Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

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Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

I have been killing, looting, hunting, collecting, and simply HOARDING items on this game since I started a little over a year ago. I have moved, HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of items all around my keep without ever knowing what I had. Which tells me ONE THING. . . I don't need them!

Perhaps some items can be of use to other players in the game! I have picked through and saved items that I want to keep, so Now I just want to see if anyone is interested in anything.

I originally posted a general "PM me if your want items" and got an overwhelming number of responses, I answered everyone, and sent out a general list of what everyone was looking for. That lists was long, but it prompted me to take the time and actually go through each item and type out the MASTER LIST. I guess since we got like a foot of snow here in Wisconsin, I had some extra time with the free day off work and all.

So, With many items already sold (removed from the list) I have edited and added to it. All items are FORCE, POWER or VANQ. MOST items have tactic (or archery) and durability additions. I ask that each person PM me there orders but I will anwser everyone who posts a reply also. I will edit and remove this list as quickly as possible as items sell.

No need to rip on me for posting the "CLUBS" and pointless items, just because YOU don't want them, don't mean others are not interested. Give me a fair price, or general offer on a small selection of items, and im sure we can deal. I have a good idea of what I want for each item as it stands with there properties, and trust me, Im not like some people who think they can get 50K for a Power or Vanq weapon. Not to mention I pulled most the TOP OF THE LINE items out because I used them as well.

I numbered the Items to make it easy to identify which items your talking about, and easy to remove the items. I also organized the list to make people looking for certain items like Katana's only etc. to find them. alothough I did my best to organize them, I didn't spend much time on it, I set it up by SKILL, Sword, Mace, Archery, Fencing and then each "grouping" within those catergorys. I advise everyone to go through it all if you want to make sure you get everything :-)

Heavy Crossbows:

1. Eminently Accurate Heavy Xbow of Force 5
2. Substantial Surpassingly Accurate Heavy Xbow of Force 2
3. Exceedingly Accurate Heavy XBow of Force 3
4. Silver Eminently Accurate Heavy Xbow of Force 1
5. Surpassingly Accurate Heavy XBow of Force 1
6. Fortified Eminently Accurate Heavy Xbow of Force 1
7. Fortified Exceedingly Accurate Heavy XBow of Force 1
8. Massive Heavy Xbow of Force 5
9. Substantial Heavy Xbow of Force 2
10. Heavy Xbow of Force 6
11. Fortified Heavy Xbow of Force
12. Surpassingly accurate Heavy Xbow of Force

13. Sold
14. Sold
15. Sold
16. Sold
17. Heavy Xbow of Power 3
18. Silver Massive Heavy Xbow of Power
19. Sold

20. Sold

21. Crossbow of Force 5
22. Indestructable Crossbow of Force
23. Massive Crossbow of Force 2
24. Exceedingly Accurate crossbow of feebliemind and force with 37 charges
25. Substantial Crossbow of Force 2
26. Crossbow of weakness and Force with 11 charges
27. Fortified crossbow of Force
28. Accurate Crossbow of Force
29. Fortified Exceedingly Accurate Crossbow of Force
30. Eminently Accurate Crossbow of Force
31. Surpassingly Accurate Crossbow of weakness and Force with 35 charges
32. Fortified eminently accurate crossbow of wounding and force wih 24 charges
33. Massive Eminently accurate Crossbow of Force 2
34. Substantial eminently accurate Crossbow of Force
35. Crossbow of clumsiness and Force with 52 charges
36. Exceedingly accurate Crossbow of Force

37. Exceedingly accurate Crossbow of Power
38. Eminently accurate crossbow of Power
39. Indestructible exceedingly accurate crossbow of Power
40. Crossbow of Power 2
41. Surpassingly accurate Crossbow of Power
42. Silver Crossbow of Power
43. Fortified exceedingly accurate crossbow of wounding and Power with 41 charges
44. Massive exceedingly accurate Crossbow of Power
45. Fortified Crossbow of Power

