Starting from scratch - Gold!

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Starting from scratch - Gold!

Post by momquab »

Hi there folks,

Will be signing up to the shard tonight once I get back from work and very looking forward to it. Started playing UO in 98 and couldnt leave for a long time. A friend of mine sent me an email with a link to a site that just plays UO music and it sparked my desire to play again, and play UO how it used to be... leading me to here!

Anyway, It has been a very long time since I have played and I have reverted into complete newb mode and my question is this:

Starting off with first character on the shard - what is the best way to gather a bit of cash together quickly to help fund training / random expenses?

Yes, its a very newbie question I realise but it has been so long since I actually started from scratch that I can think of the best way to get cracking. I remember vividly how I earned my first 1000 gold and being so chuffed with myself (spending a LONG time killing mongbats!) but I know that isnt the most efficient way of doing things. Done a bit of reading around here and tried to search for similar topics but couldnt get much in the way of info for a complete newbie like myself!

I was thinking along the lines of:
Cotton selling
Wool sheering
Hitting up the graveyards

Any help would be greatly appreciated - see you on there!

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Re: Starting from scratch - Gold!

Post by DarkWing »

start a fisherman .. sell boots

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Re: Starting from scratch - Gold!

Post by dexter4321 »

All you gotta do is just mine bro. Just keep mining until you hit about 10k iron ignots. Then sell them all and you'll have like 70-80k (dont remember ignot prices). Anyways with the gold you make from selling 10k ignots just start a mage and gm magery and what not. Then hit up the dungeons and start farming for the big $$$ to get houses and to fund macroing on other chars etc..

Also when you start that mage you could also make it a mage with musicianship and provocation (typical bard/mage) to help get some gold easier. Some people just do provo right away but without magery your basically a sitting duck against pks. There are other ways but I personally like the mining for ignots method, may take a little time but it's safe and once you get it done with you got enough to really get you started to make more.

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