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Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:32 pm
by Alexandria Rose
Nice Krumm! This is realy good background.

Huzke, i like it, i can picture the guild chatter clearly.

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:08 pm
by Spitfire
The Dungeon Guards have come to a crossroads, and Leonidas looked back upon the past before thinking about the future... He had met Melryn Moonstone one day in his travels, a fierce warrior known throughout Britannia for hunting down the bad guys. A battletested and charasmatic fellow himself, Leo thought that teaming and training with Mel would do nothing but improve both of them, and so he did. His belief system mirrored that of Mel's also, except that he came to find out Mel was lacking in one area: loyalty.

Mel lead and developed the Dungeon Guards from infancy to become a true threat to all murderers in the land. He built up a town and an army. However, Mel became scarce all of a sudden. He was missing meetings, missing hunts, and nowhere to be found when new soldiers wanted to join the army. He announced his own demotion and handed the reigns to Tiny. Tiny was full of promise but never quite lived up to expectations that were set for him when he was young. Had he spent more time training and less time with the booze, he may have been the most decorated warrior this place had ever seen. Even still, he made a fine leader and progressed the Dungeon Guards nicely.

One night, a terrible attack came upon the town. Tiny couldn't be awakened from his alcohol induced slumber, and Mel was once again missing in action. The streets were filled with the blood of Dungeon Guards and the houses set ablaze. When Mel returned to see the carnage, he asked Leo why he had not stepped in to fend off the attack. Leo would not answer. Mel persisted, questioning the poor attitude Leo was giving him. Leo simply replied "attitude reflects leadership. If you don't care about his place, then why should I?"

Leo could have left the Dungeon Guards that day, but he decided not to quit. He wanted to help bring the guild back to it's former greatness. With Tiny leading the way, Leo helped recruit a new crop of willing soldiers. The town would be rebuilt, brick by brick, with Tiny, Leo, and the ghost of Melryn Moonstone...

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:35 pm
by Alexandria Rose
Truth is always better than fiction.

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:53 pm
by Orrin
after several near death experiances it aint my fault i like a beer or ten :)

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:04 pm
by Orrin
Ok through popular demand and the general harasment i recieve to make a post here i have finnaly given in :)
"Points to note, im not really an rp'r"

the following is a true re enactment of how i started here on UOSA with a mythilogical twist.. (Alot of big words used there already so now im going to suffer, i think im drunk again)

Aramore had been an outcast since he can remember, it may of been the fact of the several house's he had decided to tidy up by removing certain valuble goods without the owner's concent. He had been forced to live in the shadows lightning people of there goods just to get by from day to day.

It was on one of these occasions where he stumbled upon an old ancient manuscrypt that fortold of vast treasures that where to be found deep within the confines of dungeons, Aramore ponderd over this for some time and after eating his last crumb ventured forth into the unkown.

It did not take long before he was hidden to a cave entrance, peering through the bushes he could see the entrance way and judging by the tracks on the ground it had been used recently, to the left of the entrance was a small gap man sized, this is where he was going to make his entry. He slipped through the entrance with minimal effort and took a moment to let his senses readjust.

The air was musty, damp, in the distance he could hear movement which sounded as though rocks where been grinded together. Carefully using the shadows he slowly made his way to the noise, what he saw from his vantage point humans made from stone, more than likely they had been trapped down in this stench they had turned into this form, beyond those was a strange glowing light that attracted his attenion, nimbly bypassing the stone humans he hopped into the light.

The other side he could see a long bridge and could feel a breeze upon his face, running over the bridge and hiding behind some rocks there was something he could not explain, a tornado was moving in front of him in gracefull yet deadly movments, then he saw the chest, his heart pumped a little faster. Edging to the chest he easerly unlocked the rusty mechanism, skillfully disarmd the trap only to find the chest had been looted before him.

Noises in the distance abruptly braught back his sense of danger, he could hear the clash of metal, shouts of man that was eary, blood curling and yet strangely exiting, he heard a scream and then there was silence. Edging towards where he had heard the fighting he saw two men leaning over a dead body, laughing to each other as they rumaged through the dead mans pockets.

One of the men stopped laughing, stood up straight and armed his sword, Aramore feared he had not hidden well enough and had been spotted, The two men advanced to his hiding spot, they where looking for him, heart pumping faster now and then it happend.

