A short tale

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A short tale

Post by Krats »

Back Story:
I've been reading alot of Chumbuckets old stories and decided I'd try my hand at some mischief.
I created me a Tinkerer, who will be come my crafter eventually. But right now I'm having fun with Tinker Traps.
Normally I will take random boxes or chest and just toss them near a bank for someone to grab.
*Its amazing at some peoples greed, they just take the box and all thats in it is a Key*

Last night I had a full arsenal of trapped chest, and I was sitting at Brit bank (saw there was some carnage that happened before I showed up, so figured my boxes would add to the mayhem)
I sat at brit bank for a good 20 min dropping boxes, and the newbs that would pick them up.

I actually got 2 people with 3 traps twice last night, wish i had screenshots at work lol

well a random person struck up a conversation with me about trapped boxes becoming "OLD and lame", when a random person runs up to the bank requesting food so he can macro. The conversation went something like this:
Newbie01: anyone have food, I need to macro!
Me: There is some in this box here
Random_bank_sitter_01: Its A Trap!!
Random_bank_sitter_02: Nah its already gone off
Newbie01: Ahh you almost got me *walks to box* *Picks up box* **BOOM**
ME, Random_bank_sitter_01: LMAO!!! LOLz
Random_bank_sitter_02: Wow guess I was wrong.
Me: Nah it did go off, I just switched it with another box.
**10 sec later**
Newbie01: *Runs up from being rezed* Wow I didnt even open it, just picked it up
Me: I do love Razr, and its auto-open new boxes setting
Newbie01: Damn it, lol
Interesting enough he didn't give my Tinkerer a Count.

Now for the karma bringing my tinker to justice.
After I set my boxes down, if noone picks them up after 20 min or so I'd take them to be retrapped, incase someone did grab it and set it off.
Well my Tinkerer obviously has detect trap, but aparently i miss interepreted it and well my Tinkerer ate a statloss and is now reGMing Tinkering LOL...

BTW 86 murders will incure 20% stat loss
I'd rather eat the stat loss than wait to be able to rez w/o stat loss
When you play with fire, there is a 50/50 chance something will go wrong, and nine times out of ten it does.
Teph wrote:chum stole a castle, a f**in castle.
Derrick wrote:I hate to see this go unanswered, so I can at least say that I read this, and have no idea myself.

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