey alike. It's going to be some work to get this implemented as this is a core part of our murder system and as such effects some other things as well.

I'll begin work on making this change very soon, but I can't at this time give any estimates as to when this will be added.

Re: [Poll] Should Longterm Counts be Added?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:18 pm
by benny-
Thanks Derrick...glad to see a shard with staff that will actually hear out their players' ideas...I'm really not used to it =P Anywho, thanks again!