Join the Farmer strike.

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Do you think the Griefer pks are ruining the server for everyone?

Poll ended at Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:58 pm

Yes, we don't get any respect.
No, they would be happy doing nothing on an empty server.
Uncertain, I have pk and blue and don't grief people so does not apply.
Total votes: 34

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Join the Farmer strike.

Post by GuardianKnight »

Pk doesn't automatically mean griefer...Griefer is a category of it's own. To avoid confusion.

If enough people join i would like to suggest that all heavy farming characters avoid dungeons as much as possible. I understand many of you are pk alts so i spose this doesn't count you.

I believe people that farm in key locations should just stay clear of them and let the griefers know they need us more than we need them. Without us they have nothing to do and need to show a bit more respect.

If no one is interested i'll consider this null.
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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Godsend »

Sorry, but I think this is kinda silly.

I currently have no decent PVPers nor do I PK. However, I do believe that the PKs that frequent hotspots have a right to do so, that is how they make their money. You just gotta live with it or move on to a less productive area. I hate being killed after a long period of killing monsters, but it is the way the game that I love just is. And I, personally, wouldn't want it any other way. If you and others want to leave the good money making areas, I will be more than happy to pick up the slack. I must admit that I do wish people would spread out a bit though and let other players get away with a bit of loot (which is a good idea for the PKs too, if you don't tax more than say 20%, it will ensure more visits). But then again, who knows who has been frequenting those areas unless all PKs form a single guild to regulate eachother, which isn't going to happen.

One thing I don't agree with is killing the people, of which I am not one of(too impatient), who gather materials. That stuff takes time to produce and only helps to save those people who don't like doing that stuff, like me, from having to do it for a nominal fee. And they aren't hurting anyone.

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by poogoblin »

What annoys me is when one of those griefers shows up with their "farming character" sees his spot is already occupies then jumps on another client and brings his red or a his red and three others to try and PK you.

This is more of an annoying everyone has 3 clients running at the same time with a blue/an orange/ and a red.

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Sticks »

poogoblin wrote:What annoys me is when one of those griefers shows up with their "farming character" sees his spot is already occupies then jumps on another client and brings his red or a his red and three others to try and PK you.

This is more of an annoying everyone has 3 clients running at the same time with a blue/an orange/ and a red.
a corollary if off topic to this is defeating someone and they simply recall in a second stocked character.

As to the OP's idea, I'd prefer if the farmers would fight back instead of acting as sheep. In general pks have more to lose from a loss than they have to gain from a win. This can be difficult, though. You never know who is with you or not as I've had ebolts thrown in my back by the noto pk taking advantage of low health, or by a farmer telling his pk buddies someone is around (as poogoblin mentioned).

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Arkosh Kovasz »

I'll admit I do get frustrated with constantly having to dodge PK's right after I get done downing some mobs and before I can even loot them. However, PK's have their place in a T2A era. I think it adds something to the game, knowing that any second a group of reds could be on you. That little bit of fear adds to the excitement IMO, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by GuardianKnight »

Grief to no end is what destroyed the game and created trammel. If you can't keep a player base except the ones ruling the server than your business model is wrong. You are supposed to attract new people, not scare them away.

I have no beef with pks exactly so much as griefers. The people that not only kill you but kill your horse and gate tames out. Those are griefers. If you spend more than 1 minute thinking of how you can outright screw someone over that you don't even know, then you are a serious part of the problem.

If we are trying to be era accurate here with pks being outright jerks with no give a crap for for anyone and let them do whatever dirty underhanded psychological games on people then congratulations you you just lost 3 people.....oh...4...5....

This server breeds bad people ...not bad players. This isn't Grand theft auto 4, you are dealing with people and if you can't act like people then wtf are you?
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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Arkosh Kovasz »

Griefing was apart of the era. If Pk's and griefers become too much of a problem, then the blues and non-griefers need to do something about it themselves. Don't rely on patches, or admins to make it better for you, stand up and FIGHT BACK!

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Rhaps »

The fear and danger of being PKed definately adds to the fun. But I have also found that there is an element amongst the PK fraternity that are just pure sociopaths. I've been PKed plenty of times and I really have no problem with that. But on occasion you find those that PK you and don't even bother to loot as you are a bone armoured newbie, and while running off for a res you see their ghost sentry parked nearby. It's a little bit sad and does remove some fun when you have players out there that PK purely to give new players a hard time.

