Wind Resist Mage Spin

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Wind Resist Mage Spin

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

I never tried the mage technique with resisting spells, having them cast on you outside of town while you are within town.

If it does work how come guildmates haven't tried doing this with Meteor Swarm for resist parties? I know it isn't something you'd be doing afk as you may accidentally target the innocent. Yet there are a few towns that would be relatively safe to do this in.

Does the Wind Mage technique work, and have you tried it?

I was under the assumption that the spells would be subject to the casting rule if the target is inside town no matter where it had been casted from.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Wind Resist Mage Spin

Post by ClowN »

it does work pretty well for getting into the high 80s with resist. after that it slows down alot.

it would be very easy to grief a resist session that was taking advantage of this with meteor swarm. thats why you dont see it.

if 1 person wanted to grief the session, they could give multiple murder counts to all the casters very easily. not to mention its easy enough to just host a seesion in a keep and let the "targets" be responsible for healing themselves. bandies are cheap.

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Re: Wind Resist Mage Spin

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Casting 100 meteorswarms or more to kill someone in town would take alot of ingenuity unless the person drank poison.

Once a caster goes grey all they would have to do is recall somewhere. They wouldn't be whacked as they would not be in town.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Wind Resist Mage Spin

Post by ClowN »

picture it like this

your "targets" are standing in town. your casters standing out of town casting MS.

i walk right in front of all your casters (i am also outside of town, but it doesnt really matter), they hit me with their MS cast. i run up on another char to finish off my character that just ate a few MS casts from your casters. now i get to murder count all your casters. i then res my character and do this 100 more times.

see where this is going?

not to mention how would you keep reagents stocked on all these casters without people trying to steal them or PK the casters?

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Re: Wind Resist Mage Spin

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

by not doing this afk?
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Wind Resist Mage Spin

Post by marmalade »

or you could do it afk in a house and not have to worry about all of the above.

anyway, a meteor swarm divided up amongst 10 people does near to no damage. risking everything that has been mentioned just to save one bandage per person every 10-15 seconds (if that) doesnt seem worth it.

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Re: Wind Resist Mage Spin

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Yeah I mean personally I would do it otherways inside a house. I was just trying to think of another way if you had fewer people some of which didnt have healing and you wanted to gain resist without having to go through the 30 mage hassle in which they will be casting poison and every other spell at you. Most of which you won't see any gains by at higher resist.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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