A group of warriors charged over the bridge and ran headlong into the two killers, there was a short battle, one of the killers was killed and the other seeing the odds no longer in his favour fled.

The warriors where of course the Dungeon Guards.

The above although long winded was how i started here on UOSA and how i bumped into the Dungeon Guards and now for my sins, I lead them !!

Lightshade's Tale

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:53 pm
by Light Shade
It had been a long day. Young Damon was nearly at his end with fatigue having held the gates of Delucia against the ever-advancing host of Ophidians and the vile murderers headed up by the Dreaded Mage Darklust. Damon’s friends Cloita, Krot, and Sir Bev sat down beside him. None said a word for a time as the embers slowly popped and sparked into the dark night air. The sky was dark as can be with no moon on this foul night. Still, the wolves howled eagerly awaiting the killing fields that they were fast approaching. As the exhausted men sat staring at the fire, they each wondered why they were there and what they were even fighting for. They all knew it was a lost cause. The enemies had far superior weapons looted from new dungeons in far away lands never visited by these heroes. The weapons all had names to strike fear into the hearts of the weak such as “the Blade of Insanity”, “Bone Crusher”, “Breath of the Dead”, “Frostbringer”, “Legacy of the Dread Lord”, and the “Ring of the Vile”. Not being able to leave their everyday lives to venture to these far off dungeons, they were unable to compete against these Dreaded Fiends. The odds were stacked against them. They each knew a lost cause and yearned for greener pastures.

Walking into the camp was a young woman of striking beauty dressed all in blue riding a matching blue forest ostard. Judging by the tan, she spent a lot of time outdoors. As tired as Damon and his companions were, they all sat up a little straighter and held their heads a little high as this young woman approached.

She surveyed her surroundings and you could see compassion deep in her eyes as she looked upon the battered camp inside Delucia’s walls. All at once it disappeared and turned to stone cold determination in an instant. Her startlingly blue eyes seemed to turn grey in between a blink of her eyes. She looked at Damon and his companions and her eyes came to rest upon him. She looked straight into his eyes with such determination that Damon leaned back a bit from this petite, but somehow fierce woman.

“Your name,” she asked?

“Damon,” he replied with a some hesitance and confusion.

“Damon, we have to be quick about this. This is just the leading edge. An army of reinforcements is on its way and it is much larger than what you are currently just barely managing to hold your own against. They are all, to a man, carrying weapons garnered from deep within the distant lands and dungeons. I will speak plainly. You must leave now, or die.”

Damon started to stand and say, “How?”

“I can get each and every one of you in Delucia out of this world forever and within the hour if I can convince you all to come with me to safety. I possess a fragment of the Gem of Immortality…and I know how to use it to take us to another land just as this one, but without the Dreaded Armies wielding weapons that cannot be combated. In this land you will still have time for your families and your normal lives, but you will have to come now. Only on a night such as tonight, that comes once every 5,000 years, is it possible to do what I propose. These armies will never be able to hurt you and your kin again.”

Damon looked around at his company of guards. They were all perked up now and looked almost hopeful. He nodded. “Very well. Cloita. Bev. Gather the townsfolk. Have them ready to travel within a half hour.” They both ran off to do just that….

An hour later, sweat dripping from her brow, the young woman placed the fragment of the Gem of Immortality in the center of an intricately drawn circle full of patterns in pure white and black sand and slowly stepped away. As she backed out she expertly smoothed the sand. She gestured to the heaven’s and concentrated, but nothing seemed to happen.

The townsfolk gathered around her started shuffling their feet anxiously.

Staring at the fragment of the Gem of Immortality, Damon was starting to lose hope. Then, almost imperceptibly, the smallest spark of light issued forth from the gem. It grew brighter and brighter issuing a beam up into the Heaven’s. Soon the beam turned translucent. It could be seen, vaguely at first, but then more clearly…a town on the other side. Soon, it looked as if they were staring at their town, but slightly different…though not ravaged by the war they were in.

The young woman’s brow was dripping with sweat by this time… “Go, now. All of you go now and hurry,” the young woman said somewhat breathlessly. What was left of the town and its defenders hurried through the translucent portal. Lagging behind, Damon looked at the young woman and asked, “M’Lady, forgive me, but I do not even know your name. You lead us all from our graves to our salvation yet I don’t even know how to address you.”