46. Sold
47. Crossbow of vanquishing
48. Sold

49. Massive Bow of Force 4
50. Eminently accurate bow of Force 4
51. Substantial surpassingly accurate bow of Force 2
52. Massive Eminently accurate bow of feeblemind and force with 57 charges
53. Substantial Bow of Force
54. Surpassingly accurate Bow of Force 2
55. Bow of Force 4
56. Substantial eminently accurate Bow of Force
57. Substantial bow of clumsiness and force with 27 charges
58. Sold
59. Silver surpassingly accurate Bow of Force
60. Fortified Bow of Force
61. Fortified bow of thunder and force with 11 charges
62. Massive Surpassingly accurate bow of clumsiness and force with 26 charges
63. Massive bow of mages bane and force with 31 charges
64. Bow of wounding and force with 74 charges

65. Sold
66. Sold
67. Sold
68. Sold
69. Bow of Power
70. Sold
71. Sold
72. Sold

73. Sold

74. Double axe of Feeblemind and Force with 23 Charges
75. Massive eminently accurate war hammer of force
76. Eminently accurate executioners axe of weakness and force with 24 charges
77. Substantial surpassingly accurate battle axe of force
78. Surpassingly accurate double axe of force
79. Massive accurate battle axe of force
80. Surpassingly accurate large battle axe of force
81. Eminently accurate large battle axe of force
82. Large battle axe of force
83. massive eminently accurate double axe of force
84. Eminently accurate two handed axe of force
85. Massive eminently accurate large battle axe of force
86. Durable battle axe of force
87. Eminently accurate battle axe of force
88. Massive accurate battle axe of force
89. Eminently accurate double axe of force
90. Surpassingly accurate double axe of force 2
91. Eminently accurate axe of force
92. Supremely accurate large battle axe of force
93. Executioners axe of force
94. Silver accurate two handed axe of force
95. Hatchet of force
96. Massive eminently accurate two handed axe of force
97. Fortified eminently accurate double axe of force
98. Massive large battle axe of force
99. Executioners axe of force
100. Massive eminently accurate double axe of force
101. Eminently accurate pickaxe of force
102. Eminently accurate axe of force
103. Silver surpassingly accurate hatchet of force
104. Surpassingly accurate large battle axe of force
105. Large battle axe of force
106. Massive large battle axe of force
107. Massive surpassingly accurate two handed axe of force
108. Massive executioners axe of force
109. Substantial two handed axe of force
110. Double axe of force
111. Exceedingly accurate double axe of force
112. Large battle axe of force
113. Accurate axe of force
114. Eminently accurate double axe of force
115. Two handed axe of force

116. Accurate double axe of Power
117. Fortified accurate axe of Power
118. Double axe of Power
119. Large battle axe of Power
120. Accurate large battle of power
121. Axe of feeblemind and power with 42 charges
122. Massive exceedingly accurate double axe of daemons breath and power with 19 charges
123. Exceedingly accurate axe of power 2
124. Eminently accurate axe of Power
125. Executioners axe of Power
126. Supremely accurate large battle axe of Power
127. Battle axe of power

128. Axe of vanquishing
129. Accurate war axe of vanquishing
130. Hatchet of vanquishing
131. Fortified exceedingly battle axe of vanquishing
132. Large battle axe of vanquishing
133. Durable surpassingly accurate large battle axe of vanquishing
134. War axe of vanquishing
135. Silver massive axe of vanquishing
136. Fortified supremely accurate shepherds crook of vanquishing

137. Indestructable Cleaver of Force
138. Massive eminently accurate butcher knife of force
139. Surpassingly accurate butcher knife of force
140. Accurate cleaver of force
141. Indestructible exceedingly accurate skinning knife of Power
142. Exceedingly accurate skinning knife of Power
143. Fortified skinning knife of ghoulds touch and power with 15 charges
144. Exceedingly accurate buther knife of Power
145. Fortified exceedingly accurate butcher knife of Power
146. Massive exceedingly accurate butcher knife of power

Pole Weapons:
147. Sold
148. Sold
149. Sold
150. Sold
151. Sold
152. Sold
153. Sold
154. Sold
155. Sold
156. Sold
157. Sold
158. Sold
159. Sold
160. Sold
161. Sold
162. Sold
163. Sold
164. Sold
165. Sold
166. Sold
167. Sold
168. Sold

169. Sold
170. Sold
171. Substantial accurate dagger of vanquishing
172. Fortified exceedingly accurate butcher knife of vanquishing
173. Surpassingly accurate longsword of vanquishing
174. Broadsword of vanquishing

