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Dragons and Gates

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:40 pm
by Mikel123
A tame dragon will go through a moongate if he steps on it, but not if he passes over it in fly mode. I don't know if this is accurate or not.

Additionally, sometimes a dragon will walk right over a moongate and not go through. I have an rpv of this.

Re: Dragons and Gates

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:28 pm
by ClowN
i may be wrong here, but i think dragons will only go through a gate if they are currently under player command to do it. for example, if a tamer tells his dragons to follow him, and he guides them over a gate. or if a bard uses the enticement skill on a tamed dragon in the same manner. if a wild dragon, or a dragon thats just wandering on his own steps on a gate, i dont think he will go through.

Re: Dragons and Gates

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:07 pm
by Mikel123
Yup, you're wrong :-) Tamed dragons will go through gates if they're chasing sometime, or just aimlessly walking around. But occasionally, a dragon will get bugged, and won't go through under either situation. I think this "bug" has to do with them getting to very low health, and their owner being well off-screen or somewhere else completely. You're correct about wild dragons though - won't go through gates.

Re: Dragons and Gates

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:45 pm
by Psilo
Just like players, tamed animals can't go inside of a moongate unless they step onto it for like 500 miliseconds.

The easiest way to get a tamed creature to go through a gate if you don't own it is to paralize it, cast a moongate in front of it, attack it while standing on the opposite side of the moongate and the creature will walk onto it and pause since you are blocking its path. And so it will go in.

If a player runs through a moongate they won't go in, same with monsters.

Brings up another point, the world moongates are inaccurate. Players shouldn't go through unless they pause on it.