“Smithy will do,” she replied , showing her weariness. “Come, we are the last to go.” At that moment she collapsed and the portal started to shrink. Damon picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of flour and led her and her blue ostard through the portal to the new lands. After going through, he turned and looked back through the portal at Napa Valley and saw the Dreaded Darklust staring back at him. “We shall meet again, Young Damon.” The portal winked out of existence.

A jolly fellow strode up to young Damon and with a suddenly worried expression on his face asked... “Is that my daughter? Arianna!?!?!? Is she okay? What happened? Who are you?”

“My name is D…..Lightshade,” Damon replied. Cloita looked at him oddly. “I used to go by Damon, but I am starting new here and leaving the past behind me. Here, lets get her to a healer.”

2 months pass…

Standing on the docks staring at the battleship, Lightshade was filled with awe. It was enormous. He’d never dreamed of such things. Never mind that he was the ship’s High Mage. Who would have believed that he had the spark for it? Who would have believed that he’d learn it all almost instantly? He turned around and received a fierce hug from a teary-eyed Smithy. “I’ll see you in 8 months, friend,” she said haltingly.

“It won’t be that long. Take care of my little Vesper Beach house while I’m gone. Give it some decorating if you find the time, I know you’re good at that sort of thing,” Lightshade said with a smile.

“Why did you ever pick Lightshade,” Smithy asked.

“I was walking towards the light from the shade of a past I’d rather forget. It just seemed right,” Damon replied. “Take care Smithy, and take care of the people. Bah, I know you will. You don’t know how to be anything other than helpful. It’s just who you are. Take care Hun.”

With that, Lightshade spun smartly on his heel as a trained naval officer does, and marched across the brow for his 8 month tour aboard the “Second Chance”.


Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:35 pm
by sakura
Spitfire, Druss, Lightshade...

I love you guys!!! ...erm... I mean... your stories ^_^

Akari Moongate

How the Second Chance Rune Library Came To Be...

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:59 pm
by Sexy Smithy
Keeping with the spirit of “Second Chance” and all the players that have been associated with it across multiple “lands,” this castle shall be public and open to all to use. As it was a gift to its owner, so shall it be a gift to the shard. Thanks go to Luca for giving this to the shard. It was with his last gasping breathe that he gave this library to the citizens of UOSA.

…He had happened upon a group of traveling loggers plying their trade in the Yew woods. The loggers were besieged by a flock of uber mongbats at the time and it was looking dark for them indeed. Many had fallen injured as Luca made his way to their aid.

Then, the very air in front of them split and a moongate of sorts appeared, but it was no normal moongate. It was radiating light in the spectrum of the rainbow. It was a gate from the mythical land of Trammel itself. Was this salvation for the beleaguered loggers?

As their spirits rose, out stepped the Dreaded felix brandishing a Halberd of Vanquishing with the blood of innocent children dripping from the end. Luca, being the ever selfless person that he is, threw himself in the path of felix and the uber mongbats. He battled them singlehandedly dealing them grievous blows and pushed them back. Felix was hamstrung and stumbling. Just when it looked like the Valiant Hero Luca would deal out a reckoning, felix r-called out in the blink of an eye.

Luca was shocked to see his adversary tuck tail and run in such a cowardly fashion. In that moment of surprise, Luca was dealt a mortal blow in the back from none other than a hidden chumbucket. As Luca fell to the ground, chumbucket wrestled from him a deed to a castle. Seeing Luca’s plight, the loggers finally regained their courage and swarmed the cowardly chumbucket, ripping him limb from limb.

One, in a frenzied bloodlust, ripped chumbucket’s still beating heart from his chest. It is now on display in a vial of formaldehyde in the NE corner of the castle library.

It was all too little, too late for the brave Luca Blight, though. As he lay there gasping his last breaths with bloody spittle on his lips he said, “hand me that castle deed,” and the loggers hurried to do so. Taking a trembling hand, Luca came up with a quill…and with his own blood signed over the castle to the people of UOSA.

With his last breath, he sighed, “better to let everyone enjoy it than to let some douchebag buy it.” At that moment, Smithy happened on by and being a citizen of the people took up the deed and ministration of the castle right there on the spot at the loggers urging. Soon the new and empty castle filled with furniture and decorations. Darkhounds were tamed and trained to man the front turrets against the evil forces of Trammel and L337 10v1 PvP. Mess halls were created for traveling patriots of the realm of Britannia. A rec room was put in for weary travelers to come visit and regale others with fanciful yarns of the world outside.

