Few things I've noticed

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Few things I've noticed

Post by ifotwo »

Alright, just a few things I've noticed.

Spawn on Moonglow is still high, noticing ettins/trolls/ratmen. Moonglow era t2a had really tame spawns.

Yew spawn is a little screwy too, a water ele a few screen south of the gate was all I really noticed, but it's still a water ele. Yew spawn was a little more rough back in the day, but water eles are just out of place.

Is there some sort of despawn timer? I've noticed twice that things I've been attacking have just completely diasspeared, (A mountain goat once and a zombie another time)

I don't know why there's a gate to wrong at brit bank. Regardless, there seems to be some sort of random item spawn going on around that area. I first went there and found a bow on the ground. Came back ~20 minutes later, found a close helm.

Healing gains seem painfully slow. Although they always seem painfully slow.

Moongates. Eh. I don't like the way they're set up. I know it's authentic and all, but I don't like having to spend upwards of 5 minutes trying to get where I want to go via the moongatese. I could run most places quicker, but when I want to go to glow or something? It's basically just hoping I'm running through at the right time. Back in the t2a era you started off with a newbied sextant. But that wouldn't really help as you'd still have to wait around atleast some bit. Also, maybe 50% of the time the gate takes me nowhere. So I'm running back and forth at Brit's gate for 3 minutes, it finally takes me to Jholem, but then that gate takes me nowhere. So I'm wasting another 3-5 minutes so the gate will take me elsewhere. So basically I gave up on trying to get to glow and logged out. It's just sortof a mood dampener.

Mining caves are stupidly difficult to walk in and out of. There seems to be only a one-tile space to walk through, and anywhere else you walk you just get bounceback.

Annnd, I think that's it for now. There may have been another one or two things that I noticed, but I can't seem to recall them.

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Post by Derrick »

Thanks for the feedback.

I guess we've hit the authenticity of the moongates pretty solid. I've heard this from a few players now and the staff is going to discuss making some modifications to the system. We will not have a gump, but we may be able to prevent the player from getting stuck in the same town during that moon phase.

The gate to wrong at brit bank is a convienience that we put in at the launch of the shard. We plan to remove it after the holidays. Same for the random item spawns outside of wrong. Just a slight jumpstart for new players. The item spawns in conjuction with a couple skeletons, so it's not a complete free ride.

The mining cave problem looks like a significant bug that we were not aware of. This will be fixed right away.

There should not be any despawns of mob's. I will look into this. Did the zombie despawn in dungeon, or outside?

Also will tweak verity isle spawns some more.

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Post by ifotwo »

Both the mountain goat and zombie were out in the wilderness. Not in a dungeon.

Oh, also. Vendors being invuln and whatnot.

Edit: Also, one small thing. When harvesting vegetables, they harvest as two seperate sprites. Because of this, they don't all stack. It's not a big deal, just a little annoying carrying around two stacks of carrots or cabbages instead of one =P

Also, what version of Runuo is this shard running?

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Post by Derrick »

We're running a late build of RunUO 2.0 with a slightly modified core.

I have an idea of what is causing the problem with the outdoor spawn, I should be able to fix that soon.

The flipped vegtatables was intentional although I'm not sure that it's entirely accurate. As I recall, I think in OSI the harvested vegtables were all facing the same, but flipped from the store bought. Does this sound correct?

You're right the vendors should be vulnerable.

We've really started from scratch on this server and built it from the ground up on RunUO2.0 over the last 6 months. We were bound to miss some details and very much appreciate the feedback you've given.

I'm hoping that you're yet to be surprised by the accuracy of some of the in game items, mobs and crafting.

Try the muffins when you get a chance, although it's simple I'm pretty proud of them. Also, you may find hanging armor hidden away somewhere; the behavior is as accurate to T2A as is possible with the modern client. Crafting, Fishing and treasure maps have been completely redone to reflect the old era as well.

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Post by ifotwo »

I don't really recall on the vegetable sides. Like I said, not really a big deal, just something I've noticed.

And it's really no problem. There aren't enough older style shards out there, so I'll gladly help any way I can. I haven't done many things yet, but I do plan to explore a lot more and check out a lot of things to see if they're how I remember them being. And I'll keep making notes of things I see that are off or wrong. I'm all for helping you make this a better shard all around.

And I just tried the muffins. Looks great.

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Post by Derrick »

Our current staff is dedicated to making this shard a success, we appreciate having players that share this goal. The biggest concern is for finding a playerbase that is interested in having an accurate T2A era shard. There are a few very good semi-era shards out there that have had to stray from the era signifigantly to maintain their playerbase. We believe that our niche is going to be accuracy and we hope that we can find players that support that goal. Regardless of playersbase, this server will be up, and be as accurate as we can make it.

Your feedback has been very valuable; We're glad you found us.