175. Sold
176. Sold
177. Sold
178. Sold
179. Exceedingly accurate broadsword of force 4
180. Fortified Exceedingly accurate broadsword of force
181. Fortified supremely accurate broadsword of force
182. Eminently accurate broadsword of force 4
183. broadsword of force 7
184. durable broadsword of force 2
185. massive surpassingly accurate broadsword of force 2
186. surpassingly accurate broadsword of force 2
187. massive broadsword of force 4
188. fortified eminently accurate broadsword of force 3
189. massive eminently accurate broadsword of force 5
190. accurate broadsword of force 2
191. substantial broadsword of force
192. massive exceedingly accurate broadsword of force
193. scimitar of force 3
194. substantial surpassingly accurate scimitar of force 2
195. durable scimitar of force
196. indestructible exceedingly accurate scimitar of force
197. supremely accurate scimitar of force
198. Massive cutlass of force
199. Cutlass of force
200. Surpassingly accurate cutlass of force
201. Fortified exceedingly accurate katana of force
202. Sold
203. Durable katana of force
204. Viking sword of force
205. Massive Viking sword of force 2
206. Massive exceedingly accurate longsword of force
207. Surpassingly accurate longsword of force 2
208. Durable longsword of force
209. longsword of force 2
210. substantial longsword of force
211. supremely accurate longsword of force
212. Massive eminently accurate longsword of force

213. Battle axe of Power
214. Hatchet of Power 2
215. Sold
216. Accurate battle axe of Power
217. Viking sword of clumsiness and power with 36 charges
218. Surpassingly accurate Viking sword of Power
219. Eminently accurate Viking sword of Power
220. Viking sword of Power
221. Fortified supremely accurate Viking sword of Power
222. Massive exceedingly accurate scimitar of Power
223. scimitar of Power 2
224. eminently accurate scimitar of Power
225. exceedingly accurate scimitar of Power
226. fortified exceedingly accurate longsword of clumsiness and power with 29 charges
227. accurate longsword of weakness and power with 41 changes
228. exceedingly accurate longsword of power
229. fortified longsword of power
230. eminently accurate broadsword of Power 5
231. Massive broadsword of Power 2
232. broadsword of Power
233. massive eminently accurate broadsword of Power
234. massive eminently accurate broadsword of weakness and power with 13 charges
235. surpassingly accurate broadsword of power
236. exceedingly accurate broadsword of feeblemind and power with 17 charges

237. Fortified supremely accurate war axe of force
238. Massive surpassingly accurate war axe of force
239. War axe of force
240. Surpassingly accurate war axe of force
241. Substantial exceedingly accurate war axe of force
242. Surpassingly accurate war axe of force
243. War axe of force

244. Silver massive war axe of Power
245. Exceedingly accurate war axe of Power
246. War axe of Power

247. Substantial surpassingly accurate war axe of vanquishing

248. Durable club of force
249. Substantial exceedingly accurate mace of force
250. Substantial eminently accurate war mace of force
251. Fortified eminently accurate war mace of force
252. Substantial accurate war mace of force
253. Substantial mace of force 2
254. massive eminently accurate maul of force
255. Surpassingly accurate maul of force
256. Fortified surpassingly accurate maul of force
257. Massive surpassingly accurate maul of force

258. Massive Eminently accurate war mace of Power
259. Fortified exceedingly accurate war mace of Power
260. Durable maul of Power
261. Massive surpassingly accurate maul of Power
262. Surpassingly accurate mace of Power
263. Surpremely accurate mace of Power
264. Eminently accurate mace of Power
265. Surpassingly accurate mace of Power
266. Fortified exceedingly accurate club of Power
267. Massive exceedingly accurate war hammer of Power
268. Massive mace of power

269. Exceedingly accurate club of clumsiness and vanquishing with 54 charges
270. SOLD
271. SOLD
272. SOLD
273. Hammer pick of vanquishing

274. Fortified Exceedingly Accurate War Hammer of Force
275. Eminently Accurate War Hammer of Force
276. Substantial surpassingly accurate War Hammer of Force
277. Accurate War Hammer of Force
278. Massive War Hammer of Force
279. Massive War Hammer of Power
280. Sold
281. Massive eminently accurate hammer pick of force
282. Massive hammer pick of force
283. Hammer pick of force
284. Durable accurate hammer pick of force
285. Fortified exceedingly accurate hammer pick of force
286. Eminently accurate war hammer of force

