Rare Spawns

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Just Athief
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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Just Athief »

This would only be the case if said newbies actually had an idea of what the rares are worth in the first place. If they don't then they will happily take 30k as to get started on a mage character or whatever.

If all the rares locations went public, then after awhile the prices will drop.
The more people looking for the rares, the more common the knowledge of the spawn timers.
Well if the newbies are smart enough to be reading this thread, then one would think that they would be smart enough to look at the trade forums to look up the cost of the rares.

Everyone who has ever played UO knows that rares = Money...

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Mikel123 »


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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by tekai »

That is the thing though, Most of us don't sell, we accually hate when people sell rares. We are trying to build a collection, or have an exelent deco. The ones selling are what we are trying to avoid. If you want your own personal collection, someone would help you if you tried hard enough.
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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Mikel123 »

tekai wrote:That is the thing though, Most of us don't sell, we accually hate when people sell rares. We are trying to build a collection, or have an exelent deco. The ones selling are what we are trying to avoid. If you want your own personal collection, someone would help you if you tried hard enough.
This is absurd.

How does your building a collection, or using rares to decorate, get impacted by me also seeking to build a collection or decorate?

If I want my own personal collection, I'll either find the rares, or pay someone to do it for me. How is this different than any other aspect of the game?

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by nubi »

Cataclyst wrote: Your reasoning behind all of this is out of spite and stupidity. Nice way to play a game, if I cared enough I'd continue to constantly kill all you NEU guys, and own you 1v2 some more, but it's boring fighting people who put up less of a fight than ACE.
Unlike most of you morons, we do not measure our penises on how well we pvp in UO. Otherwise we'd join you lot on IRC to discuss how much we owned each other.

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Cataclyst »

I'm flattered that you agree that my penis is huge, but it does not help any of your previous arguements.
(10:15:37 AM) mark: wana pk?
(10:15:41 AM) Cataclysm: all mine are dead, sigh
(10:15:44 AM) Cataclysm: thank weezy for one, spanky for the other
(10:15:49 AM) Cataclysm: and a dc for the third
(10:15:57 AM) mark: why u shouldnt team with ethnics

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by BlackFoot »

nubi wrote:
Cataclyst wrote:You are the dumbest person that I have ever known on UO.

It's quite obvious that you only went public with all of this because you were retarded enough to have a thief random steal all four of your runebooks, and get pk'd twice with another set of four on you.

There is no conspiracy, or anything. Blackfoot sells RARE spawns.. like everyone else sells IRON INGOTS and BOARDS. Why don't you cry about people not sharing macros, after all they found/developed the technique to perfect it to make money that way, Blackfoot and the rest of us just do ours in the way of rares, it's how we make our money. Sharing these locations isn't going to make the price go down, most of us it won't even affect because locations mean nothing without the timer (1-2 days of spawning).

Your just a complete joke and a tool, no more than a kid raging because he lost his stuff because he's too retarded to think logically.
Just for the record. I speak to caswallon often and not once have I heard him complain about him losing a runebook.

What I have heard him complain about, is all the secrecy surrounding these rares. I share his opinion, and so does alot of other people on this server. Funny enough everyone except the people who knows about them.

I don't see Caswallon raging at any point through this process. If anyone's raging its you lot. For instance I would say that hiring someone to camp our towers and using bugs to kill us while macroing, that might be taking it too far.

Blackfoot might sell rare spawns, like everyone else sells ingots and boards. But if I, just for the sake of the argument, were to buy all the ingots on this server and sell it for twice the price, who would that benefit besides myself? I have repeatedly tried to buy certain rares (which still spawns) but it have proven to be close to impossible, and I wonder why. I have an explaination, which I will not bore you with. However I think that making the spawns public will benefit alot more than it will harm. That's pretty much all I care about here.
this post is asinine, you guys seriously have to leave me out of this. I posted a few times cause this thread is hilarious but seriously, leave my name out of bad posts
Last edited by BlackFoot on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
<IronfistMax> tell me where you are in game, and ill come thank you personally
Mad_Max: blackfoot you sent everyone to a slaughter
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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Cutpurse »

So much crying over a game.

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Flash Hardstar »

I'm surprised nobody mentioned me, I pretty much ran the rare spawns for months and made millions more than Blackfoot :P and I still know a few spots this gentlemen who made the post doesn't have :lol:

What would interest me is if someone would actually try to find the Thinnly scattered hay (not to be confused with the thick scattered in papua).

As for cutpurse, the arrows are WEEKLY and as of a few months ago, were tuesday morning - completely random which type spawn.


EDIT: As for the rare locations being super secret and impossible for people to get.. I looted a few level 4 rares myself, while one or two other people were watching and timing it (and this is without me knowing the location). You just have to be dedicated; and no matter who knows where/when it spawns, you will find it. This is why they are called "rares"... the scavenger hunt isn't for everyone.
Red wrote:Kill Flash, and I'm going to bet that his loot is worth more than 2k.

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Silverfoot »

Flash Hardstar wrote: What would interest me is if someone would actually try to find the Thinnly scattered hay (not to be confused with the thick scattered in papua).
There's a rune to it in his rares library. He has all but a handful of the spawning rares in there.

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Psycho Guy »

Am I the only one that would neither be suprised or offended if there is a "rares cartel" on the server? They are worth a lot of money, they are... well rare, and how/where/when to get them is not well known, and its a great way for some people to increase the size of their e-peen. Makes perfect sense for certian people to horde the knowledge and control the market. It's how a capitalist society works. If you can get away with it, it's fair game and more power to you. And if it pisses people off, remember the wise words of the great Kat Williams. A haters job is to hate, the more people hate you the better you are doing.

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by Pristiq »

Everybody wrote:Blah blah blah whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch...
Seriously, guys...STFU. Who cares if more people can get to the rares or not? Who cares is Caswallon's gone nutso with conspiracy theories? I for one am sick of hearing about it, and can't seem to visit the forums without this thread being at the top of the list at least twice a day. This..."discussion" has devolved into a bunch of mud-slinging and claiming of half-truths to be gospel. How about you just play the game and enjoy the rares you can get, not bitch about the newbies who are now farming rares.
Last edited by Pristiq on Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
chumbucket wrote:Everyone else, don't be a jerk to staff. Maahes cries enough already.

viewtopic.php?f=33&t=40810 - HOLY HELL AN AWESOME VENDOR?!

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

WTB Elephant Man's Bones
and Taxidermied Bubbles
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by nubi »

BlackFoot wrote: this post is asinine, you guys seriously have to leave me out of this. I posted a few times cause this thread is hilarious but seriously, leave me out
I wasn't meaning to say anything about you specifically. I used you as an example, because catalyst did.

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Re: Rare Spawns

Post by nubi »

Flash Hardstar wrote: What would interest me is if someone would actually try to find the Thinnly scattered hay (not to be confused with the thick scattered in papua).
That's also at the rune library. I found it a few days ago.

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