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Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:41 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
I am talking about another server in can keep on progressing how it was here for free but then have another sister server that can be expandedy. I am not sure how real and plausible that may be but I bet if you found sponsors and presented an idea that works I think you can have with donations from those interested as well a world of Ultima that involves the playerbase to do much of the work in a "T2A Expanded" in a Franchised rather then corporate manner.

Keep this a Free shard but acquire a franchising license for this idea of a sister server in a cheap pay to play with money contributed to actually own and manipulate entire realms that could even be stored on your own personal PC that you can change, add a town to, new monsters etc by either points acquired in time spent playing or in purchasing certain features outright. Sosaria would be left as is.

It could take some brainstorming to streamline some things that you would have kept or thrown out in this era but imagine creating environments, your own little kingdoms, dungeons, and towns to generate revenue etc in which you could invite players in to explore. I think it sounds completely awesome and made for the whole purpose of creativity, adventure, and foremost fun. There would have to be those who would have to develop an interface to do so of course. And players could send in ideas for monsters etc. they would like to see and these new monsters too could be up for sale to have them spawn in your kingdoms. Those fortunate enough to have housing in Sosaria would be able to create a real estate market in order to help generate the revenue to expand their own personal lands.

I think it can be done, and I don't know of anywhere better to kickstart a project like that to head it then the staff here or the ideas to make it awesome then the vets here. I just ask for it to be considered if there are realistic ways we can make it possible. I think people would seriously be excited about something like that and yes a lot would have to be discussed etc. on rules, guidelines, etc. but if you could pull that off, Ultima fans everywhere would be totally stoked.

Like for so much money you could start off with a castle, a plot for a town bare, and a dungeon bare amidst a wilderness environment you create with spawn of your choice with new spawn acquired by other means. You could create the town and dungeon areas in points earned, gold spent, or donations. As an idea. This would help bring more housing available to players and a larger world to explore. If you want a nice player base give them a place in the world to stay in, one that is totally their home in every aspect.

Maybe choose a name like the ever changing and expanding worlds of Ultima-Shadow Gate. You can have themes too like you can have some lands in the Nether plane like where you are dead or like elemental planes. perhaps the Rat's nest where Ratmen and Giant rats swarm or whatever the creators of those worlds desire. If enough people played you could visit all over and it would be an adventure because you wouldn't ever know what to expect.

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:48 pm
by Faust
Good example of one of the models using the code Kaivan and me developed that looks highly promising that could explain the "disarm/arm" exploit. This scenario would have corrected a critical issue in the code but not completely rendering the mechanic completely obsolete. We have set a guideline utilizing a timeline starting from the original code from May 1998 following these steps.
  • May 1998 Original Code
  • Introduced insta hit & the prep time that was patched in early February 1999.
  • Found a plausible bug (explained below) that would have introduced SEVERE cycling through a disarm/arm exploit that takes one simple variable placed into the prep time logic expression to fix. We would be talking about 1 second cycles here with such an exploit.
  • Introduced the movement restriction that would not allow swings to advance during movement (explained previous in this post).
  • Range check after the swing advacement that already existed in the original code.
This means that we have followed a strict timeline that passed every single requirement for such a system for the combat timer development process.
Disarm/Arm Exploit wrote:Also, something else that I find interesting is that if we change the following line of code:

Code: Select all

                if (IsEquipping && SwingState >= 2)
                    SwingCounter = 1000;

Code: Select all

                if (IsEquipping)
                    SwingCounter = 1000;
This actually results in much faster cycling. OSI's attempt to fix this issue may have been similar to what we already have built into the code. It stops an extreme level of cycling, but doesn't stop it entirely.

This combat timer is hands down the best, most accurate representation, that has been developed to this day.

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:41 pm
by FishinPro
Faust wrote: This means that we have followed a strict timeline that passed every single requirement for such a system for the combat timer development process.
Disarm/Arm Exploit wrote:Also, something else that I find interesting is that if we change the following line of code:

Code: Select all

                if (IsEquipping && SwingState >= 2)
                    SwingCounter = 1000;

Code: Select all

                if (IsEquipping)
                    SwingCounter = 1000;
This actually results in much faster cycling. OSI's attempt to fix this issue may have been similar to what we already have built into the code. It stops an extreme level of cycling, but doesn't stop it entirely.

This combat timer is hands down the best, most accurate representation, that has been developed to this day.

WOW! Looks like you and Kavain really had to put your heads together to re-write that entire piece of code. What did it take you, 3 or 4 days to come up with that brilliant replacement code?? How do you guys do it...