But then again, as has been mentioned before it's up to the farmers to fight back and be less of an easy target. Rather than a strike I propose the next time you get attacked just go all out and fight back tooth and nail. Also doing things like helping out fellow farmers that are being attacked and hunting down PKs (in mobs if we have to) would not only deterr griefers but give the legitimate career murderers some more fun combat. I mean it can't be fun for the PKs if everyone just hides or recalls at the first sign of danger.

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by GuardianKnight »

Rhaps wrote:The fear and danger of being PKed definately adds to the fun. But I have also found that there is an element amongst the PK fraternity that are just pure sociopaths. I've been PKed plenty of times and I really have no problem with that. But on occasion you find those that PK you and don't even bother to loot as you are a bone armoured newbie, and while running off for a res you see their ghost sentry parked nearby. It's a little bit sad and does remove some fun when you have players out there that PK purely to give new players a hard time.

But then again, as has been mentioned before it's up to the farmers to fight back and be less of an easy target. Rather than a strike I propose the next time you get attacked just go all out and fight back tooth and nail. Also doing things like helping out fellow farmers that are being attacked and hunting down PKs (in mobs if we have to) would not only deterr griefers but give the legitimate career murderers some more fun combat. I mean it can't be fun for the PKs if everyone just hides or recalls at the first sign of danger.
I did all this....they just multiply when you fight back. Prison must have let them out for recess just in time. Not only do they multiply....they find out where you live and they gate into your house and take your super awesome cloth moat. *inside joke* They then have free run of the IRC on the supposed civil channel to go on and on about how they rule you...suddenly when they "ruled you", you learn that most of the chat channel are exactly the same as those people and they jump in on the beating. So not only do they beat you in game, they attack your reputation and gather weak minded people to help them.
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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Rhaps »

Robot wrote:I did all this....they just multiply when you fight back. Prison must have let them out for recess just in time. Not only do they multiply....they find out where you live and they gate into your house and take your super awesome cloth moat. *inside joke* They then have free run of the IRC on the supposed civil channel to go on and on about how they rule you...suddenly when they "ruled you", you learn that most of the chat channel are exactly the same as those people and they jump in on the beating. So not only do they beat you in game, they attack your reputation and gather weak minded people to help them.
I guess I have it slightly easier being an off-peak player and I'm always very careful not to carry anything but a rune back to town and the basics needed for combat. But I can appreciate how frustrating it can be dealing with a bunch of heckling kids that call in their mates then spout rubbish in IRC. Personally I'd just rise above it. After all they only 'rule' you in the most minor way possible; I mean on a free shard for an old MMO. And really, if they have the need to bascially bully people in an online game they are clearly lacking in many ways. Pity the griefer.

Perspective helps alot. :lol:

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Chaos »

Arkosh Kovasz wrote:Griefing was apart of the era. If Pk's and griefers become too much of a problem, then the blues and non-griefers need to do something about it themselves. Don't rely on patches, or admins to make it better for you, stand up and FIGHT BACK!
I agree .. Now I'm not going to say I will "GO AFTER ANY RED IN LL ROOM" because if i'm by myself ..chances are i'm OUT.. before anyone can "hopefully target me"

Though I do think players should stop being greedy .. agree to loot fairly and stick to it .. and also stand against well equiped. pk's .. Most PK's can't stand 3 people casting 2 ebolt 1 weaken over and over ..

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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Tron »

Robot wrote:Grief to no end is what destroyed the game and created trammel.

I disagree. It was people like you that created trammel.



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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by Mirage »

This is where an Anti-Pking guild comes into play.
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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by GuardianKnight »

Tron wrote:
Robot wrote:Grief to no end is what destroyed the game and created trammel.

I disagree. It was people like you that created trammel.
So paying for a game where people took everything you had by deceiving you and getting so bad that a world had to be created and rules set in place to stop sociopaths from ruining the game from the majority is because of people like me?

I played T2a and UOR and went to Siege when trammel came in. T2A wasn't even as infested with the hateful players as this place is.

I imagine it's the same as in the real world....when people became so bad, they needed order so the police were created to keep people under control.
That there is what trammel created a world completely supervised of dirty deeds. THe people pushing things too far is what creates these things and ruin utopia for everyone. Just because you are free to do something doesn't mean you should.

*edit* I just watched a guy get cheated...partly because he fell for it but partly because he was coerced in irc. Dude typed like he was crying and pretty much begged for his crap back and the whole Irc , instead of making him feel better, turned on him like they had done it to him themselves. Disgusting.
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Re: Join the Farmer strike.

Post by son »

Player killing and griefing are not synonymous

PS cry more.

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