287. Indestructable, Exceedingly Accurate ¼ staff of Force
288. Massive Eminently Accurate ¼ staff of Force
289. Eminently Accurate ¼ staff of Force
290. Substantial Eminently Accurate ¼ staff of Force 2
291. Silver Accurate Black Staff
292. Exceedingly Accurate Black Staff of Force
293. Massive Surpassingly Accurate Black staff of Force
294. Massive ¼ Staff of Force
295. SOLD
296. SOLD
297. SOLD
298. SOLD
299. SOLD
300. SOLD
301. Eminently accurate shepherds crook of burning and force with 19 charges
302. Supremely accurate gnarled staff of force
303. Massive gnarled staff of force
304. Surpassingly accurate gnarled staff of force

305. Kryss of Power
306. Sold
307. Silver Kryss of Power
308. Substantial Kryss of Power
309. Massive Eminently Accurate Kryss of Force
310. Sold
311. Eminently Accurate War fork of Force

Spears and Forks:

312. Eminently Accurate War Fork of Force 2
313. Silver Surpassingly Accurate War Fork of Force
314. Durable Accurate War fork of Force
315. Accurate War Fork of Force
316. Fortified War fork of Power
317. Substantial Accurate Short Spear of Force 2
318. Short Spear of Force
319. Fortified eminently accurate short spear of Force
320. Supremely accurate Short spear of Force
321. Substantial pitchfork of force
322. Pitchfork of Force
323. Eminently accurate spear of Force
324. Accurate Spear of Force
325. Massive eminently accurate spear of force
326. Fortified spear of Power
327. Spear of Power 5
328. Sold
329. Sold
330. Massive short spear of Power
331. Short Spear of Power
332. Eminently accurate pitchfork of Power 2
333. Massive pitchfork of Power
334. Durable exceedingly accurate pitchfork of clumsiness and Power with 22 charges

335. Spear of Vanquishing
336. Accurate pitchfork of daemons breath and vanquishing with 23 charges
337. Pitchfork of Vanquishing
338. Short spear of vanquishing
339. Silver short spear of vanquishing
340. Sold

341. Eminently accurate Dagger of Force
342. Indestructible exceedingly accurate dagger of force
343. Dagger of evil and power with 21 charges

Weapons with “Powers”:

344. Exceedingly Accurate double axe of feeblemind and Force with 32 charges
345. Double axe of Feeblemind and Force with 23 Charges
346. SOLD
347. Indestructible exceedingly accurate large battle ace of clumsiness and Force with 23 chargess
348. Short Spear of Wounding and Power with 22 Charges
349. Eminently accurate War Axe of Burning and Force with 22 charges
350. Substantial War Axe of Clumsiness and Force with 26 charges
351. Surpassingly Accurate hammer pick of daemons breath and Force with 32 Charges
352. Large battle axe of Clumsiness and Force with 23 charges
353. SOLD
354. Silver dagger of weakness and Force with 55 charges
355. Club of wounding and force with 25 charges
356. Silver massive eminently accurate club of clumsiness and force with 28 charges
357. Fortified eminently accurate axe of weakness and force with 50 charges
358. Sold
359. Fortified accurate kryss of evil and force with 18 charges
360. Sold
361. Kryss of Wounding and Force with 16 charges
362. Heavy Xbow of evil and Force with 45 Charges
363. Massive heavy crossbow of feeblemind and Force with 31 Charges
364. Broadsword of burning and force with 43 charges
365. Substantial exceedingly accurate broadsword of thunder and force with 3 charges
366. Massive broadsword of weakness and force with 7 charges
367. SOLD
368. Surpassingly accurate cutlass of clumsiness and force with 24 charges
369. Massive Viking sword of mages and force with 11 charges
370. Eminently accurate executioners axe of weakness and force with 24 charges
371. SOLD
372. SOLD

All I ask is for FAIR Bids, but because of the amount of people, and the fact that I too want to make a profit and get good $$$ for each item, I ask that you give the Best Honest Price you wish to pay for each item your interested in. I do not have the time to offer a BID war, nor do I like them, So, I am sure that Ill get a number of PM back with what items everyone wants, and the price they are willing to pay, So If I see 3 people interested in an item ill go with who has the highest price, at the current time. Ill anwser everyone as soon as possible, and wont "wait" to get the higher offers.

