75,000 gp essay.

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75,000 gp essay.

Post by valheru »

75,000 gp essay.

why do you deserve the money, and how would you put it to use. fairly elementary.

post your essay, AND PM it to me. I am the judge of who wins or not. guildmates are EXCLUDED. If you think i will discriminate against you, create a new forum name and post under that name.

I'm not looking for anything specific.

honesty and or entertainment may win out though.

If you dont need the money, please do not post. this is to help younger players.

submission deadline ends whenever i feel that I have a winner :D

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by Lil Meiyang »

I think I deserve the money, because I totally suck at almost every aspect of UO.

I would use the money to buy a guildstone and start a camping guild, something I've always longed to do.

My last guild got peeved when they found out I wasn't a chinese female like my character.

They are gay.

I own four houses by the telescope in moonglow, where we could center this camping guild.

A place to get away from all the hustle and bustle of PVP and PVM, where players can just chill out and RP camping, where the trees are lush and filled with kindling, there is game to hunt and sea to fish.

Telling stories around the campfire, cooking freshly killed game, and just generally enjoying the great outdoors.

Music in the air. The fires always lit.

Bedrolls at the ready to log out at a moments notice should PKs swoop in to slaughter our hippie asses.

The potential for such a guild is only limited by its own inherent limitations. We could organize camping expeditions to the furthest and most mysterious corners of Brittannia as well as hold mass firelightings and logouts at Brit Bank to protest obscure camping-related causes.

In conclusion, give me the $$$!

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by dirt1 »

Things I would do with 75k. I just started and am doing hiding to make stealther fighter so I can sneak up on bears and such and some stray dogs too so I can pet them.

I would buy a house and move away from the bank because there is too many poor people there, and a house is a status symbol. In real life owning a bike is a status symbol especially if you have stickers on it.

I want to make a swordsman with a shield and kill monsters. I will put in my house a nice box to keep some armour in. Im going to wear platemail and attack earth elementals. So I want to buy a vanquishing sword, probably something cool like a viking sword.

Thats all I need money for, a house and a box to keep some armour in, and a viking sword. If I dont win the money I will just earn it and it will probably be more fun and my life will be good and I will have a reason to live again.

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by fatmagic »

Hello Valheru! Kudos to you on such a great idea to help out newbies!

Here is my response your question about what I would do with 75,000 gold. Since I am brand new to the shard (playing for about a 2 weeks now), I have lots of ideas about what to do with the gold. Here is what I've come up with.

The first thing I would do with 75k gold, is invest in my friends. I would use the gold to help my friends get ahead (who also have been only playing for 2 weeks). My friends and I desire to become world reknowned treasure hunters - and in order to do this we have to work on the "hard/expensive" skills first! So I would use the gold to help them train those skill such as Magery, Cartography, Lockpicking, etc. This would be a great jumpstart to our lofty endeavor of becoming the BEST Treasure Hunters in the WORLD!

The second thing I would do with 75k gold, would be to buy a house where my friends and I can become established. As it stands currently, we are poor beggars who wander the streets of Britain without a place to lay our heads. We scrape up just enough gold to feed ourselves as we defend ourselves from the rats wandering Britian. We snuggle up with the pigs, goats, sheep and horses among the hay in the stables most nights. It beats sleeping on the cold hard ground by the bank - where no doubt, our pockets get picked during the night - or we wake up to the underworld ("OoOOOooo OoOoOooo...."). But by having our own house, we could rest peacefully knowing we are safe within the confines of our own home. The house would also become our base of operations, and allow us to operate our ultra awesome schemes of Treasure Hunting goodness!!

The third thing I would do with 75k gold, would be to help out a true newbie with some gold as well. As this 75k would be a gift to a newbie such as myself - I would swiftly return the favor once established, and help another newbie out as well. In fact, I would do it on a regular basis since this contest has encouraged me. In turn, this would most likely create new friendships and relationships - which helps grow the shard positively. Think about the Butterfly Effect from Chaos Theory. One small ripple, could cause a flood of changes down the road that could not be predicted -- see this video from EVE Online as an example of how this could play out in our own Shard (replace all references of EVE in this video with UOSA instead) -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq2oxt7Nrxo ... These newbies would have a great starting experience, would in turn would tell a friend to play, and they would join, and the same effect over and over. And this would also have a great effect on the economy, as more and more players join. The possibilities are endless!

