Shard Population nemesis; Vega

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Xanben »

Malaikat wrote:Here's a shard that doesn't allow scamming or player killing. Perhaps you'd like it better.

This made me laugh so hard

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Capitalist »

Malaikat wrote:Here's a shard that doesn't allow scamming or player killing. Perhaps you'd like it better.

Bump because lol
Denis the Menace wrote:Vega for me you are just exploiting the uosa system with your vanq charged spellreflect recall invis pink boobi pvp trammel style which never existed on osi, so stfu.
Jakob wrote:Regardless of douchebag, fair player or Vega.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by pacificflows »

Someone's got to play the villain.

Personally, I can't think of a more apt person than someone who uses Capitalist
as their forums username.

Captialism. The root of all evil.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Dook Dooker »

Dyne wrote:
Li Meiyang wrote:All you who condone and make excuses for the scammers are even lower than the scammers themselves.

Yes, scamming is possible in UO, but conflating that with it being in any way right or acceptable is truly appalling. The lowlifes should be called out on their actions, and publicly.

(Not referring to Vega here. The OP only has 7 posts since he joined the forum on October 28th :roll: So I think we're obligated to give Vega the full benefit of the doubt here.)

Oh, and to say "everyone does it" is also a wicked distortion. I've been doing a ton of business on this shard recently and so far EVERYONE I HAVE DEALT WITH has been fair and honest and nobody once has tried to scam me. Players like Dyne, Fagabeefe, Bixby, and a slew of others. All straight up honest and pleasant in their dealings. And that's exactly the kind of culture we should be promoting instead of paving the way for cheats and scammers with retarded fkn platitudes about how "this is UO" and pretending like their actions are anything more than what they are, which is morally reprehensible.
I full agree with this...Just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean its the right thing to do, but you gotta also figure, most of these guys would be out raping women and killing people if they wouldn't get in trouble for it. It's the type of person that UO brings, the people that have nicer tendencies are on other games such as WoW or on server's that are roleplaying or trammellized. It's just the way it is and probably why the population is down to 200, but let them play how they want, soon enough there will be noone left to scam except each other, then they will realize they are either done with UO and wanted to ruin it for everyone else before they quit anyway or that maybe they should have helped the next guy instead of scamming him and they would still be playing.
I 100% agree with this statement. Well said!

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Dook Dooker »

Dyne wrote:
Li Meiyang wrote:All you who condone and make excuses for the scammers are even lower than the scammers themselves.

Yes, scamming is possible in UO, but conflating that with it being in any way right or acceptable is truly appalling. The lowlifes should be called out on their actions, and publicly.

(Not referring to Vega here. The OP only has 7 posts since he joined the forum on October 28th :roll: So I think we're obligated to give Vega the full benefit of the doubt here.)

Oh, and to say "everyone does it" is also a wicked distortion. I've been doing a ton of business on this shard recently and so far EVERYONE I HAVE DEALT WITH has been fair and honest and nobody once has tried to scam me. Players like Dyne, Fagabeefe, Bixby, and a slew of others. All straight up honest and pleasant in their dealings. And that's exactly the kind of culture we should be promoting instead of paving the way for cheats and scammers with retarded fkn platitudes about how "this is UO" and pretending like their actions are anything more than what they are, which is morally reprehensible.
I full agree with this...Just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean its the right thing to do, but you gotta also figure, most of these guys would be out raping women and killing people if they wouldn't get in trouble for it. It's the type of person that UO brings, the people that have nicer tendencies are on other games such as WoW or on server's that are roleplaying or trammellized. It's just the way it is and probably why the population is down to 200, but let them play how they want, soon enough there will be noone left to scam except each other, then they will realize they are either done with UO and wanted to ruin it for everyone else before they quit anyway or that maybe they should have helped the next guy instead of scamming him and they would still be playing.
I 100% agree with this statement. Well said!

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by inkognito »

Think they took down that mylittlepony site. They banned fede and he hax'd it.
Li Meiyang wrote:Banned for"trashtalking for no reason"
Inkognito was flamebaiting me with all the "no" stuff.WTF is that?
Inkognito●GM Provocation

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Dook Dooker »

archaicsubrosa77 wrote:I will say something. I had been recalling around chopping trees dropping the boards in the bank. I always hide before and after recall. I had it automated so I can just sit back and watch. I am not lying, Vega sat at that Bank in the area running around all night and logged back in in the morning. It took him all that time to attempt to block my recall spot. I had an alt drop off more supplies. I hid on my alt. 3 others joined vega on the roof one at a time to block my recall spots. I just switched the targeted Rune to another Bank but I was fascinated all that time and trouble to finally get the nerve to do this and hanging out at a scarcely populated bank really made me want to question the man's sanity. This was not a populated city. I am just wondering what kind of things goes through one's head running around NuJel'm when absolutely no one is there all freaking night.