So, Im reasonable, and wont reject REAL and DECENT offers, so Send me what your interested in, with a price EACH, do NOT send "all for" numbers because I will be selling to multipal people and the lists are going to shrink fast!

~Thank you

Anyone interested in ARMOR? I have over 500 items of Harding / Fort and Invuln armor including sheilds, leather, chain up to plate. I do NOT have this list started yet, just want to know if there is a market out there for armor or not?

Have Fun, Enjoy!
Last edited by Murugan on Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Gicod »

Dear God. You sir, have a fetish....

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

Gicod wrote:Dear God. You sir, have a fetish....
No fetish, Just never took the time to go through anything. I mean when I was playing I was pulling in a shit ton of items a night. PKing and what have you. They all got tossed into chests and locked away in the keep. but I say F- It and making the moves to move the stuff!
Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Chaos »

wow how long did it take to type that list :)

[21:27] <@Derrick> UOSA is a tribute to the feasibility of anarchy

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

Chaos wrote:wow how long did it take to type that list :)
Not too long. 2 Hours maybe. Everything was already organized in force / power / vanq sO i just needed to click and type with uo on half my screen and word on the other. But it was worth it, cause even the items that dont sell, I have a master list now of what I got.

Im happy either way. Not to mention i have sold off 140K worth of items in just the past 2 days, so I am happy with the deals I did thus far. they dont take up any space, cause even if I sold everything I would keep the chests and set-up as I got it still.

Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Tron »

Could I pay you to come do this for my shit too?



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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

Tron wrote:Could I pay you to come do this for my shit too?
lol, I was bored waiting for a house to decay. but its not that hard to do.
Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Chaos »

Meet me in Game .. I'll give you 5k just for doing this in one post and not junking up the forums for weeks .. Chaos in game if you have vendor post place and an item for 5k I'll run by and pick it up.

[21:27] <@Derrick> UOSA is a tribute to the feasibility of anarchy

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

Chaos wrote:Meet me in Game .. I'll give you 5k just for doing this in one post and not junking up the forums for weeks .. Chaos in game if you have vendor post place and an item for 5k I'll run by and pick it up.
I always welcome money . . lol Pick something out Id like o at least give u a gift for such a donation!
Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

Chaos wrote:Meet me in Game .. I'll give you 5k just for doing this in one post and not junking up the forums for weeks .. Chaos in game if you have vendor post place and an item for 5k I'll run by and pick it up.
Thank you Kindly Sir! Met Chaos in-game and he lived up to his word. $5000 cash just for keeping the forums clean! Good Honest people still do play this game!
Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

BUMPing This Up!
Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by son »

I bought alot of items from this guy, and he scammed me.

Derrick has been pmed.

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by Murugan »

son wrote:I bought alot of items from this guy, and he scammed me.

Derrick has been pmed.
Blackfoot, Please delete this post as This guy is accusing me of scamming him, even though I have made many attempts to "correct" any wrong doing, and further my argument with him, Ill POST everything.

SON is a Moron who thinks he should get MORE then he desirves, and wants Derrick to get involved without working anythign out without the help of staff!

Below are the PMs between me and Son, from start to finish, and at the end is the IRC chat we had!

I contacted Derrick before Son, informing him of Son being upset, yet Son still feels like I am useing the forums to "scam" people. Which I am not. Thouse who have delt with me, know that everything went smooth and I am an honest merchant!

I could do without the essay and with the agreed upon deal.
Sent: Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:47 pm

Folder: Sent messages
I see you got my msg, and I still have no responce. . . Nor do I see u in the IRC, Please contact me asap, as I will only be online for a little longer!

Msg Derrik if you want. The fact of the matter is I did NOT scam you in any way!

Just because you are not happy with the end result of the trade, does not mean you were scammed! I am sorry that some of the items were not un-used but I never posted that they were.

I also informed you of items that were already sold when we were talking, and when we met I told you that Other items had also been forgotten because of the amount of trading i was doing that day . . first to come up with the cash got the items!

#13 (your heavys) were among them. I TOLD you this ingame, and you have 100% ability to see HOW MANY items are in a bag when it is in the trade window. SO the fact that it was hours or even days after the sale, (when you discovered you got used items) is when the issue comes up with a problem of the sale. Now, You are complaining about 2 items that you have valued at 2K each! Meet me ingame right now and I will gladly hand you over the 4K . . . To I offered to "make it right" a number of times, but the fact is simply this. I gave you 150K worth of items for 131K I sold AND TOLD YOU about all the missing items. If you add up all the items without the 4 that I have evidence of telling you about, it comes to 127K You paid me 131K, so Ill make it right by giving u 4K back. Nothing else.

