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Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:15 pm
by Tom Bombadil
Curious as to what people do for fencing as far as the chars skills go. I'm looking for a PvP fencer. If you could set it up like this that would be helpful:



What are the best combos?
P.S. What does Dex do for a fighter?


Re: Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:07 am
by Hicha
Str: 99
Dex: 96
Int: 30

1 Fencing
2 Anatomy
3 Tactics
4 Healing
5 Magery
6 Resist
7 Poisoning/Parry/Macing/Archery

Parry is good versus other dexxers, poisoning is great but DP is kind of gimped here due to it being cured easily. Macing is also a good alternative to damage armor versus dexxers and kill stam on mages , Archery is a fun opener if you carry a pimp xbow. It just depends on your flavor, UOSA has just about all of those templates fielding.

Dex determines how fast you swing a weapon and how much stamina you have. Lower dex = slower swing.

Re: Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:33 pm
by Tom Bombadil
This looks great, thanks for being willing to share.


Re: Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:57 pm
by Mikel123
90 Magery
100 Resist
100 Healing
100 Anatomy
100 Tactics
100 Fencing
35 Hiding
75 Tracking

Tracking is actually quite helpful, as this is a red pvp character and about half of my fights are non-consensual. There's a ton of people on here who have GM Hiding, and can hide from you once they manage to get over 8 tiles away from you. With ring/chain/plate on, you get one Reveal per fight (if that) so otherwise, it really helps to have Tracking and some purple potions to smoke them out. Hiding is mostly for times when I expect someone to return to an area and just want to sit and wait for them.

I feel like 90 Magery is the right amount to ensure I never fizzle a level 6 spell. But I actually find I never actually cast one... so I may drop this. I know a fair amount of well-established PK dexers have someone in their home that gates them around, so they actually have 0 magery.

I'm not a fan of poisoning on a dexer character. You can easily prep a couple weapons with poison ahead of time with a mule. 12 charges is more than enough for most fights... and if you find it's not, you can always carry a second poisoned weapon.

Re: Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:43 am
by Caps Lock
Is fencing a viable weapon for PvP?

Re: Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:29 am
by Mikel123
Yes. Nearly every dexer PK uses fencing, because the Kryss is so fast and has the best chance to disrupt a Recall because it can get a couple swings in during their cast attempt.

For a consensual fight against a mage, it's also quite good.

The biggest problem with fencing is dexer vs dexer. It's pretty bad for that, and you're at a strong disadvantage against a dexer using swords or maces. Your best hope is to keep them poisoned and try to run them out of orange potions. But against a macer, you'll likely run out of red potions before they run out of orange ones :-)

Re: Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:36 am
by Hicha
Fencing is great versus mage, but versus another dexxer the fight usually comes down to a.) who gets lucky with a string of hits, b.) poison dexxer burning all the cures from the opponent, c.) one of the guys mounts runs out of stamina, or d.) explosion spot spammed. I usually switch to war fork/short spear for dexxers.

Also, tracking is very good for a pk, and the minimum you need is 21.4 real skill to be able to track anyone on your screen, which will allow you to track them if they run several screens away.

Re: Skills for a Fencer

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:22 pm
by Tom Bombadil
Thanks for the info. Tracking sounds interesting.