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:37 pm
by Faust
I know right.... because pulling four lines out of the hundred or so to display an example for a severe disarm/arm exploit as mentioned repesents the code as a whole. Sure got us son. :roll:

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:37 am
by Ulfrigg
FishinPro wrote:
Faust wrote: This means that we have followed a strict timeline that passed every single requirement for such a system for the combat timer development process.
Disarm/Arm Exploit wrote:Also, something else that I find interesting is that if we change the following line of code:

Code: Select all

                if (IsEquipping && SwingState >= 2)
                    SwingCounter = 1000;

Code: Select all

                if (IsEquipping)
                    SwingCounter = 1000;
This actually results in much faster cycling. OSI's attempt to fix this issue may have been similar to what we already have built into the code. It stops an extreme level of cycling, but doesn't stop it entirely.

This combat timer is hands down the best, most accurate representation, that has been developed to this day.

WOW! Looks like you and Kavain really had to put your heads together to re-write that entire piece of code. What did it take you, 3 or 4 days to come up with that brilliant replacement code?? How do you guys do it...
Lol what i dont get is why a none accurate combat code is gona switch a more accurate combat code? Right now we are more accurate on how it worked then Fausts upcoming personal he need code to start play again.

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:49 am
by Faust
You are beyond ignorant.

There were actually two algorithms written between us two. Both functioned identically in the same manner. The difference is that I wrote mine reversing the states to start the swing from thr beginning instead of at the end. The final algorithm (Kaivans) that is highly likely to be the right combat timer that we have been discussing in this thread was wrote by me based on his explanation. The two take two different approaches but ultimately functioned EXACTLY the same.

If you think you can come up with something better Mr. T2A Expert please with all due respect write it. However, we know you cant and even if you could write something it would resemble something worse than what the RunUO team came up with. You dont even understand key concepts of the era or the mechanics based on your posts in this thread.

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:59 pm
by Scienter
equipping while casting was a primary benefactor during the pre-t2a era. the most effective example was when you would equip a bow while casting an ebolt to interrupt a gheal and drop the ebolt.

equipping while casting during the t2a was do-able, but if you didn't unequip by the time the target came up you fizzed.

in order to interrupt yourself while casting cure to mess up someone's poison timer became relevant during UOR. a pvper would equip a dagger casting cure to have the opposition target his/her spell so the next time around the pvper could easily cast cure with out a threat of disruption. immediately during the equip you would interrupt your spell.

you can see the transition from the beginning to t2a to UOR.

looks like i posted this in the wrong thread

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:37 pm
by Menkaure
Ulfrigg wrote:I know how they worked, but you seems to think they worked like archery.
I do see what you are trying to do thou, you want to make this server a big duel arena instead of the game it was. 1 class only playable in pvp and only 1 weapon can be used!!

You honestly belive it was hard to execute that combo back in the days?

Also you havent explained the dex/stamina bug yet.

Lol, dude... Did you play back then? The only real build viable in pvp WAS the halberd tank mager :)

Dont get me wrong, there was a weird hybrid here and there that would do ok, and some dexxers or some crazy build that would win one or two duels. But 75% of the PVP population back from like 1998-2000 were ALL hally mages. So yea, it was pretty much the only playable "class," as you call it.

Also, Faust, this is jut out of curiosity. I have read everything you have written and you obviously have done your homework. I have two questions though: 1) I do remember in LATE T2A era days not being able to have a weapon in my hand at all when I would cast or it would auto fizzle. You could cast, then equip the weapon after the target came up, but you couldnt have anyhting in your hands while casting. 2)In late T2A days, you could not technically "insta hit" You could pre cast, just not insta hit. For example, I remember my combo was Explo, cast EB, equip Halberd, (wait the timer), hit with halberd, unequip and unload EB. 3)I do remember during the entire era of T2A the hit timer would not continue to tick while moving around. People had to stand still to get the timer to continue to tick, and if they were to move, the timer would pause at whatever it was at, and start again when they became still again.

My point is, do any of you remember these things in the later T2A days? Also, T2A was a HUGE era, were talking a couple of years, so technically, if something big like that was fixxed, what part of the era are we looking at? Late Era? Early Era? Mid Era?

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:46 pm
by Ohm
November 23rd, 1999

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:56 am
by SonicBoom
Not all attempting to derail this thread, but it was the first one I seen which was relevant to the question I wanted to ask..

Does this wrestling timer which is used to perform the weapon cycling count off of your current stamina or simply just your current dexterity?

Re: Haly Cycling with Wrestling timer!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:31 am
by Scienter
SonicBoom wrote:Not all attempting to derail this thread, but it was the first one I seen which was relevant to the question I wanted to ask..

Does this wrestling timer which is used to perform the weapon cycling count off of your current stamina or simply just your current dexterity?
Stamina. Great question.