I have already contacted Derrik because I know I am a ligit player, who is one of the FEW in the game who can accept gold in any amount before handing product over, and not get the itch to rip someone off.

Money is no object to me in this GAME and neither are any whinny players! I piss 4K out from atop one of my 3 keeps. Its not an issue. I think you are a whinner, who is scamming me. We both know you got a GREAT deal on your items, and your still trying to get more. But because Im the bigger person, Ill GIVE you something you do not deserve.

Find me In IRC, Murugan is the name. If u dont get me tonight as I will only be online for a little while longer, then you must keep trying.



Well you said 45 items and I got 39. The most obvious which is 2 missing 25 power heavies. If you dont correct this I will report to Derrick and you will be banned for scamming using forums :D

PS. The most common wep you sold me was a bardy of force, which does not sell for 4-6k specially when the shit is USED. Fix this or I will pm derrick.

Sent by Murugan
Just wait a sec, I never advertized them as being "new" I dont have a single character with arms lore, and 90% of what I have has been looted from houses.

Nextly, I gave you everything you asked for, I went back and looked at the list, I told you that number 13 didn't have but 1, even though it said there was 3, and those were the items you were missing.

Nextly don't think for one second that you didn't get a good deal because we both know that you DID.

I gave you like 40 items for 131K thats like 3K per item. of those, half the order was Bards and Hallys, so those go for like 4 - 6K each. Those alone make the deal worth it, and the kryss and heavys all make it a stellar deal!

So enjoy the items, cause Im done working this deal. I offered 3 times to GIVE you some more items, and you failed to arrange a meeting. And now its complaint after complaint for what? NOTHING The add NEVER said that these items have been checked for their use!

Sent by SON
Rofl and some of these weps are not even new. You gota be kidding me.

Sent by Murugan
When can u meet, I can make the deal right

Sent by SON
So whats the deal

Sent by SON
I know its missing 2 heavies and if you throw in some hallies or something thats fair nuf

Sent by Murugan
I didn't intend to rip you off. Let me work these other deals (so backed up) and Ill toss together a little something to even the trade.

What items do you use? Kryss / hally etc? if you didnt get something its probably because my list is only up to date as fast as I can do it, and some items might have gone wrongly, or sold without me marking it.

Sent by SON
Not sure dude I have no patience to id of em, just gona put them all in the pvp pile grab bag.

Sent by Murugan
which ones?

Sent by SON
So far I notice its missing 2 more heavies, you said there was 45 items but the bags show 39.

Sent by Son
ye i knew u had multiples, thats why i have more for those items.

I am going to skara now

Sent by Murugan
I dont know if you seen the #'s at the end of the lines, that means I have 2, or 3 or 4 of that item. Did you want all of what I have in what you want and make it 131K (3 deeds) or just one of everything for the 115K?

Sent by Murugan
alright, deal

Skara Brea in 5 min or so - Divinar

Sent by Son
Ill give you 115k for items listed minus the 4 you sold. Let me know when and where. I am felix in irc.

Sent by Murugan
I will accept your offer BUT

# 295
# 296
# 371
# 372

Have been already sold. I did my best to update the list as items sold, From the looks of what your getting (some 45 items) I believe that the 3 small deeds is still a fair trade.

If this is acceptible, then let me know and Id be happy to meet with you anywhere u like to do the trade.

