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Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:04 am
by Silverfoot
If you're party member is low on mana/stamina and are getting beat up, you know that you have to heal them and that they are unable to do any sort of mana dump. It gives you a lot of information.

IRC was around during T2A exactly as it is now, maybe you don't realize that? But that doesn't even matter, the shard is trying to emulate game mechanics of the era, not how people communicate outside of the game. I don't see how you can so easily throw out the idea of staying accurate to the era inside the game.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:23 am
by Charles Darwin
Silverfoot wrote: But that doesn't even matter, the shard is trying to emulate game mechanics of the era, not how people communicate outside of the game. I don't see how you can so easily throw out the idea of staying accurate to the era inside the game.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:28 am
by venox
if my party member is getting beat up- i help/heal them
not due to mana or stamina.

i dont doubt irc was around.
my point about irc, is by choosing irc you are impossing the progmatic and cosmetics of irc into secondage.
its an independed program (when used with uo it is dependant) that developed in its own form over time and comes in various forms. how is that anymore accurate than the function of party/guild.
ive said my peice.
i guess you choose not to see the descrepincies in your own argument. and how its just another alternative. yet remains no more accurate.
spades and shovels...
(only edit grammer!)

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:40 am
by Preventive Paradigm
Things like razor mean that we will never be able to get perfect era accuracy, even with things as basic as spell casting in pvp. But that doesn't mean you just give up and roll over, because you cant have it perfect. This server is trying to get as close as possible to t2a, and this is something they can do to further that, so why wouldn't they remove the party system?

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:23 pm
by Biohazard
That is not entirely true as UOAssist was around...

Sure there are things in razor that were not in UOA but I think that a shard can enable and disable certain features in razor through the shard (I am not entirely sure of this)

The party and guild systems are nice. The chat in them I don’t mind so much. The thing that bothers me the most is that health bars remain on screen for party members and also you can see mana and stamina of your party members. Both of those little red and green buttons to auto-cure or auto-heal your members are pretty lame too. Pulling up someone’s health bar is pretty tough and if it disappears then it’s even harder to pull up while chasing someone down or running from someone.

If to take out health bars that remain up all time ends up disabling guild and party chat, then I am all for it.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:41 pm
by tenduil
venox wrote:
its not changing how you interact with the game, except when you want to talk to your friends you have to click on a separate window.
and that is era accurate and a challenge for some ppl which makes it a worth while change.

Why the big fight to keep it?

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:10 pm
by Mephistopheles
venox wrote:Fuck era accuracy.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:01 am
by Pro
tenduil wrote:
venox wrote:
its not changing how you interact with the game, except when you want to talk to your friends you have to click on a separate window.
and that is era accurate and a challenge for some ppl which makes it a worth while change.

Why the big fight to keep it?

because it'd be such a pain in the arse to have to deal with, it's clientside and sticky bars exist.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:25 am
by venox
if you read the rest of argument in context. you will see that i am arguing that it does not affect the t2a mechanics any more that those that keep arguing for this change.
wow that was cleaver
i wish i could edit what people say.

below is an illustration of the most probable new party/guild chat. and i sure dont have memories of this during my time in t2a.
you have to get out of your head the idea of deleting.
its transfering and/or altering.
this proposed change isnt accurate. i surely never experience this.
to say that irc is not part of uo/client is false. cause you only use it with uo and because of uo. its like these software plug-ins you get that you use with music software.
the irc channel secondage would be pretty useless without secondage.
maybe we should delete that too and any other communication feature that evolves.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:50 pm
by Ezekiel Black
I completely understand the thing about era accuracy. It is basically an argument like, "If we are doing a historic reinactment of a certain military battle, then it is important to have the appropriate kind of shovels that they used to dig their trenches. If we use more modern shovels during our reinactment, then we are moving further away from it being an accurate reinactment." This being said, at the same time you don't use actual bullets and shoot one another during a reinactment, so no, it isn't %100 accurate, but its still worth having the accurate shovels.

MY BIG ISSUE is that the party system allowed the sharing of fame, and as far as I know you are still able to gain the "Lord" or "Lady" status from high fame. I am beginning to play with a particular group of my RL friends and we were going to adventure together, but I dislike the thought of having to lower the enemies near death and then running around kiting in hopes of letting the guy that is behind in fame gain get the killing blow.

I may not be entirely accurate on these mechanics, but I think that is how it will work without the party fame sharing. I'm not so concerned about the chat thing, as we just use skype.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:12 pm
by Blaise
Fame/Karma sharing, along with the Party System is NEA. I got plenty of fame just holding the killshots until the mob was at 0%.

Nice thread An Corp though.

Guild Chat is NEA. Please remove for further progress towards the goal of the shard.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:50 pm
by applejack
It has already been addressed grandmaster troll.

Derrick wrote:Parties have been removed completely as they are absolutely not consistent with the T2A era. There was much consideration and discussion given to removing Guild Chat as well, but it has been decided that it will not be removed.

There are a few factors that played into our decision on guild chat, its convenience was not the deciding factor. We were able to modify guild chat so that it cannot be used to trigger the SysMsg condition in Razor. It is my view that guild chat is essentially a interface feature, and it does not now enable a player any ability which cannot be obtained through an allowed 3rd party application such as UO AutoMap. It also provides a partial substitute for the "UO Messenger" client feature which was available during our target time frame, but we are not able to provide due to it's removal from the UO Client itself.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:19 pm
by Ezekiel Black
I'm a new player here, so thanks for being super friendly and calling me a troll. I was looking at the forums during my lunch break and didn't have time to sift through everything on the search result when I was searching for information on why the Party System wasn't in effect, But I checked the first few results and this appeared to be the most pertinent thread. Thank you, again, for being total asses to me.

That being said, I suppose I ought to at least make me being called names and told that I am doing something wrong worth while and try to get some clarification on the concern I had.

What do you mean by holding your kill shot until the mob is at 0%, and is this effective in a party related atmosphere? Also, is there a way to check your fame in game so that you can tell if someone is falling behind? I am going to be building towards the support mage/healer type, so I am figuring that I will not be doing the most dps. Another friend of mine is playing a tamer and I'm not sure how all of this will affect his fame rating.

Also, in the future, to keep your forums sanctified, would you suggest I just page GMs when I have a question? I'm not sure I will always have hours to pour through old forum posts every time I need a clarification.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:22 pm
by Ezekiel Black
I realize that I might have been more asinine in my last post than is appropriate. I apologize. I haven't been having the best day at work, though I realize that that is not really a great excuse for being so sardonic. I also realize that just because other people are rude to me doesn't mean its right for me to be rude to them.

Again: I'm sorry. I generally try to avoid being negative in any way.

Re: Era Accuracy: Party System

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:35 pm
by Light Shade
Ezekiel Black wrote:I dislike
What people are trying to make you understand is that it doesn't matter what you like or dislike or what you think is better or worse. All that really matters is whether something is Era-Accurate or not. What you dislike is accurate to the era, so it will not be changed.

When posting in this forum, it is important to understand, though not explicitly stated...that "suggestions" are expected to be suggestions for era accuracy.

If you want to discuss how something is Era Accurate or not, that is acceptable, also.

To just ramble on about your opinions on the merits of something, regardless of era accuracy....well, that is better left for another forum...most likely Trash Talk...but feel free to try Second Age Discussions.

Anywho, bottom line....

Era Accuracy is all that matters, take the rest elsewheres.