Soon, the cold and empty new castle was full of life. All of this thanks to Luca Blight’s selfless gift to the people of UOSA.


P.S. Before you ask....No, i'm not.

Painful Memories...

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:39 pm
by sakura
Well… Alexadria was nice enough to let you stay here. So make sure you help out around the house… and don’t stay out too late, the girls might worry… - Said Akari with a fake smile on her face.

Well well… little sis trying to set rules… how rude – Said Akane turning her back at Akari and going back to unpacking her belongings. – I like Alexadria, I think we understand each other pretty well… hehehe.

Um… I was wondering… why a Dungeon Guard?... Why not… you know… C~V or… Oh! IL is more like you I think? – Said Akari trying to hide her concern.

Oh… someone is afraid I might take all the attention away from her…- Laughed Akane - Well, if you need to know… at first it was Kanas idea, she can’t stop worrying about you, but I don’t blame her after that Pirate stunt you pulled off… What is it about you and getting people in trouble? I mean… look what you did to our parents… - Akane made a pause acknowledging what she had just said – But anyways, I got sick of Moonglow and after talking to Norris and guild master Tiny, I thought it would be a good way of getting my training done. – And just like that she walked pass Akari and made her way downstairs.

Akari hearing what her sister had just said about her parents and ignoring everything else, sat on the bed, took out her sword and just stared at it for some time…

… It was a warm summer day in Yew and the Moongate family was getting ready to go on a picnic…

Ok, everyone ready?? – Said the girls mother Kaede - Akane dear get your father and sister. Kana, see if your father got the horses ready… I have a feeling he might have wonder off with little Akari and forgot…

I will destroy you evil troll!! – shouted little Akari, while running and swinging a wooden swords after her loving father, a tall and handsome man with hair like fire. Ailen turned around suddenly and got grab of his little brave warrior. Then giggles and laughs from Akari took over the house.

Ok my ladies, here we go!! – said Ailen getting everyone on their horses, Kana, Kaede and Akane and himself with Akari and into the Yew wood they went, looking for the perfect spot.

An enormous Yew trees stood in front of them, the perfect place, nice and shady for them to relax and have their picnic… but little did they know it would be the last…

Fun times, laughs, songs, good food... peace. The Moongates were a humble but known family, for the Moongate men always served the King well, and Ailen was one of the best swordsman around.

Akari as a curious and playfull child, wondered off… looking for something to use as a sword, since Kaede had forbidden Ailen from bringing his oun. Kaede did not like him fighting and did not really like it that Akari at her young age fancied being a warrior.
Akari walked around focused on this one thing... then something reflecting the sun caught her attention - A real sword – she said out laud with a big smile is her face, and as she stepped closer, she noticed the sword was stained with blood, so her smile faded away as she steped back.

Steps then a crack, and an Orc came out of nowhere, little Akari panicked and stared running and screaming for her father. Ailen could hear her and ran to her rescue… but alas unarmed…

Keade ran after her husband, the two girls stayed behind, as soon as she saw Ailen trying to fight the Orc, she took grab of Akari and told Kana the three of then should ride as far a possible, that they would meet at the house. This said, Kana took her sisters and Kaede when back to her husband, she knew some magic, so she would use it to help him.

Ailen was a very skilled fighter, so he managed to unarm the evil Orc as Kaede used her healing powers to keep Ailen safe… But then it happened… a second Orc came and stabed Kaede to her death.

Ailen, saw how his wife’s lifeless body hit the ground and without thinking ran to her… that was his final move…

Back in the house… the three Moongate sisters wiped for their parents who never came back…

…Akari my dear? Where have your thought taken you?, its time to go, Lightshade awaits us…- Said Norris softly while taking her sword away and smiling at her.

Akari looked back at Norris for one second then stud up and dried off the tears from her eyes. Looked back at him with a smile – I am ready!! Wonder what adventures awaits us hehehe.

MOONGATE MOVE IT!!! – Shouted Lightshade from downstairs.

Akari sprang down the stairs with a big smile on her face, it were those moments that made her heart content… being with her true friends… her new family.

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:23 pm
by Drunk Monk
Glad to see orcs aren't the only RPers here! ... php?t=2236

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:19 pm
by sakura
^_^ yup yup

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:30 pm
by sakura

Re: Enriching the Dungeon Guard with Role Play

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:14 pm
by sakura
Alex!! where is your next story??!!