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Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:29 am
by Stranger
BlackFoot wrote:Before I vote a few questions :D
chumbucket wrote:
To that end, I intend to establish a special prize given to [cA] members for the performance of extraordinary deeds in the spirit of [cA]. The prize will be extremely rare. Who receives the prize will be completely at my discretion. It will be known as the chumbucket Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Applied Bardery.
What is the spirit of cA that you are referring to?
Will there be a 'quota' of this prize given out? example - every 6 months the greatest act of bardery is rewarded. Or would it be more USA Medal of Honor style, where it is barely ever given out?
Everyone loves an awards ceremony :D
chumbucket wrote: We are proposing this as a town add-on. Hence, we would be willing to pay for these harmless items in the same way that other guilds pay for arenas, private stables, private forts, special "wargs", special free pvp areas, and so on. We believe that a large amount (to be determined by staff) of gold and silver would be the appropriate form of payment, which would have the added bonus of being a small gold sink.
It is an interesting approach to aquiring this item(s). It wouldn't be the first time a custom titled item was granted to a guild (See Kingdom of Ascalons Royal Charter). What provisions/cost were put on the item I dont know, I am goign to guess we never will since the creator and gm liason is gone now. There are also custom wearable items created for the UOSA pvp seasons, granted to the champions (well earned).
So its deffinately not somthing completely new, just the method of creation/aquisition is.

While we do (I feel) badly need a gold sink, I dont know if buying custom wearable items is the place. Personally, I would rather them be earned through shard participation (which Im guessing the act of bardery will be?) than bought (if you dont consider gold farming/trading earning :P).

Quick observation here and a bit off topic but all I hear everyone say is "We need a gold sink." To me its simple, make silver buyable via a vendor.

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:48 am
by chumbucket
I just want to note now that this has been up for a while and there is a strong majority in favor.

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:46 pm
by BlackFoot
How guilds would go about designing/aquiring their in guild prize needs ot be hammered out!

side note: wtf are you triyng to get pixel crack for cA! this seems against everythign you stand for over the past 2 yrs! how dare oyu

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:00 pm
by applejack
BlackFoot wrote:side note: wtf are you triyng to get pixel crack for cA! this seems against everythign you stand for over the past 2 yrs! how dare oyu
downs started giving tours of his keep to the guild. we have been bedazzled.

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:13 pm
by chumbucket
BlackFoot wrote:How guilds would go about designing/aquiring their in guild prize needs ot be hammered out!
If this is just a [cA] thing, then I have already thoroughly described what I want and staff would simply make one when I had sufficient funds and someone to award it to.

If this were a gold sink available to the shard as a whole, then presumably it would work in a few steps:

1. A guild applies for eligibility based on two factors (age of guild and/or contribution of guild to shard)

2. if approved, a name for the item in question is determined plus jewelry type (bracelet, ring, etc.; gold or silver)

3. once the name is approved, the guildmaster of that guild then provides the required funds and guild member(s) the item(s) are to be awarded to

4. staff puts them together and places them in the backpacks of those characters

5. gold is taken out of the economy and there are only barely visible direct effects on gameplay but extra motivation for guilds to be active.

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:14 pm
by Downs
it's true!

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:36 pm
by Pro
gon' apply for a sexy hat

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:50 pm
by chumbucket
Pro wrote:gon' apply for a sexy hat
Probably, if this were a general gold sink, it would need have some sort of purpose other than OMGPIXELS.

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:52 am
by Mad Max

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:24 am
by BlackFoot
chumbucket wrote:
Pro wrote:gon' apply for a sexy hat
Probably, if this were a general gold sink, it would need have some sort of purpose other than OMGPIXELS.
why does there need to be any other purpose than l33t pixelz?!

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:00 pm
by Ardos
Absolutely Yes. This guild has done a lot for the server even though they do run a few newbies off here and there it is essential UO has its dangers.

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:47 am
by chumbucket
Ardos wrote:Absolutely Yes. This guild has done a lot for the server even though they do run a few newbies off here and there it is essential UO has its dangers.
You just got kicked out of mYm. :(

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:50 pm
by lettuce
I voted no because alot of ppl voted yes i really have no idea what u r asking for nor do i can

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:27 pm
by karrelan
I voted no because this is not an AoS server with pretty things for us to buy from the gms. This server is good because in general the gms stay out of it. If it starts with a little bracelet then I would like to award one to my guild as well. Who is to stop every guild to want one? We already know that money is really not an issue for most players here, so it would not be hard for people to make the cash to buy a bracelet for themselves. If you really want to award your thing to a guildmate, put it into their guild title...a place for everyone to see....its doesnt require gm help of any kind..and it still serves the purpose of honoring your guild member.

Re: Poll: [cA] Town Add-On Request

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:01 am
by Populus

To apply for a OMGPIXEL you have to shout " I R NEW GLD PLS " at britbank for more than 2 years. Not alot of people can do that.