He was somehow confused, and because I flickered on screen for a half second to bank not seeing me recall in he was running around trying to find me calling me a Haxxor.

You would be surprised the amount of bullshit that gets produced from individual's on this game. I have seen players stalked in game and it brought into their real life. Like borderline identity theft type shit.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Dook Dooker »

It appears the shard Hybrid is popular and the community is 100% better then here.

I will say that my initial interactions with Suck it Trebek have been less than pleasant. I understand pk's will be pk's. I also understand it takes 4 of them to keep me off the loot when their waiting for an IDOC to fall. But I still feel on a shard this size respect should be a little more present among one another. But that's just my opinion. That is my real only experience with him.

I don't think making friendly small talk saying this server is still brutal needs a reply such as, "If by brutal you mean not for vagina's then yes" That just is not necessary. Not to mention not everyone's play style in this game is player killing but you're forced to accept it or run/die. This game has one of the best crafting/resource systems ever designed. Some people love the grind and it makes them feel like their making a difference. But they lose that nostalgia and butterfly feeling when people like Vega and other's i'm sure I will meet take it from them by camping their recall spots and killing them for standing there and find them hiding in a forest while taking care of IRL stuff. IF you guys honestly don't care about the community at all. This shard will die and i will hate to see it die.

Speaking of pking afkers I don't think there is a single PK on this game that does not have tracking gmed. Lol.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by N-C Events »

Dook Dooker wrote:It appears the shard Hybrid is popular and the community is 100% better then here.

I will say that my initial interactions with Suck it Trebek have been less than pleasant. I understand pk's will be pk's. I also understand it takes 4 of them to keep me off the loot when their waiting for an IDOC to fall. But I still feel on a shard this size respect should be a little more present among one another. But that's just my opinion. That is my real only experience with him.

I don't think making friendly small talk saying this server is still brutal needs a reply such as, "If by brutal you mean not for vagina's then yes" That just is not necessary. Not to mention not everyone's play style in this game is player killing but you're forced to accept it or run/die. This game has one of the best crafting/resource systems ever designed. Some people love the grind and it makes them feel like their making a difference. But they lose that nostalgia and butterfly feeling when people like Vega and other's i'm sure I will meet take it from them by camping their recall spots and killing them for standing there and find them hiding in a forest while taking care of IRL stuff. IF you guys honestly don't care about the community at all. This shard will die and i will hate to see it die.

Speaking of pking afkers I don't think there is a single PK on this game that does not have tracking gmed. Lol.
Please tell me you didn't try to compare Hybrid to UOSA. They have more differences than similarities and generally appeal do a different audience. UO Freeservers are a niche community and servers like UOSA is a niche within that Niche appealing to a much different yet smaller playerbase.

I agree that when you have such a small population players need to take into account not causing so much grief they push other people away from playing this server. Yet the people you speak of are the very people whom keep this server alive by actively playing it.

You mentioned you have different play styles. Their play style is to kill you ... If they just sit around watching you go along your merry little way then they are not enjoying this server. However if they kill you then you are not enjoying the game. Why should your enjoyment be priority over someone else?

Its a catch 22. UO is about overcoming , adapting, and out smarting your opponent. Everyone on this server who has a long tenure has been subject to some type of these behaviors at some point, yet they overcame them. Most likely finding pride and ambition in their overcoming of their enemies.

There are plenty of helpful and great people in this community. Yet there are no threads about them because UO thrives on conflict.

Good Luck , I hope you stay with Ultima Online Second Age as it is a rewarding exp even in this time of small population.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Dook Dooker »

I said similarities with a better community. I did not compare them in any sense other then its UO and it has way less assholes.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Dook Dooker »

N-C Events wrote:
Dook Dooker wrote:It appears the shard Hybrid is popular and the community is 100% better then here.

I will say that my initial interactions with Suck it Trebek have been less than pleasant. I understand pk's will be pk's. I also understand it takes 4 of them to keep me off the loot when their waiting for an IDOC to fall. But I still feel on a shard this size respect should be a little more present among one another. But that's just my opinion. That is my real only experience with him.

