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Auction: Silver +20 Vanq Hally

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:24 pm
by slvr01on19s
For Sale: a silver massive, exceedingly accurate halberd of vanquishing. Fresh out of a lvl 5 treasure chest. Bidding ends Saturday(tonight) at 8:00 cst. The wep will be sold on my vendor one screen from the bank. I will give location details to high bidder at 8:00 so they can purchase at comfortable/safe time. I not good at cropping pics. rofl

Re: Auction: Silver +20 Vanq Hally

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:51 am
by slvr01on19s
bidding dont work.. weps for sale for 75k on Raven... one screen east of the yew bank