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Template Help

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:34 am
by Cardinal Grey
Hi All,

I'm thinking of creating a character on this shard...

From looking at the forums it seems that a hally tank mage is the way to go. However, i have mainly played as a dexer and i'm very used to having healing on my characters, so I really want to find a way to squeeze healing into my template. I have greedily tried to make a tank mage template with healing but I'm really not sure if its going to be any good... I'm looking for criticism here, is the following template a good idea?

Magery 90
Eval 100
Med 80
Resist 90
Wrestling 90
Anat 80
Healing 80
Swords 90

str 100
int 100
dex 25

Obviously this template has a few weaknesses, what i'm wondering is:

Magery - is it stupid is drop magery for healing/anat because my magic heals will be less? Also will my spells often be resisted by people with GM resist?

Med - i'm thinking that maybe with healing i wont need to use as much mana on magic heal so having only 80 med would not be too much of a disadvantage

Wrestling/swords - will i miss too often, be disrupted too often at 90. I was initially thinking i should have fencing and use a dp dagger as i wont have tactics, but according to the combat guide a katana is faster then a dagger, is that really the case? Also with anatomy i have a small bonus for dmg so a hally insta-hit wont tickle.

Anatomy/healing - i remember at 80 healing you still fail a little and you need around 90 for it to be reliable, is 80 healing worth it?

Maybe these are all stupid questions and i should just go for a 7xGM template but i have always had trouble fitting in the skills i want...

keep in mind i dont simply want a leet 1 on 1 pvp character, i want a versatile character that is good for a little PvM who can also put up a fight in PvP, both 1v1 and in a group.


Re: Template Help

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:38 pm
by Hoots
Well, a general disclaimer is to make a char that you will like and enjoy to play.

That being said, it all depends on what you want to do. If PvP is part of your plan i think the template will not work very well.

The first problem here with non 7x templates is who you will be fighting. On OSI you could get away with 85 resist or 94 magery but here 9/10 people you fight will be 7x with resist.

I could see this template being nice for PvM and using an aid/timer as a back up but in PvP you just cant roll the dice on a 80-90 skill that could have a couple finger slips.

Many things start to stack up against you.

<100 = less hp from GH and MH
<100 med = less than 1 sec passive med... alot of people over look this. Med is more about your passive regen then active... If you go with this i would almost think you have to bring your int down some.
<100 resist = Not on OSI. There probably isnt a huge difference between the low 90's and 100 but your target or attacker will probably have 100
<100 wreslte/swords/fence. Doing 2 things. Lowering your strike % while increasing the % of times you get hit. Not a bing fan of either.
<100 heal & anat.. again, cant risk the fails. Anat is nowhere close to the damage mod of tacts
0 tactics. I honestly dont know if you can PvP without tacts. Your magery dump wont kill anyone and your hallys will be hitting for 50% less than others and also hitting less often.

I think for PvM or some events or as a guildie support char it could be a fun template but i dont think you will
do well in PvP with it.

These are just my opinions. Like i said at the top. Make a char you will enjoy playing! Screw everyone elses opinion! Good Luck! :D


Re: Template Help

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:51 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
tactics is greater then anatomy for swords as it constitutes your base damage try this


this is basically a med warrior healer type that uses magic as a means of keeping one's self alive.
keep reflect takes less time to cast then e-bolt or explosion and so will counter tank mage combos without leaving yourself unable to defend when they come in on their hally hit for attack number three due to wrestling.

There is a phobia about leather armor, but try wearing leather armsleeves and/or cap with one hundred meditation. You will notice the passive meditation is virtually unaffected if not clad entirely in a full suit of leather. Experiment with different armor pieces and find a passive mana regeneration rate you are comfortable with.

Remember to pop a magic trapped pouch before a fight if you can to get a jump start on your bandage timer. Even without anatomy you can heal up to 65 points of damage.

Stats 100 40 85 Katana as weapon of choice in my opinion. You will not be using insta hit, attack last is a well known tactic, and precasting is not an option unless it's curse(moreso used with macing) or greater heal, possibly even reactive armor depends if you will be facing up against vanquishing weaponry.

Re: Template Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:04 am
by Cardinal Grey
Thanks Hoots and archaicsubrosa77 for your replies,

I think you made alot of good points Hoots, but i'm ready erady to abandon the idea all together...yet.

I'm curious about your med worrier arch but i feel like its too passive, no anat would mean you do not deal as much dmg as most worriors, and no eval means that you cannot deal dmg with magic, making it difficult to kill someone in PvP. However, i am interested how you have used healing without anatomy. I have just always considered those skills to be paired, but if i were to have a mage with healing it kinda of makes sense to not worry about anat as i would be planning to cure with spells and i can use magic to res. What other benefits does anat give to healing?

I'm eager to hear what you both think of this a slightly altered template. Hoot, it seems your not a fan of no tactics but I think perhaps this template could be fun.

