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Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:26 pm
by Alex21
testuseraccount wrote:so, Alex21, Light shade; shall we pick up where we left off then?

Derrick has not said this could not make it in on principle; so do you think it can actually made to be practical at all?

Like I said, if someone from the community wants this made, I will make it.

I still believe it can, and will provide a proper and full experience of UOSA (despite apparently not being fully 3rd party accurate).

Dude, the way you talk reminds me of the mentally ill people I used to talk with, or even just someone who has taken too much acid.

I literally think you have to be trolling or just bat shit crazy.


Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:03 am
by testuseraccount
Man, thats not cool; not cool at all :_(

I present a decent idea to give the best possible experience and you guys are just harrying it the entire time. I keep providing adequate responses to concerns and all I get is an admin admittedly trying to waste my time, and you saying nasty stuff like that.

It hurts man, it hurts.

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:14 am
by meltedmantis
testuseraccount wrote:Man, thats not cool; not cool at all :_(

I present a decent idea to give the best possible experience and you guys are just harrying it the entire time. I keep providing adequate responses to concerns and all I get is an admin admittedly trying to waste my time, and you saying nasty stuff like that.

It hurts man, it hurts.
--"I present a decent idea"

says you and?

--"the best possible experience"
no one but you wants this experience, so how is it better? its only better to you

--"I keep providing adequate responses"
If you give a response and the person says its not adequate then its not, or do you have the powers to inject understanding into their mind unknowingly?

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:21 am
by applejack
Six pages of you guys being trolled by Telamon is pretty friggin funny.

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:46 am
by Arsen
applejack wrote:Six pages of you guys being trolled by Telamon is pretty friggin funny.
yep u just said what i had in my mind

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:51 am
by Hemperor
If it's Telamon then he's only trolling himself by being a subscriber here.

Alex21, your comments were unnecessary and just plain stupid.

testuseraccount, your proposition is inaccurate, unwanted and in my opinion; impossible. Not sure how this made it to so many pages.

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:59 am
by Blaise
His IPs are banned from the forums, but you nerds can speculate on that all you like. He wouldn't bother with conversation such as this.

Insulting Kaivan's well thought out and concise responses is no way to get what you're after here. There are very few who want as restrictive/controlled an experience as you are aiming for. Personally, I would love a shard where everyone is forced to play how we played on Launch. Not with all these add-on/control programs that effectively game the game.

It is never going to happen though. If you don't want to waste time, just make a shard where you police what everyone does. Trust me, it's not that hard to see who's using a third party app. Just wait until night falls and ban anyone not casting In Lor.

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:23 pm
by Light Shade
Blaise wrote:His IPs are banned from the forums, but you nerds can speculate on that all you like. He wouldn't bother with conversation such as this.

Insulting Kaivan's well thought out and concise responses is no way to get what you're after here. There are very few who want as restrictive/controlled an experience as you are aiming for. Personally, I would love a shard where everyone is forced to play how we played on Launch. Not with all these add-on/control programs that effectively game the game.

It is never going to happen though. If you don't want to waste time, just make a shard where you police what everyone does. Trust me, it's not that hard to see who's using a third party app. Just wait until night falls and ban anyone not casting In Lor.
What if they're running around role-playing a blind man!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:29 pm
by Blaise
Light Shade wrote: What if they're running around role-playing a blind man!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
That's the only way I can play shards that go beyond the UO:R era, lest the neon blind me for realsies!! :)

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:52 pm
by testuseraccount
You guys almost finished with your post-game banter?

The party has just started it seems.

I have provided all ways of overcoming issues brought up by Derrick and Kaivan and etc, except the "Unethical EULA" and the issue of people using seperate computers/devices for communication.

Now, I understand the first one is a real big issue; but think back to the terms of the programs available at the time as well, is it not era accurate in a way as well? ;-)

The second one is just, like; really if someone wants to do something really bad: they will find a way and few things can stop them.

If someone wants to set up a set of computers to talk to others, or use their phone, thats cool; but it will cost them real money, money probably better spent donating to the shard instead of making it their own personal playground through automation.

Basically, what im saying is that 99.9% of people will be playing as it was meant to be played, unlike the less then 10% which do now.

The benefits in gameplay will be night and day for most, even if you are a millionaire rotting away in some castle in the corner of the map! You might actually enjoy and treasure what you have, imagine that!? :D

"Fun", what is that?! :D <--- you actually might remember what it means to have fun in UO again!

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:10 pm
by Hemperor
Let's assume your proposition is even viable; to totally lock down someone's PC to not be able to have any external communication or "helpers". We'll also have to assume that the UOSA population doesn't drop to 2 after this is implemented. We'll also have to assume that these things weren't possible in era, as we are an era accurate shard, even though we all know that they were.

I'd bet money that 97-99%+ of UOSA players have a smart phone capable of texting, calling, or even better: VOIP. How many have tablets as well? How many have more than 1 PC? How many are playing with their buddy in the same room?

Anyone wanting to get around your restrictions easily will, all you would be doing is putting a shit load of effort into making sure that people who want to get around it and play like we do today have to put in a minor amount of effort to do so.

Trying to be as nice as I can, and maybe it's my own fault for keeping this going, but your proposition has zero chance due to a few dozen reasons.

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:08 pm
by Freight Elevator
Oh my god just give up already.

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:28 pm
by testuseraccount
Nah, hemp; you haven't been keeping this going. Nothing anyone has said has changed me really...

They sure have tired me down a little, but nothing serious :D

hehe, otherwise; I would like to keep pressing with this until I run out of steam for it! :D

I know this system will work as intended and have the desired effect.

Most of you posting here have seemed to given up on life and see no point in doing things because they will just be undone!

I must admit, I share that train of thought a bit and think it is very good for the soul to figure out what truely is your agenda and what isnt: When it comes to some things, but this sure ain't one of em!

:D :D

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:33 pm
by Blaise
If we hadn't given up on life we wouldn't be playing in an online world.

/end sarcasm (but thanks for being insulting your your 'suggestion')

Your agenda is interesting, but not applicable here. I suggest you run your own shard and enforce these strict policies through software in your own realm.
Seeking to change the direction, tenets or goals of this shard is, quite simply, not going to happen. As such, the only time truly wasted on this effort is your own. Thanks for subscribing, taking part in the forums and sharing your thoughts.

Re: A programme to ensure we are all playing the same game.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:39 pm
by Hemperor
You guys were way off base with the Telamon accusations, my money is on Josh Lee.