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Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:14 pm
We all have lives and takes eons to gm charecters solo
Ok heres how you can macro a character to 7x with one client.

1. Start with 50 healing 50 resist.

2. Go train anatomy, magery, and meditation.

3. Set a razor macro to cast spells on yourself then heal yourself. ( you want the whole razor code?)

4. Summon daemons while spamming all stop and attacking nearest non friendly and you will have all gm combat skills in a day.

Overall its going to take you about a week thats how long it took me.
Also the extra Charecter slots allows me to make charecters i would have never played or made in the past. Like a tamer or thief ect..
We're suggesting that you can have as many accounts as you want you can only use 1 at a time.

If it aint broke dont fix it.
Bottom line is, 1 account per IP IS era accurate
the only reason i play here is the fact that we can have three accounts each allowing us to have fun with one account well the others macro
I think the keyword is that you have fun with one account, and that the characters macroing are superfluous to your fun levels.

So fun is conditional in that unless you have 2 accounts macroing in the background you're not having fun?

How many characters do you people need for Christs sake!

1 Tank Mage
2 Thief
3 Mule
4 Tamer/Provoker
5 Dexxer
6 Tmapper

These are practically the only used character templates on this shard, only 7 and only 1 of those is necessary for PVP.

Frankly all I need is Thief, Tankmage, and Provoker, but all of the characters I have listed above are easy to gm without another client.

The only skill I can imagine needing another client is healing past 80 because you need a ghost, and you can probably have a friend help you with that.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:41 pm
by Apok
If i was at the same point in my life as i was in 99. id just pay for another account. This is a free server (Donations only "RAAAAAR") so multi accounts makes sense.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:59 pm
by Wise
its also a server which AIMS to replicate T2A accuracy so 1 client per IP makes more sense.

Persoanly I have 2 tank mages, 3 crafters, 1 provo, 1 tamer, 2 theifs, an orc, 3 ghost accounts

the only reason I made all these characters was cause I had room too...

I am very very happy with 1 crafter 1 provo


Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:08 pm
Apok wrote:If i was at the same point in my life as i was in 99. id just pay for another account.

I'm arguing for 1 client per IP so you can have as many accounts as you like.
Apok wrote:This is a free server (Donations only "RAAAAAR") so multi accounts makes sense.

You couldn't have more than 1 client open at a time without using a illegal program in 99'.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:20 pm
by Apok
So Besides myself, My older brother and my younger borther how would you allow all three of us to play?

Iam sure if you limits the ip per account your opening a can of worms. how would you monitor if people did infact have family members that play?

I just think this whole thread is a waste of time.

Limit it to one account and all of a sudden you go from 500 online players to 100, How does that make sense in a mrketing point of view. and for donations and web advertisment point of view it just makes the server look weak.

Thats my two sense.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:26 pm
by Senses
Just wondering Apok, but with you and your brothers, how many accounts do you currently have access to from your IP?

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:32 pm
Apok wrote:So Besides myself, My older brother and my younger borther how would you allow all three of us to play?

Iam sure if you limits the ip per account your opening a can of worms. how would you monitor if people did infact have family members that play?

I just think this whole thread is a waste of time.

Limit it to one account and all of a sudden you go from 500 online players to 100, How does that make sense in a mrketing point of view. and for donations and web advertisment point of view it just makes the server look weak.

Thats my two sense.

500-100, 300 unique ips connect to the shard, thats all that matters.

You cant see a solution to the problem you have just raised?

Hmm how to give people extra ips if they have relatives...

Easy! just have Derrick Verify them through ventrillo. Too hard? Hell I would be content if people just pmed Derrick that they have family members and he gave them accounts, sure people would lie, but it wouldn't be a standard to multiclient.

Is that acceptable for you?
I just think this whole thread is a waste of time
Fuck you!

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:39 pm
by backdown00
Apok wrote:So Besides myself, My older brother and my younger borther how would you allow all three of us to play?

Iam sure if you limits the ip per account your opening a can of worms. how would you monitor if people did infact have family members that play?

I just think this whole thread is a waste of time.

Limit it to one account and all of a sudden you go from 500 online players to 100, How does that make sense in a mrketing point of view. and for donations and web advertisment point of view it just makes the server look weak.

Thats my two sense.

500-100, 300 unique ips connect to the shard, thats all that matters.

You cant see a solution to the problem you have just raised?

Hmm how to give people extra ips if they have relatives...

Easy! just have Derrick Verify them through ventrillo. Too hard? Hell I would be content if people just pmed Derrick that they have family members and he gave them accounts, sure people would lie, but it wouldn't be a standard to multiclient.

Is that acceptable for you?
I just think this whole thread is a waste of time
Fuck you!
I understand you think its so easy for derrick to validate them through ventrillo, but to be honest, does derrick even have the time to do this? This would be a major major update that I doubt he even has the time or resources for. I think its a mute point to argue something that is not feasibly possible at the current time.

I am not pointing fingers or saying this would be an awful change, but its all riding on derrick. Everything is easy to say and its also very easy to dictate what needs to happen, but the action plan behind this would be huge.

I can't imagine this would take priority over other very important changes that have been pending for accuracy. Then again, this could be something Derrick has been thinking about. i think we just need Derrick to chime in if this is currently possible to implement before we get more heated and frustrated. we may be arguing a dead point.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:48 pm
by Hemperor
It might take more than a day to 7x a character if you can only have one account? OH MY, delete this suggestion right now!

I'd almost have to go out and adventure through the lower dungeons and across the world, building my skills up and not being a pusshole just because I'm not 7x... come on people, where's the classic UO atmosphere?

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:40 pm
by oddball
getting rid of multi-client would just hurt the population and server, and the server is to old right now to change whats been in place for so long all it would do is hurt new players.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:04 pm
by Hemperor
oddball wrote:getting rid of multi-client would just hurt the population and server, and the server is to old right now to change whats been in place for so long all it would do is hurt new players.
hurt them? It's accurate...there have been plenty of changes already that has made it harder for the new guys, but they were put in place for the sake of accuracy.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:42 pm
by oddball
Actually its not If I wanted to buy 2 accounts in OSI UO and play them at the same time I could. So i dont know where your getting your info

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:57 pm
oddball wrote:Actually its not If I wanted to buy 2 accounts in OSI UO and play them at the same time I could. So i dont know where your getting your info

Not at the same time.

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:59 pm
by oddball
Sure you can

Re: Era accuracy discussion: Account Limits

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:01 pm
by tekai
2 computers raawr^