I don't think making friendly small talk saying this server is still brutal needs a reply such as, "If by brutal you mean not for vagina's then yes" That just is not necessary. Not to mention not everyone's play style in this game is player killing but you're forced to accept it or run/die. This game has one of the best crafting/resource systems ever designed. Some people love the grind and it makes them feel like their making a difference. But they lose that nostalgia and butterfly feeling when people like Vega and other's i'm sure I will meet take it from them by camping their recall spots and killing them for standing there and find them hiding in a forest while taking care of IRL stuff. IF you guys honestly don't care about the community at all. This shard will die and i will hate to see it die.

Speaking of pking afkers I don't think there is a single PK on this game that does not have tracking gmed. Lol.
Please tell me you didn't try to compare Hybrid to UOSA. They have more differences than similarities and generally appeal do a different audience. UO Freeservers are a niche community and servers like UOSA is a niche within that Niche appealing to a much different yet smaller playerbase.

I agree that when you have such a small population players need to take into account not causing so much grief they push other people away from playing this server. Yet the people you speak of are the very people whom keep this server alive by actively playing it.

You mentioned you have different play styles. Their play style is to kill you ... If they just sit around watching you go along your merry little way then they are not enjoying this server. However if they kill you then you are not enjoying the game. Why should your enjoyment be priority over someone else?

Its a catch 22. UO is about overcoming , adapting, and out smarting your opponent. Everyone on this server who has a long tenure has been subject to some type of these behaviors at some point, yet they overcame them. Most likely finding pride and ambition in their overcoming of their enemies.

There are plenty of helpful and great people in this community. Yet there are no threads about them because UO thrives on conflict.

Good Luck , I hope you stay with Ultima Online Second Age as it is a rewarding exp even in this time of small population.

I also stated player killing is fine. But to waste an entire day just putting tables down on someones recall spot for no benefit other then to piss them off.
That is not gaming. That is killing our server. Stalking people in game and out of game. That is not UO. I think a lot of the people on this game that are more "hardcore" Lack people skills and rationality.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by inkognito »

Blocked recall spots from a movable decaying object is an issue here? Dafuq. Mark on any of the other 9 million tiles?
Proof of stalking out of game please.
Li Meiyang wrote:Banned for"trashtalking for no reason"
Inkognito was flamebaiting me with all the "no" stuff.WTF is that?
Inkognito●GM Provocation

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Hicha »

Since we're reliving an old thread...
Menkaure wrote:First of all, being scammed, sucks, and at one point, we have all been scammed.
100% true. I am scammed literally everyday on this server. I come across homes all the time where people have willfully left their homes security lax, welcoming me into their estates. Then when I collect the donated items, the home owners come rushing in to try and kill me while accusing me of being a thief! Preposterous! It becomes clear these unsecured homes are just honey traps, but I fall for it every time!
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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by Capitalist »

Dook Dooker wrote:It appears the shard Hybrid is popular and the community is 100% better then here.

I will say that my initial interactions with Suck it Trebek have been less than pleasant. I understand pk's will be pk's. I also understand it takes 4 of them to keep me off the loot when their waiting for an IDOC to fall. But I still feel on a shard this size respect should be a little more present among one another. But that's just my opinion. That is my real only experience with him.

I don't think making friendly small talk saying this server is still brutal needs a reply such as, "If by brutal you mean not for vagina's then yes" That just is not necessary. Not to mention not everyone's play style in this game is player killing but you're forced to accept it or run/die. This game has one of the best crafting/resource systems ever designed. Some people love the grind and it makes them feel like their making a difference. But they lose that nostalgia and butterfly feeling when people like Vega and other's i'm sure I will meet take it from them by camping their recall spots and killing them for standing there and find them hiding in a forest while taking care of IRL stuff. IF you guys honestly don't care about the community at all. This shard will die and i will hate to see it die.

Speaking of pking afkers I don't think there is a single PK on this game that does not have tracking gmed. Lol.
wit + grit, L2UO. It was 2 PKs 8 tiles from guard zone.
Dyne Jr[+]
Denis the Menace wrote:Vega for me you are just exploiting the uosa system with your vanq charged spellreflect recall invis pink boobi pvp trammel style which never existed on osi, so stfu.
Jakob wrote:Regardless of douchebag, fair player or Vega.

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Re: Shard Population nemesis; Vega

Post by farnk »

all these people bitching about vega raping idocs is laughable. band a group of 5 or so together, get in vent and go fight them. the competition is absolute bad, like lay on my beanbag eating cheetos and masterbating on your face bad. uo isnt that hard at all. every idoc ive witnessed in the last year is a few newbs getting glazed in bbq and sucking on the brush. easy peazy elementary bullshit. this server is such shit now when it comes to any type of competitive teamwork or 1v1 at that.




ll o


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