I have two in mind:

mag 100 90 (i feel healing would make up for lower gheal, heal)
eval 100 100
med 100 100
resist 100 90 (100) (would prefer gm i think)
wrest 100 100
healing 100 90 (have always felt that 90 healing is sufficient)
swords 100 100
tactics 0 30 (20) (obviously for a dmg increase of 15% (10%))

You already mentioned the difficulty of killing someone without tactics, are there any other downfalls? I feel that even without tactics I would deal a considerable amount of dmg with a hally, obviously alot less then with tactics, but enough to be effective. Althought against someone wearing armour my hally hit would be fairly useless...

btw, is there any other disadvantages of having 90 mag other then less magic heal and less chance to caste 8th circle? I thought that the casters magery is compared to the targets resist to determine the chance a spell will be resisted. Is that the case here?

Thanks again for your help

Re: Template Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:21 am
by archaicsubrosa77
Well my Med warrior temp I am actually going to apply to my main but with macing and stats of 95 70 60...right now he has anatomy which I am going to drop. I used swords for your temp because that's where you were aiming at. I like macing but fencing here would be a viable option if you are a fan of the DP Kryss while having a spear in your pack.

See this is a temp that uses alot of healing on himself not afraid to keep in melee not withdrawing to cast as he doesnt use instahit and has three forms of healing available, that being bandages,casting,and pots. Macing with stamina drain is ideal and at 70 dex quarter staves are quick enough. It is a long term fighter here, you want to survive all the refresh pots the man has on him. Casting curse will drain his stats proper at 100 GM. With 25 dex on most tank mages that will bring them down to a max of 15 dex. You want to keep them interrupted, and in place so they cannot step aside to prep or time an instahit.

You want tactics if you want to melee. Zero tactics will cut your base damage in half.

And again to make up for the 5 point loss on strength wear minimal leather armor pieces. At GM med you can get away with small pieces of armor without taking a hit to passive meditation. Try experimenting with this.
Here is the link to Healing and Anatomy...Healing without anatomy heals a max of 60 hp. Better then greater heal without having to disarm or use mana. Tanks depend alot on mana for both offense and defense and taking the time to get a beneficial spell out can cost them. Here you can heal without disarming continuing to do damage. You would cast only when absolutely necessary.

What I noticed about tank mages is they have a great start but rough finish. Don't get the jitters after the initial attack....if they dumped you and you have the advantage.

Re: Template Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:40 am
by archaicsubrosa77

Re: Template Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:54 am
by Cardinal Grey
That does sound quite good. I think I want to have magery as my main focus for this character but I'll definately keep your template in mind for the future.

I do wonder if wrestling is really necessary for your template tho. It would be handy i'm sure, but it makes more sense to me for you to have anatomy rather then wrestling for the dmg and healing benefits.

Thanks for the link regarding healing/anat.

Re: Template Help

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:05 am
by archaicsubrosa77
wrestling is indeed necessary as you want to press the attack and be able to cast in melee so to cause as much interrupt as you can and keep attacking last in order to ensure the instahit will be nullified. If you need to cast a heal spell you dont want to turn your back and run to do so.
Magery as a primary offense is weak that is how the hally mage was born.
Take note that the hally mage temp only includes swords and tactics (no anatomy) in the template as follows.


Usually with 100 25 100 stats

They rely on mana dumps such as an explosion ebolt hally whack combo...which with magic reflect up can be serious damage to them, and instahit where if you stick it to them and keep clicking their status bar will be nullified as you cause them to autodefend and forces them to wrestle though they can still tab out and hope for the best. After they dump you and you heal then they are at a severe disadvantage needing mana reserves for healing and keeping the instahit (which again can be nullified) as their only hope to survive.

Re: Template Help

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:11 pm
by Baldamier
Is it possible to make a decent 6x template? I have a character that's going to have GM inscription, and since he needs GM magery and med anyway I'd like to "recycle" him for a little PVP. The template I was thinking about was the one you just mentioned minus wrestling. Is this viable or am I wasting my time?

Re: Template Help

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:20 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
For anything that cclosely resembles a PVP Character with Inscription I would do something like this...

Evaluating Intelligence

If you have easy cast scrolls available...might as well use them in surprise attacks.

Re: Template Help

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:26 pm
by guido
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:wrestling is indeed necessary as you want to press the attack and be able to cast in melee so to cause as much interrupt as you can and keep attacking last in order to ensure the instahit will be nullified. If you need to cast a heal spell you dont want to turn your back and run to do so.
Magery as a primary offense is weak that is how the hally mage was born.
Take note that the hally mage temp only includes swords and tactics (no anatomy) in the template as follows.


Usually with 100 25 100 stats
passive meditation gives u enough mana to gheal repeatedly? would healing be suitable to replace medition here

Re: Template Help

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:47 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
You could I suppose, but without meditation you won't rely too heavily on magery. That's something you should consider when you think about your stats. Something like that you'd want a higher dex and use magery as oppurtunistic attacks, such as pre-casted or when the opponent withdraws. Intelligence about 50-60 would be best...and wear a dex suit, unless of course you drop dex way down and wear heavy armour and rely on insta-hit which is a gamble. You may not be interrupted as much that way being physical damage would be brought low giving you a better chance to cast heavy offensive spells in melee.

Re: Template Help

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:13 pm
by guido
how do you think this template would do in dungeons pvp anti pk

fenc(poisoned weap)

i know it would work on osi but I'm not sure about here