Sent by Son
13 2. Surpremely Accurate Heavy XBow of Power 3
147 1. Eminently Accurate Bardiche of Force
148 1. Halberd of Force
149 1. Massive Halberd of Force 2
150 1. Eminentaly Accurate Halberd of Force
151 1. Industructable Halberd of Force
152 1. Durable Halberd of Force
153 1. Fortified eminently accurate halbard of force
154 3. Bardiche of Power
155 4. Bardiche of Evil and Power 19 charges
156 8. Accurate Bardiche of wounding and Power with 23 charges
157 3. Eminently Accurate bardiche of Power
158 3. Indestructible accurate bardiche of Power
159 2. Massive halbard of force
160 2. Substantial eminently accurate bardiche of force 2
161 2. bardiche of force 4
162 2. eminently accurate bardiche of force 2
163 2. exceedingly accurate bardiche of force 2
164 2. substantial surpassingly accurate bardiche of force
165 2. massive surpassingly accurate bardiche of force
166 2. massive eminently accurate bardiche of force
167 2. surpassingly accurate bardiche of force
168 4. exceedingly accurate bardiche of power
169 5. Bardiche of vanquishing
170 5. Indestructible bardiche of vanquishing
175 3. Katana of Power
176 3. Fortified Katana of Power
177 1. Surpassingly Accurate Katana of Force 2
178 1. Accurate Katana of Force
202 1. Katana of force
215 7. Indestructible exceedingly accurate executioners axe of daemons breath and Power w 25 charges
295 8. Supremely Accurate ¼ staff of wounding and Power w/29 charges
296 7. Fortified Supremely accurate ¼ staff of Power
358 8. Kryss of Deamons Breath and force with 32 charges
360 4. Surpassingly accurate Kryss of Thunder and Force with 18 charges
367 2. Substantial accurate longsword of ghouls touch and force with 17 charges
371 2. Substantial surpassingly accurate broadsword of ghouls touch and force with 14 charges
372 2. Substantial surpassingly accurate broadsword of deamons breath and force with 46 charges

I will give you three small house deeds (131400gp) for all these items, provided they are all "unused" by arms lore standards.

Small houses are defacto trade because checks are not available.

Please recognize that going thru this list is quite time consuming.

This is the IRC chat which followed:

[22:49] <felix> im son dumbass
[22:49] <felix> i replied to you in the channel.
[23:00] <Murugan> where u want to meet
[23:00] <Murugan> who sits there starring at the channel?
[23:00] <Murugan> let me give u 4K so u get off my shit
[23:00] <felix> missing 6 items
[23:01] <felix> 6*3 =?
[23:01] <Murugan> the deal is 4K
[23:01] <felix> no
[23:01] <felix> the deal is 45 items
[23:01] <felix> i got 39
[23:01] <Murugan> 6 items were NOT missing
[23:01] <felix> yes.
[23:01] <felix> i told you in pm
[23:01] <felix> and you admitted
[23:01] <felix> its all in the freaking pm
[23:01] <felix> which derrick can see
[23:01] <Murugan> the 4 items i told you about
[23:02] <Murugan> the onlything missing was the 2 heavys
[23:02] <Murugan> you stated to me over and over the heavies where your concern
[23:02] <felix> fine
[23:02] <Murugan> I did not SCAM you, I am OFFERING you 4K out of GOOD faith to make this deal better for all
[23:02] <felix> give me the 2 heavies and 3*3k
[23:02] <Murugan> If you want to see what Derrick says about it
[23:02] <Murugan> by all means contact him
[23:03] <Murugan> Trust me, I wont be getting banned fbecause I am not running a scam
[23:03] <Murugan> YOU just feel cheated, and by no fault but your own, for not IDing the weapons to see they were used
[23:03] <Murugan> 4K is the deal
[23:03] <felix> rofl i dont need an essay
[23:03] <felix> ill take my 2 heavies and 3*3k
[23:03] <Murugan> apparently you do
[23:03] <Murugan> cause everytime i tell u what Ill give u u act like im not typing
[23:04] <Murugan> lol,
[23:04] <felix> wat
[23:04] <Murugan> you get the difference FOR the 2 heavys which is 2 *2
[23:04] <Murugan> 4K
[23:04] <felix> okay im pming derrick
[23:04] <felix> ttl
[23:04] <Murugan> Night
[23:04] <Murugan> I already sent him my side of the story, So dont try to dr. anything
[23:05] <Murugan> :-)
[23:05] <Murugan> If Derrick feels you were "scammed" he will let me know
[23:05] <Murugan> BTW, The offer is pulled now . . .
[23:05] <felix> dude shut up already
[23:05] <felix> fuckin moron
[23:05] <Murugan> so no matter the outcome, if Derrick thinks there was no scam, and everything is ligit, then the 4K is no longer an option
[23:05] <felix> you agreed to a deal
[23:05] <felix> you ddint give said items
[23:05] <felix> i gave gold
[23:05] <felix> how is tha tnot a scam?
[23:06] <felix> say what you want buddy
[23:06] <felix> you even admit in the fuckin pm than all the items are not there
[23:06] <felix> what a moron.
[23:06] <Murugan> Scam: as defined by UOSA, Ones posting on the forums WITHOUT the intention of buying or selling items . . IE. I sbuy a DEED from you, but my only intention is to STeal it from you
[23:07] <Murugan> CHECK your shit before you accuse me of being a scammer
[23:07] <felix> hey idiot, saying something is for sale and giving something else is infact a scam
[23:07] <felix> nice try
[23:07] <Murugan> I got a fucking BUTT LOAD of people I delt with who will vouch for a ligit sale, you think your the lucky moron to get "scammed"
[23:07] <felix> give me 6*3k or this is getting sent
[23:07] <felix> 45 items in deal, 39 given
[23:07] <Murugan> NOW I have tried ot make it right, but YOU need to compromise too . . your telling me that ALL those items were only worth 118K?
[23:08] <felix> not required, and wtf is up with the CAPS
[23:08] <felix> rofl
[23:08] <felix> the deal was agreed upon
[23:08] <felix> you did not give items
[23:08] <felix> are you still confused?
[23:08] <Murugan> Know your trying to scam me, simple as that
[23:08] <felix> no
[23:08] <felix> you cant scam using forum
[23:08] <Murugan> you want 6 *3 when 2 items missing were only worth 2K each
[23:08] <Murugan> YOUR full of shit
[23:08] <felix> and im also "rich" so i give a fuck
[23:08] <felix> you fucked me so this will be made right
[23:09] <Murugan> you were far from fucked
[23:09] <Murugan> Im done with you, Have Derrick contact me, and Ill make it right if he thinks it needs to be
[23:09] <Murugan> your un realistic and out of line
[23:09] <felix> okay idiot
[23:10] <Murugan> For the record, Please tell me WHAT "6" items are missing
[23:10] <felix> i dont fuckin know, i ddint id them all
[23:10] <felix> i know you said 45
[23:10] <felix> and there was 39
[23:10] <Murugan> LOL,
[23:10] <felix> and i said that in pm
[23:10] <felix> and you admitted it
[23:10] <felix> rofl
[23:10] <Murugan> then how can u even give a price on them
[23:10] <felix> so gl
[23:10] <felix> average price
[23:10] <Murugan> LOL
[23:10] <Murugan> average price?
[23:10] <felix> again
[23:10] <felix> your number
[23:11] <Murugan> I bet if they were all worth 8K you would know what items they are
[23:11] <felix> check your spaztic pm
[23:11] <Murugan> you and me BOTH know 4K is an even deal to make things "better"
[23:11] <felix> i know the bows were important and clearly missing
[23:11] <felix> since i have 3 archers
[23:11] <felix> and 1 in bag.
[23:11] <Murugan> Trust me, I did, . . I wouldnt have PMed Derrick if I hadnt
[23:11] <felix> okay dont pm me anymore
23:11] <felix> cya
[23:13] <Murugan> lol, you better not make up PMs cause I never said I know they were missing.
[23:13] <Murugan> If you make shit up ill have you banned pal
[23:13] <Murugan> Sleep well
[23:13] <felix> its in the fuckin pm history
[23:13] <felix> idiot
[23:13] <felix> rofl
[23:13] <felix> what a dunce
[23:13] <Murugan> I have the pms too
[23:14] <felix> when you admit "ill make it right" it accepts fault
[23:14] <felix> rofl
[23:14] <felix> rofl
[23:14] <felix> you KNOW the bows were missing.
[23:14] <felix> theres your caps
[23:14] <Murugan> where do I say this to you?
[23:15] <Murugan> im going over and over my pms with you
[23:15] <Murugan> and I never once said I know anything was missing other then before we confirmed the deal
[23:15] <felix> derrick is pmed
[23:15] <felix> fuck off
[23:15] <felix> you are now on ignore

You guys decide!
Pookey - Your Local Grim Reaper,
Hemperor wrote:it pains me to say that murugan is right

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by GomerPyle »

felix is a known douchetard

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Re: Christmas Came early This Year! Everything Must GO!

Post by son »

HAHAHAHA I even say in the deal that I will give you 131k in the pm if they are "unused". Check your own post!

You sold me used shit, and you ddint give me the right number of items!!

What a douche bag!

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