And the final thing I would do with 75k -- FIGHT FOR WORLD PEACE!!! ... <crickets> ... <crickets> Eh, it was a nice thought.

Remember: All men die, but not all men really live. And this is one way I can really live, and positively affect the lives of others around me (friends, strangers, etc). Just as you have decided to help someone in this way!

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by Hemperor »

king wong's computer broke and i havent been playing so i forgot to refresh his tower and patio and they fell... he now does not feel like playing anymore, so what is hemperor without his sidekick? the comeback seems futile. i also payed for the tower so its basically like my own fell.

yours truly

[22:26] <ian> why am i making 3750 empty kegs
[22:27] <ian> 1125000 for 3750 empty kegs
[10:44] <ian> a good cat is a dead cat

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by Zorce »

I thought he said to PM them to him :roll:

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by fatmagic »

Zorce wrote:I thought he said to PM them to him :roll:
I did both :D

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by zzyzx »

Two words: Hookers and blow.
<Derrick> I guarantee world peace will not be seeded in a UO FreeShard IRC channel

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by Krats »

zzyzx wrote:Two words: Hookers and blow.
I approve.
When you play with fire, there is a 50/50 chance something will go wrong, and nine times out of ten it does.
Teph wrote:chum stole a castle, a f**in castle.
Derrick wrote:I hate to see this go unanswered, so I can at least say that I read this, and have no idea myself.

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by Kabal »

Doing nitrous on lsd is really one of those times when you just wanna say what you always thought about the way things used to be in your life and how it should never have changed to what it is now, the feeling of being completely free of responsibility and not owing anything to anybody or anything and never having any detectives on your case. I recommend throwing your feet up on your desk, leaning back in your chair and and yelling "down with the tyrants"!
Derrick wrote: . . .get real please.
"F**k that Morpheus, I'm takin' em both!" -Kabal
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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by Zorce »

PMed :D

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Kabal wrote:Doing nitrous on lsd is really one of those times when you just wanna say what you always thought about the way things used to be in your life and how it should never have changed to what it is now, the feeling of being completely free of responsibility and not owing anything to anybody or anything and never having any detectives on your case. I recommend throwing your feet up on your desk, leaning back in your chair and and yelling "down with the tyrants"!
Thats my life story in a nut shell...
have we met?
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by Kabal »

archaicsubrosa77 wrote:have we met?
probly in a past life
Derrick wrote: . . .get real please.
"F**k that Morpheus, I'm takin' em both!" -Kabal
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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

...All things are possible, but the only life I believe I lived before was this one, thats why I mix it in with a bit of chaos to stir things up.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: 75,000 gp essay.

Post by b|ade »

It was a boring night on Pac, not much action and none of my fellow B&B members were online so we could go hunting for our orange enemies. I decided to have some fun in Ocllo, home of the pansiest of the pansiest guild, DF. Known for their non-stop mashing of the panic button of UOAM upon sight of a single orange, whether it be B&B, CB, OPP, or that 1xGM newb who couldn't wait to PVP. I packed light, carrying only a few regs to get me to and fro town incase I ran into trouble, a SHIT TON of GM refresh pots and the most important item; my straw of invisibility. I recalled my way to Ocllo and can assure you, was NOT ready for what I was about to encounter. Just running about looking for some OJ I found my way to the bank and whadya know? I run into a WALL of orange. 20+ DF sitting at the bank which were now chasing after me as I hauled ASS around town. I then managed to throw on my invis hat just to get SURROUNDED by them. Here I am hiding, when I see 20+ "Wis Quas" pop up and I run through the crowd having them chase me again. I invis. Surrounded again! "Wis Quas!" Chug pot! Run! Invis! "Wis Quas!" Chug pot! Run! Invis! "Wis Quas!" Chug pot! Run! Invis! I did this just laughing hysterically til my hat ran out of charges and eventually what was inevitible, happened. I was killed. Nonetheless, I had a blast and it was definitely one of the most memorible nights I had in UO.

It's times like those I started playing this game again and as this being my 3rd week playing this game after 8-10 years of not playing, I need resources to help maintain and build my characters. This, is what I would do with that 75k. I can't wait to build more chars to experience the nostalgia that I've been feeling ever since I started playing again and I hope you can help me accomplish that.

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