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Post by ifotwo »

Another things, using skills like Anatomy or arms lore has like a 10+ second delay on the next time you can use them. The delay should be about 7 seconds. I think arms may have even been a 4 second delay, but don't quote me on that.

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Post by ifotwo »

Got a few more =)

Spawn is still a little off. Nothing really too horrible (Aside from air elementals in yew wilderness =P), just lots of undead spawning in the wilderness where they wouldn't be, and tropical-type animals spawning in non-tropical environments (Giant serpants in forest and whatnot.)

Loot. Cyclops only give a little over 400 gold. They should be around the 600 range. I haven't checked orge lords, but they should be around the 1000 range. Arctic ogre lords should be even higher, because they have such an incredibly high hp, it's not even funny. I assume some of the other higher end monsters may need tweaking too, since the cyclops is so low. (Runuo has the loot toned down because the later versions of UO have ruined economies, with how easy it is so slaughter monsters).

Skeletons without axes drop gems. Which they shouldn't.

I found a magic wand on a skeleton, which should never happen ever. =P

Item ID's delay is still around 9+ seconds. Item ID should be down to around 4 seconds I do believe. Even if it used to be at 7ish with the other (Although I'm distinctly remembering a 4 second delay? I could be wrong though.) it's a throwaway skill. Item ID is just something you used between 5-15 times to try and id your stuff and forget about it. Players shouldn't have to wait 10 second between trying since no one has the skill to a high enough level where they'll ID it in one try.

There were a few places I noticed missing spawn in the wilderness. I'll make more detailed notes of those later.

Stat gain is painfully slow. Although this may be intended.

The fighters that spawn in the jholem pits are blue. Back in the day they were grey. Because they're blue you're forced to go grey when training with them. Not sure if you get counts or not.

Vendors still have yellow names, but I haven't checked to see if they're mortal or not. Just making a note.

Sextants don't show moon phases, just the current lat. and long. coordinates. So they don't really help with the moongate business =P

I think there were a few more, but I can't remember them at the moment. I'll remember eventually though, and I'll report back with more finding. =)

Edit: Oh, also. Good job on the retro crafting menus. I think the % chance of crafting message that comes up, but I don't know about all the exactly server item messages stuff. You know, sever.items.tinkertools, etc.

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Post by Alex21 »

It only took me little while to get used to the gates, You just have to wait for a bit sometimes, from what I've seen it only takes me about 6 times through the moongate to get to moonglow as i train taming in the zoo, once im there there is also wool spawns and so i can sell cotton to tailors as well.

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Post by Derrick »

Thanks for all of this.

Wanted to make a couple notes to this now and I'll address more of it soon.

I was wrong on the sextant, it' the spyglass that shows the moon phases, I'll add those for new chars.

You don't get counts on the fighters in the jhelom pits (they are actually hirable npc's), we should add some criminal thugs down there for training.

I thought the skeleton loot was absymal, so I bumped them up a bit, I guess I overdid it. The skeletons with and without axes will have the same loot class; athough the axe ones are tougher, as they really do use an axe vs. the other's which wrestle. We made the weaponwielding monsters more authentic than they were in T2A. The Trolls, Ettins, Orcs, Lizardmen and Skels that appear wielding a weapon do actualy use that weapon and skill and you will find it on thier corpses.

The border between Northern Teritories and Yew Forest still is a little off. I'll get this fixed. In the meantime you may find some gargoyles near Yew as well.

I'm glad you like the crafting menus. There are still a few little quirks, as you found with the fletching. Also Tinking is a funny because f the ability to use colored ignots. We did a lot of testing aon all the crafting skill but I'm sure there could be something we missed so keep us posted. The % chance, and item info is debug information that i forgot to remove, I'll get that out asap.

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Post by ifotwo »

The taming discussion in the other thread reminded me. Follower slots. They're activately and it's set to five. There should be no follower slots or limits on amount of animals you can tame.

Also, I don't think begging works. I'm not really sure, I just tried it on one or two NPCs for kicks. But when I tried it I got some sort of message to the effect of "You can't do that." I might check more later, it's not really a big thing. Just something I noticed.

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Post by Derrick »

We thought we had follower slots disabled. I'll get this fixed. Thanks.

I'll also check out begging, I think that skill may have been overlooked in testing.

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Post by ifotwo »

I didn't actually test out if it forced the 5 slots, I just noticed that my horse was taking 1 slot and it had a 5 slot limit. It may be disabled but just still visable.

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Post by Derrick »

Oh I see. Yes, It propably still is visible. How are you seeing that?
I use an older client.

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Post by ifotwo »

I use a newer client, although I prefer older ones. But it's just for ease, 'cause when I was bouncing around between shards a lot of them didn't work with older clients.

I remember back when 2.0.3 was the client to use. When I came back to the player run UO scene I still had all my 2.0.3 and everything set up (Rigged up UOA to work with it too, this was before the times of razor), and it wouldn't work with anything =(

And now I'm just too lazy to switch clients around.

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